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We Don't Care About Music Anyway


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This is one of my favorite documentaries, and it doesn't seem to be very well-known, so I'm posting it here for everyone who hasn't seen it before. It's a French-produced documentary that follows the different styles of music being made by Otomo Yoshihide and some of his much more underground friends, who do equally interesting experiments. If you're into experimental music at all, then this is something you will definitely enjoy. The soundtrack is flawless, and the visual recordings of the performances are expertly done. The people who made it really knew what they were doing, and found some great performances that you probably won't find anywhere else. The film is available to stream on Netflix, so if you have access to that, then you should consider it.


This trailer pretty much says it all:



Another reason I'm starting this thread is because, for those of you who are familiar with this film, I'd really appreciate some recommendations for similar music. Most of these artists are very obscure and haven't released a lot of recordings, so I'm having a bit of trouble finding more artists in the onkyo scene who are doing stuff this innovative. Otomo Yoshihide is nice, but he's also kind of a hit and miss artist for me, since I'm not really into his more noisey and abrasive sounds, which seem to be his personal favorites.

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Been listening to some of that New Jazz Quintet stuff, you might wanna check Masayuki Takayanagi if you're into that

Maybe Masahiko Togashi for the more gentler stuff


I'm not into the New Jazz Quintet. I like his turntable stuff, like Invisible Architecture, Moving Parts, and Vinyl Tranquilizer.

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