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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. i miss the first two seasons, before the writers forgot what kumail's character was
  2. leave the 9 tracks on shuffle forever
  3. https://twitter.com/TrumpRising22/status/850085826721701889
  4. nothing on pravda or tass yet, either japan today, the guardian, haaretz, der spiegel, cbc, and obviously the american papers all have it as the top headline and have for a little while now
  5. trump launched dozens of tomahawks at an assad air base an hour ago moscow times, rt, and rbth have no story on this yet gotta think they're waiting for the party line
  6. i shower because you do

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      acrid shower jam

    3. Soloman Tump

      Soloman Tump

      that's very honest of you.


    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      start as you mean to go shower

  7. didn't know elon musk is a paid actor apparently the actors are starting to wear masks and bandanas over their faces like the unmarked russian soldiers in ukraine trump says are fine
  8. pretty clear he forced a decision on the HC bill friday in order to displace news stories about the nuney / comey revelations
  9. was blown away when i checked foxnews.com last night
  10. http://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/florida-wont-charge-prison-guards-who-boiled-schizophrenic-black-man-darren-rainey-to-death-9213190
  11. yeah a lot of people are patiently waiting for flacs it's supposed to be really good
  12. minds of creatures in our evolutionary tree are characterized by an understanding of time that is the result of how we evolved memory to understand perceptions. we think time is passing, but physics established long ago that "now" does not exist objectively. this introduces questions of a multiverse, and whether or not that there is a more basic "changer" than time... i.e., perhaps entire timelines are generated as a result of some quantum flux, and at any moment along one of these timelines, there seems to be a past. major discrepancies in physics, such as the experimentally evidenced phenomenon of entanglement, which flies in the face of basic understandings of time and space, make clear that we may only be able to glimpse a fragment of a much broader reality. machines, whose memories do not fade, and who have more direct and precise access to quantum phenomenon by virtue of their architecture being structured down to a foundation of circuits... how can we know that they wouldn't perceive a reality that dwarfs our own? anyway, to answer your question, i was referring to being based on time, when i said non-linear.
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