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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. yeah, the timing is not a coincidence. dude literally takes toddlers from their families, surreptitiously, and detains them indefintely in a crowded, make-shift tent of crying children in texas in the summer. maddow had audio recorded in the tent http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/trump-accelerates-rate-of-taking-migrant-kids-from-parents-1258764867873?playlist=associated
  2. someone should start an AAA 1.5 thread where people can post questions in hopes that one day s&b will decide to start answering some
  3. i always like that part. cool sheet, phudo. i can't keep straight the details of the sets so that would be helpful for me to try to finally learn what's where
  4. i wonder what the next thing will be he said to ivan ooze something like he would put up the houston record he also said something about getting good tape gear for mastering the old stuff. i could see him getting a lot done on that front. last year he combined stuff we've heard that got mastered with stuff we hadn't heard. maybe we will see that again he also did stuff that was previously only on vinyl (gak). maybe universal indicator, one day? the fact that he put lisbon acid up seems like a hint that analord is coming
  5. yeah 8 was sick. i liked s02e04 a lot, too. i could nitpick but overall they seem to have executed season 2 in the best way possible. they transitioned from a sprawling story to an outright twin peaks kind of story. they emerged from a linear aspect of season 1 and are using the premise as context for stand-alone episodes, while piecing together the complex overarching story from different angles. my friend jumped in with s02e04 and loved it. would be awesome to jump in with s02e08.
  6. it would be pretty small of me to deride a deal, if it's a step forward like the republicans did with the iran deal because they couldn't afford to let obama have a win which established the narrative allowing donnie to withdraw from it something even the republicans wouldn't have done because they know they're full of shit
  7. would love to hear slow early morning mastered and full quality :)
  8. i keep rewatching this a-block. it picks up around 5:30. it gets pretty dramatic. for those interested in the mueller thing: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/mueller-adds-to-manafort-s-charges-indicts-russian-operative-too-1251775043545
  9. we're only just emerging into technological advancement. the fact that we don't "see" intelligent civilizations is kind of a faulty premise, because we don't know what to look for, because we're babies. we have no idea what humanity will be like in 1,000 years, or 10,000 years, any advanced civilizations that's watching would know what's in store, and that we are a germ of the species that would be fit to converse with them. i don't buy for a split second that "civilizations all destroy themselves." it's happenstance that humanity is a little aggressive and reckless. many humans have no destructive impulses and are careful and thoughtful. if the past were a little different then a different set of genes would be kicking around. seeking out life may be foolish, and i'm not even talking SETI beacons attracting maniacal AI, i mean letting a privately-funded mission do round trips to mars may contaminate earth with a nightmare bacteria. we have a lot of species here. and we're not even nice to them.
  10. Perhaps, and I honestly hope I'm just being a tad more pessimistic than realistic, but I don't think so. Not saying it's not possible in our lifetimes, just not something I'm betting to happen in 30 years, ya know? Maybe, would be great, but also very possible it won't happen by then. The thing is that with the inevitable push towards private enterprises and burgeoning space programs from many growing nations, I see things going down one of two (very) basic paths: 99% commercialization-focused (tourism, comet mining, lower-risk stuff to the moon, maybe Mars?) and pure-science pursuits (search for life, telescopes for research, etc.) just getting the leftover budget and advancements. Private companies win and other pursuits are stuck at the relatively slow pace they've been at since the 70's or 80's. with private companies innovating, NASA/others (govts) could purchase piggyback rides (literally and figuratively with second hand tech at low cost-to-develop) to really open up the pure science side of things. Everyone wins, basically. I just think with the hope of cash out there (and being able to be a leader towards the truly infinite potential of monetizing off-Earth resources over the next 100 years) that things will skew towards profit and privatization. That's really where things have been heading already, and I doubt it'll always benefit actual science. There's some benefits, of course, and ultimately I may be just pessimistic and the second route from above becomes truly great and revolutionary for scientific research and exploration, but I just doubt it. Very general blabber there, I know. There's probably not life elsewhere in the solar system anyway. If there is, then holy fuck that changes a lot of things, but given what we know now, the most conservative estimates of the chances of life pretty much guarantee that humans will probably go for hundreds of thousands (or millions) of years before encountering any alien life forms (of any type), ever. i think we agree. by 2050 i don't consider it more likely than not, but possible. in 2050, if musk has been shuttling people to mars for 20 years, the spirit of exploration will have moved on to ocean moons. tech skills will be such that the challenge won't seem too daunting. funding will be there. so by 2080 seems more likely regarding life outside earth, i think it's to be expected. we just have to confirm it. look at this timeline of earth's history: basically as soon as earth existed it had life. transpermia seems likely. a planet gets smashed in a collision and asteroids carry bacteria or whatever through space. plenty of forms of life can survive dormant in space.
  11. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    i like to think it's called eastre because they didn't expect that thing at the end to happen. i love that song. it's interesting to me how people don't like it.
  12. 9 chr0 has such a great instrument. one of the great things about autechre is that they make their own instruments and this one really stands out.
  13. they could have done a jazz release ninefly 9 chr0 glos ceramic
  14. missions to the ocean moons around saturn and jupiter are definitely up there on nasa's list. i think they would do an orbiter first, both to scout out landing spots and to assist in communication with the lander. there's a delay of 5 or so years to get something to jupiter or saturn. i think the timetable has to entail allocate orbiter funding orbiter development orbiter flight orbiter study allocate lander funding lander development lander flight that looks like 20 years, to me, from whenever it's set in motion. maybe they could include a lander with the orbiter, reducing that by half. the mars stuff is expected to be a joint thing between nasa, space-x, and others. musk may well pull off the mars thing, which would result in increased interest in and funding to nasa. that may happen surprisingly soon (5 years from now). private entities may get into robotic space probes, as well, in the coming decades. so, i wouldn't rule out a lander on an ocean moon "in our lifetime." actually i think it's somewhat likely that, by 2050, there will be a lander on europa, enceladus or titan. even more likely by 2080, assuming there's no catastrophic set-back in civilization caused by shit-head political elements or an asteroid.
  15. also, rising sea levels may be caused by rocks https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/17/politics/mo-brooks-nasa-climate-change/index.html
  16. it could be possible we need politicians who will admit that jupiter and venus are a very serious problem.
  17. may be rude

    elseq 1-5

    elyc6 onset pendulu hv moda chimer 1-5-1 c7b2 foldfree casual eastre tbm2 mesh cinereal acdwn2 latentcall pendulu casual spth freulaeux
  18. iran agreed to the JCPOA after having been subjected to the most extensive sanctions regime in history. in 2011 the UN security council piled on with more sanctions - china and russia allowed it! russia is allies with iran, and china had blocked measures against iran previously. signatories to the JCPOA are china russia france germany uk iran us the notion that trump can simply return to the sanctions previously in place by having the US leave the deal is divorced from reality. the US can impose some sanctions, but it will not be the level of sanctions that got iran to agree to the JCPOA. the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency is the official international watchdog. when people talked about how iraq and iran weren't allowing inspectors in, they were talking about IAEA inspectors. the current head of the IAEA recently described Iran’s implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, which he confirms are being implemented by Iran, as the "world’s most robust nuclear verification regime." what trump has accomplished is to sabatoge the JCPOA and egregiously damage the credibility of the united states. considering how wars escalate and the potency of the iran nuclear issue as a trigger, it cannot be overstated how wreckless this was. this is odiously heinous.
  19. Really? oh yeah, this hasn't been established, has it i kind of assumed they were performed like AE_LIVE because it's called "sessions" which basically always means performance in this context i feel like s&b would want to do it that way
  20. the track order has a good flow. better than elseq. i never played elseq in order much. I'd usually shuffle or choose certain songs. pretty much all their other albums have really good flow. NTS is a return to that, and maybe even better because they are performed live. how crazy that i can put on an 8 hour album that is such an unrivaled beast.
  21. drum tracking is done 2 months after they entered the studio. i'm really excited. they've never spent so long writing. Now they are taking their time in the studio. somewhere they said they had like 2 CDs worth of stuff they're working on. hype
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