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22 minutes ago, auxien said:

i didn't watch that video but i've caught some of the recent Stewart on TDS talking about Biden's performance/chances....he's generally not trashing Biden, he's pointing out valid facts that anyone with eyes or ears can observe for themselves. Biden is old and it's hitting him hard over the last ~6 or whatever years, he's declined in a number of very obvious ways that anyone, supporter or not, should be able to acknowledge. i live in America and want the Dems to sweep in the next election, but Biden's clear loss of faculties and ability is a huge point of concern for anyone, particularly those who aren't 100% all in on Dem no matter what (which is of course a very large chunk of the voting population). putting someone younger, reasoned, and who can be a little inspirational or whatever to at least some, who can be a point of narrative for trying to bring out the edge voters, that's a very valid path towards the presidency....even at this late of a stage.

totally agree. It's not just "can Biden beat Trump" that is a concern. It may be that he can't. However, even if he CAN and DOES beat Trump, it would still put the US in a crisis where someone who is clearly in decline, and will be much further in decline in the coming years, will be running the nation. There will be a point in time, if we haven't hit it yet, where Biden will be unable to lead the country and other people in the administration will be calling the shots completely. There will be a window between Biden being unable to do his job and hitting the point where the 25th amendment needs to be invoked because he's in hospice or whatever. I'd like to believe he would resign before it got too bad but, as I said it may be at that place already and he isn't showing signs of understanding the situation.  The administration has shown that it's response to this problem is to try to hide Biden's condition from the public and I don't trust them to make the right decision on this until it gets so bad it can't be hidden anymore.

All that being said, I don't want Trump to win. I'm really torn because this whole time, when "decent" republicans were voting for Trump and in my mind I would say that it is irresponsible to vote for a terrible candidate just to support your party. But here we are, the democratic party has put us in the same position. We have no viable alternative but to vote for someone who is not in the condition to lead. It's total despair IMO and I think 90% of the country is feeling it. Democrats need to unite and do the right thing and voice together that Biden needs to step aside and make it 100% clear that should happen. It is really the only right choice as far as I'm concerned. Then we need to pass age limits ASAP. I could see that being a bipartisan bill once these two candidates kick the bucket.


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How can it be that most R voters don't give a shit about how awful their candidate is, as long as they win?  Meanwhile the Ds are self-destructing yet again.

Party of the selfish and ignorant vs. the party of the selfless and caring, to be extremely reductive.

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1 minute ago, EdamAnchorman said:

How can it be that most R voters don't give a shit about how awful their candidate is, as long as they win?  Meanwhile the Ds are self-destructing yet again.

Party of the selfish and ignorant vs. the party of the selfless and caring, to be extremely reductive.

it has always been this way. means justify the ends w/republicans. they mostly have always united to get there then once there push through every fucked up policy they can, decorum be damned. for recent examples see the bush years. 

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1 hour ago, auxien said:

i didn't watch that video but i've caught some of the recent Stewart on TDS talking about Biden's performance/chances....he's generally not trashing Biden, he's pointing out valid facts that anyone with eyes or ears can observe for themselves. Biden is old and it's hitting him hard over the last ~6 or whatever years, he's declined in a number of very obvious ways that anyone, supporter or not, should be able to acknowledge. i live in America and want the Dems to sweep in the next election, but Biden's clear loss of faculties and ability is a huge point of concern for anyone, particularly those who aren't 100% all in on Dem no matter what (which is of course a very large chunk of the voting population). putting someone younger, reasoned, and who can be a little inspirational or whatever to at least some, who can be a point of narrative for trying to bring out the edge voters, that's a very valid path towards the presidency....even at this late of a stage.

fdr was in a wheel chair in his 4th term. the "what i saw with my eyes and heard with my ears" line stewart started and others are now repeating is actually a bit misleading, because less than 1% of people are really familiar with stuttering, like they have someone close to them who stutters. biden hasn't been articulate in 20 years. his way of talking has always involved conveying his message through imperfect formulations that rely on the listener to be able to get what he means by filling in the implicit context. it was fucked up when the opposition decided to use that to cast him as having dementia in 2019, and they've just been flooding that message for 5 years. he still doesn't have dementia. "decline" is a vague word. we're all in decline. it's well known that the presidency takes a toll on its occupants, this is older dude biden version of that. i really don't care if he seems tired sometimes. if he had a bad debate because he was sick and he was facing down a maniac, i don't care. he's fine. people are focusing on the question too much, and it's not a coincidence that it's the same narrative that's been flooded everywhere by bad-faith agenda actors for years. it's the worst thing you can find to say about him because he's great. 

honestly i think an aspect of what's going is a kind of mass hypnosis through suggestion of a message saturated through different mediums for years. it's wild to see. 

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39 minutes ago, may be rude said:


FDR died in office ffs, after years of him and his administration hiding his declining health. not a great example to bring up. FDR did good for the country, as has Biden. FDR could hide things and keep it rolling back then because he was over 20 years younger than Biden is and wasn't on camera/flying all across the country and the world every other day. this is not the job for an 70+ year old person, much less one in his 80s.

39 minutes ago, may be rude said:

honestly i think an aspect of what's going is a kind of mass hypnosis through suggestion of a message saturated through different mediums for years. it's wild to see. 

if you dug far enough back ITT i'm sure you could find me shitting on how old Biden was back in 2019, just like i've done since he got elected, since he talked about reelection, during every year of his presidency, and as i was doing while watching the debate live (only have to go back a page or two for that!). gaslighting that this very old man somehow is 'not too old' is the only bullshit message i'm hearing around here.

i'll vote for him over Trump if Biden's in a coffin. people like us are not the concern, the rest of America who are either thinking of swapping to Trump (i've talked to more than one in just this position) and/or just not turning out at all (very likely a heavy sway for the youth vote) because of Biden, that's the issue....age is only a partial aspect in there, but it's a big one. Biden is significantly 'unpopular' per the polling...he's not got a great shot at winning based on that metric alone. and he's unpopular not because he's done a bad job, but because him and his administration is shit at selling it....in part, because he's old as dirt.

Edited by auxien
FDR / 'keep it rolling' pun was 100% unintentional oops
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46 minutes ago, EdamAnchorman said:

How can it be that most R voters don't give a shit about how awful their candidate is, as long as they win?  Meanwhile the Ds are self-destructing yet again.

Party of the selfish and ignorant vs. the party of the selfless and caring, to be extremely reductive.

part of the R thing with Trump is that the Dems hate him. a lot of them know Trump's a piece of shit, but the simple fact that it riles the left is more important now to their addled brains.

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3 minutes ago, auxien said:

i don't give a fuck, though it would be sad

4 minutes ago, auxien said:

this is not the job for an 70+ year old person, much less one in his 80s.

ideally no but elections are not about manifesting ideals (actually impossible when you consider the varying perspectives)

5 minutes ago, auxien said:

gaslighting that this very old man somehow is 'not too old' is the only bullshit message i'm hearing around here.

i don't appreciate being strawmanned as gaslighting. my posts here have been in good faith and generally well formed. he's not too old to be capable of doing the job. honestly, experience and wisdom are counterarguments, making older people have significant advantages to what they bring to the job. a lot of younger politicians take missteps that biden doesn't. he's just spent 4 years demonstrating that you were wrong back in 2019. he did the job extraordinarily well.


8 minutes ago, auxien said:

i'll vote for him over Trump if Biden's in a coffin.

ok we agree of course and i appreciate the debate as usual. i would urge you consider if you're truly certain that your message is accurate, because people will interpret your message in their own way, and where you may vote for him they may not.

10 minutes ago, auxien said:

Biden is significantly 'unpopular' per the polling...he's not got a great shot at winning based on that metric alone.

i think it's best not to stare into that void too much. we're in weird times, informationally. we need to be careful not to be steered by the herd, but rather to steer the herd. 

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5 minutes ago, may be rude said:

ok we agree of course and i appreciate the debate as usual. i would urge you consider if you're truly certain that your message is accurate, because people will interpret your message in their own way, and where you may vote for him they may not.

i don't give a fuck how people interpret my 'message' because it's not a message. it's a post on a music forum in a thread that 98% of forum users have tuned out or blocked. it's my thoughts, i'm not on the campaign trail. i'm just thinking out loud here man, no one on the planet is reading your posts here or mine or anyone else's and basing their vote (if they're even American) on what we say, i guarantee.

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33 minutes ago, auxien said:
46 minutes ago, may be rude said:

ok we agree of course and i appreciate the debate as usual. i would urge you consider if you're truly certain that your message is accurate, because people will interpret your message in their own way, and where you may vote for him they may not.

i don't give a fuck how people interpret my 'message' because it's not a message. it's a post on a music forum in a thread that 98% of forum users have tuned out or blocked. it's my thoughts, i'm not on the campaign trail. i'm just thinking out loud here man, no one on the planet is reading your posts here or mine or anyone else's and basing their vote (if they're even American) on what we say, i guarantee.

actions have consequences. some people read.

it's well known that there are generally more lurkers than posters on a given forum, the ratio often to an order of magnitude of 100x or more. 

some lurkers here have even peeped up to post things like "this is where i get my info, thanks to the people posting"

even leading experts are realizing that they don't understand in detail how people are reaching their conclusions these days, it's just a rapidly evolving, wild, opaque new information landscape. one of the places people get info is forums like this.

you're free to post whatever and i'm free to post that your info may be problematic and please consider if that's really what you want to be doing

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i read that Joe Biden’s age has become so obvious because until recently he’s eaten the hearts of children that kept him young and virile, but now the SCIA* is onto him so his team of snatchers has had to go deeper underground and he rarely gets new child hearts to devour the flesh of. he’s trying to stay in power because the SCIA can’t prosecute sitting presidents.

*Secret CIA

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42,918 people would have resulted in 269 to 269 in the electoral college, throwing it to a decision by the house of representatives by delegation count, by which republicans had more, so presumably they would have given it to trump. the amount of energy people put into that election was part of the record number of people who turned out to help us squeak by. 81 million people voted for biden. before 2020, the most votes any candidate ever got was 69 billion (obama 2008). exponential chain reactions of influence such as they are, and the way powerful information can be viral and propagate itself when needed, anyone involved in engaging about that election was part of the result. it's all a big weird quantum soup. everyone's mind is a battleground, and everyone is an agent of change. it's not just biden's job to win this. that perspective is obsolete.

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20 minutes ago, exitonly said:

uhhh so trump was maybe shot at and it maybe grazed his ear or something similar. crazy stuff

lol wow wtf, there's pics of him bloodied but alright it seems.




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I´m astonished how Democrats are so fucking stupid. I think in general both parties are shit and USA is shit (politically), but I do prefer Trump over Biden.

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one of the rally attendees was killed, another injured seriously.

shooter is dead. no ID yet.

rubber bullets supposedly found on the stage, idk what that's about. seems to have been 4-5 shots?

Trump's going to make millions tonight. Musk already came out and said 'i'm endorsing Trump after the incident'  ...all this is almost certainly going to rally the right in America, whoever the shooter is. and by rally i mean embolden them in who knows what kind of ways... and drive them on election day. Rs might've just secured the election.

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