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1 hour ago, may be rude said:

interesting points, but something changed in 2008. during clinton, they impeached him for a blowjob. now, they're ready to go along with trump hanging merrick garland for treason. 

2008 - 2016: mcconnell explicitly led an overall strategy of stonewalling anything good so obama could not get a win because he saw the GOP would fall into a long-term minority position if they let obama rack up wins for years, following the disastrous bush administration (which culminated in GOP policies causing a global economic crash and recession). simultaneously, the smart phone/social media migration was occuring and the new internet started spinning up. we all know how that went. it brought us to 2016.

2016 - 2024: the twisted right, shaped by a blanket strategy of subverting reality, gets aggressively commandeered by a russian agent

the modern rightist world needs to have its keys taken away. it is fucking insane. maybe it's always had psychotic episodes, sociopathic behaviors, veins of insanity, and strategies of deceit, but a qualitative threshold has been crossed. 

as readers here know, i follow The Bulwark, which is a bunch of conservatives who also are in touch with the facts enough to recognize what's going on with the hostile takeover of the republican party. it's generally established among those kinds of circles that the modern republican party is not like the republican party of bush W (which was awful) or the decades before that. they agree that fox news and other maga-aligned actors bear more resemblance to fascist parties we see in other countries than they do to how americans think about the republican party, traditionally. 

in the trump years, the republican party became "post-policy." they literally demonstrated that they were willing to abandon any position they previously claimed they cared about, in the interest of power. 

over the last 8 years the better republicans left and were pushed out. romney is an easy example but there are many. what remains are utter fucking weirdo lunatics like matt gaetz, margerie taylor green, and jim jordan running the party.

mcconnel did this explicitly because of the Borking.  which later became slang "he got Borked" and mcconnell's whole life became about obstruction and getting conservative judges appointed. 

full episode of the borkening. "Supremem Revenge"



and yeah.. definitely things changed as time went on.. as they always do.. the seeds of it are in the 90s. under clinton for sure. i forget where i read it.. but newt gingrich actually told hillary "we're not going to impeach him.. this isn't going to become a thing" then when more information saw the light of day they did it anyways and she asked him "why are you doing this" and his reply was "because we can".  it's all about power struggle.  meanwhile the dems stayed quite about George H W Bush's 20 year affair w/his secretary. which has still not really made the news in any way. 

you don't need to convince me the republicans are scumbags and scoundrels willing to fuck over anyone so long as it serves their purposes. just saying.. there's several points in the last 40 or so years where things turned one way or another because of specific people and specific events.   and yes, obama being elected is one of those events. trump being elected is one of those events.. and before that the tea party hacks being elected in a wave in the house is one of those events.. but before all that the 90s were planting seeds.. and before all that there was Lee Atwater.. fucking absolute shit stain. 


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2 hours ago, joseph said:


I know trump is also a genocidal cnt but he isn't pretenting not to be. Kamala on the other hand with her idiotic self help bullshit is just caving in to lobbyists which may well lose her the election anyway. 2016 is not that far away from being repeated. 

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9 hours ago, Alcofribas said:
11 hours ago, may be rude said:

the better republicans left and were pushed out. romney is an easy example


i know, but it's true. romney is one who would stand up to the party and defy the party line, standing up for things that he believed in as a matter of conscience (though not every time, for sure). for example, when he voted to convict trump for his first impeachment (abuse of power, leveraging military aid to get zelensky to announce an investigation into biden). romney gave a tearful speech, naively explaining to his fellow republican senators why he won't be going along with their gaslighting.

even there we see examples of your point. romney meekly offers a peace offering, saying his colleagues act in good faith (other republican senators who acquitted trump, many of whom were not acting in good faith)

that peace offering wasn't enough. romney was ostricized by his own party, and he became a target of the right wing bubble's deceitful attacks, resulting in more threats toward him and his family, personally, causing a need for increased security. his career was effectively maimed by the lack of support from other party members and he was effectively pushed out by that combined with the threats caused by the narratives of the right wing media space.

it's common that good journalists, brave public servants, and other upright citizens would be targeted by the modern right simply as an act of threat and intimidation. it's plainly fascist behavior. look at what happened to pelosi's husband. this real threat is deliberately wielded by people like tucker carlson, who puts his audience's ire on folks like disinfo journalist and librarian brandy zadrozny. you see the twinkle in tucker's eye that he knows exactly what he's doing when he, time & time again, puts dangerous junk in the heads of the public that results in nutters targeting good people based on lies.

in 2012 he was the party's nominee and in 2024 he's driven out with threats, because he wouldn't go along with maga fascism.

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30 minutes ago, Crazing said:

I know trump is also a genocidal cnt but he isn't pretenting not to be. Kamala on the other hand with her idiotic self help bullshit is just caving in to lobbyists which may well lose her the election anyway. 2016 is not that far away from being repeated. 

It would be highly irresponsible to help put Trump back into power (by failing to vote for Harris) for this reason alone (there are many others):

if Trump take office again, it seems that the checks on Netanyahu's military power would be loosened or released entirely. 

The Democrats at least have to take the anti-war voices into account (for purely political reasons). Trump doesn't.

The violence (in Gaza as well as in Israel, Lebanon, and elsewhere) could still become much worse. 

Edited by joseph
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40 minutes ago, Crazing said:

I know trump is also a genocidal cnt but he isn't pretenting not to be. Kamala on the other hand with her idiotic self help bullshit is just caving in to lobbyists which may well lose her the election anyway. 2016 is not that far away from being repeated. 

trump already said he'd bomb Iran to smithereens.  i suspect he'd consider nuclear deployment as reasonable. 

regarding the media messaging and things politicians say vs what they do.. yeah.. also worth mentioning that this is an election year and not a normal one. politicians will walk a fine line as they try to appeal to the widest audience possible because they want to win.

i think if harris wins, and decides to do something about israel, it'll happen in the first month if not first week of her presidency. that way people have 4 years to forget about it before the next election.  but she may do nothing and keep the arms flowing and not stand up to psycho netanyahu. but if democrats are in good standing in congress they could conceivably cut off money to israel but big doubts on that since AIPAC has tight grip on congresses' balls. biden has no balls and is awol on israel.. or so it appears. 

further commentary of a different kind


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16 minutes ago, decibal cooper said:

such poise, such attention to detail, such protestant work ethic, utterly presidential


I reckon he's never looked that intently at anything he wasn't planning on sticking his dick into.

Edited by EdamAnchorman
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1 hour ago, may be rude said:

i know, but it's true. romney is one who would stand up to the party and defy the party line, standing up for things that he believed in as a matter of conscience (though every time, for sure). for example, when he voted to convict trump for his first impeachment (abuse of power, leveraging military aid to get zelensky to announce an investigation into biden). romney gave a tearful speech, naively explaining to his fellow republican senators why he won't be going along with their gaslighting.

even there we see examples of your point. romney meekly offers a peace offering, saying his colleagues act in good faith (other republican senators who acquitted trump, many of whom were not acting in good faith)

that peace offering wasn't enough. romney was ostricized by his own party, and he became a target of the right wing bubble's deceitful attacks, resulting in more threats toward him and his family, personally, causing a need for increased security. his career was effectively maimed by the lack of support from other party members and he was effectively pushed out by that combined with the threats caused by the narratives of the right wing media space.

it's common that good journalists, brave public servants, and other upright citizens would be targeted by the modern right simply as an act of threat and intimidation. it's plainly fascist behavior. look at what happened to pelosi's husband. this real threat is deliberately wielded by people like tucker carlson, who puts his audience's ire on folks like disinfo journalist and librarian brandy zadrozny. you see the twinkle in tucker's eye that he knows exactly what he's doing when he, time & time again, puts dangerous junk in the heads of the public that results in nutters targeting good people based on lies.

in 2012 he was the party's nominee and in 2024 he's driven out with threats, because he wouldn't go along with maga fascism.

no, this is not true lol. it's honestly quite sad to see how much trump has rotted people's brains, so much that liberals such as yourself could assert that someone with mitt romney's legacy is one of the good republicans. truly bizarre. what exactly are you fighting for if you think romney is one of your allies?

fun fact, in 2004 i was cuffed and escorted by police out of an event for standing up and turning my back while mitt romney delivered a speech. i'm so sick of ghouls like romney getting re-cast as "good guys," having their entire political careers white-washed, bc they come out against trump. don't fall for this.



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31 minutes ago, Alcofribas said:

no, this is not true lol. it's honestly quite sad to see how much trump has rotted people's brains, so much that liberals such as yourself could assert that someone with mitt romney's legacy is one of the good republicans. truly bizarre. what exactly are you fighting for if you think romney is one of your allies?

fun fact, in 2004 i was cuffed and escorted by police out of an event for standing up and turning my back while mitt romney delivered a speech. i'm so sick of ghouls like romney getting re-cast as "good guys," having their entire political careers white-washed, bc they come out against trump. don't fall for this.

mccain also sucked but he gets reframed as one of the good ones because he opposed trump and had some shred of principles when it came to how government should work.. and he said that one thing about obama when he was running for president about obama wasn't a muslim etc.. but it's always that stories are told to sway what people think.. it's a standard tactic - "even _______ (insert opposition republican) thought ___________ (insert relevant political/social issue) was completely wrong".

it's just a shitshow.. always.  changing histories and back stories to reform someone's image so they can be used for political purposes in the current time. 

romney is a venture capitalist asshole who destroyed companies and lives.. but was governor of Massachusetts and had some liberal policies and healthcare for all in the state and legal weed or whatever.  less a son of a bitch than others but more a son of a bitch in some ways.

1 hour ago, EdamAnchorman said:

I reckon he's never looked that intently at anything he wasn't planning on sticking his dick into.

honestly he probably looks at the hamberders in a more intent way than he does whatever he sticks his pickle dick into. 

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25 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:


trump fries.jpg

this is the life he should've had. 


btw was just staged bullshit in case that wasn't obvious. 



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55 minutes ago, ignatius said:

this is the life he should've had. 


btw was just staged bullshit in case that wasn't obvious. 



How does McDonalds count as a “small business” even since it’s a franchisee.

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13 minutes ago, Rubin Farr said:

How does McDonalds count as a “small business” even since it’s a franchisee.

i think it costs $1 million to open a mcdonald's.. or that was the franchise fee in the 00s i think.. 

edit: minimum of $500,000 non-borrowed capital.

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6 hours ago, Alcofribas said:

liberals such as yourself could assert that someone with mitt romney's legacy is one of the good republicans.

uh no i said one of the better republicans. you seem to have conflated that with me saying mit romney is good. no.

better is not equal to good

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