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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. hm ok that would make sense. i was looking at the flash pattern in slow motion and later noticed similar flash patterns in planes so i could buy it
  2. uh Scientists Believe These Photos Show Mushrooms on Mars—and Proof of Life https://www.popularmechanics.com/space/moon-mars/amp36356445/mushrooms-on-mars-nasa-photos-life-on-mars/
  3. play it on shuffle for added generative
  4. Yeah I didn't edit that one. There's some good stuff in there though. i'm talking about political will and there being many futures. I don't want to keep shiting up this thread but I think you've got a tautological argument where you posit that the next 3 years will play out in a certain way and then argue, based on that assumption, "don't you agree that the next 3 years will play out this way?" Maybe we are both wrong. I can't say that he can't and you can't say that he can. We don't know what's going to happen. Maybe the correct way to say it is we will see it doesn't make sense to say "right now, in the future he can"
  5. are you an american citizen? do you grant him that immunity? are you conceding to the trumpist fight before they even have to make it? we have 3 years to set the tone and these conversations are the game in electoral activism. influence spreads exponentially when you strike something resonant so why not sound the argument for what is right? the political arena gets ugly and it's also really weird. there is influence and impact that is possible, particularly with the advantage of time. the idea behind this crazy beast of a government is that the politicians are supposed represent us. people should know that trump is fucking disqualified and congress should do their jobs. i think i clarified how we are using the same idea in different ways here 3 years is a long time and we do not know that, when the time comes, he will be able to run. he probably won't try. though he will raise money for 3 years
  6. i believe in conceding when one is wrong. it is an act of strength.
  7. it's a question of enforcement and semantics. if someone tells me i can't plant flowers in a stranger's lawn and i say "yes i can" and i do, without being convicted of trespassing, maybe we were both right.
  8. the fact that conclusions take proving does not mean that rules don't exist until enforcement happens. he is disqualified and congress should say so. here we agree but the original question was if he is disqualified and i don't think i've been proven wrong that he is disqualified, albeit while a detestable congress neglects their duty.
  9. re: @Satans Little Helper @Braintree as i said, i view it as a question of enforcement. here's an analogy. let's say the rules are that you can't lifeguard if you have one leg. i have one leg. am i disqualified? or do we wait and see if the beach owners enforce the rule? trump is disqualified because he participated in insurrection. if congress wants to subvert that constitutional amendment then that's another problem. edit: i don't really have 1 leg
  10. two thirds supermajority is a very high threshhold. to US political observers, getting 7 GOP senators to vote to convict is damning. it means he did it, in the world of reality, and serious people know that. if you've assumed that there is any formal connection between that vote and any upcoming 14th amendment vote then i think that's incorrect. it may come down to the party numbers in 2023. even mcconnell said trump did it.
  11. It says this in the first article. And says this at the beginning of the second. they are talking about impeachment. talk about 14th amendment won't pop up until 2023, (if he tries to run). "considered" meaning they would have to vote on it for it to take effect. so, as of now he can run if he wants. if they are somehow able to bring it to a vote in the senate and get enough votes then he'd be barred from office. as of now he isn't. i think it would be difficult for them to get the votes needed.. especially since they are trying to do a big infrastructure bill and other things and don't want to distract away from that or further divide/burn any political capital they might have. but it's something they could do later. it's not like it expires. this is my understanding. i'm not sure if lawsuits or other mechanisms could also be a factor but yeah i think congress would have to invoke it and vote. they will wait to address this until they have to (2023/2024) now, here's section 3 of the 14th amendment: https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-14/ i view this debate we are having this way: there is the law and there is enforcement. in my view, by law, he is disqualified. if congress fails to enforce that, that is another issue.
  12. i see your point but i'm also seeing that the dictator was trying to achieve communism and had a kind of socialist ideology. i guess let's ignore that
  13. the first article notes the 14th amendment applies and is actively being considered. the second article doesn't mention it
  14. but: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambodian_genocide i don't claim to be an expert on this but i found multiple sources calling the political project communist. maybe you are confused because communism and dictatorships overlap so much?
  15. he was not disqualified by impeachment conviction he is disqualified according to the 14th amendment because he participated in an insurrection. regardless of your willful ignorance.
  16. oh hey cambodia's genocide was also communist @cyanobacteria have you researched ways into north korea?
  17. (marxist-leninist) stalin's genocide was one of the biggest the (marxist) chinese government's genocide of the uighurs is underway presently
  18. true, he had record turnout for a republican, while getting 5% less of the popular vote than biden. he was acquitted because conviction requires two thirds but i was pointing out the remarkable bipartisan agreement that he incited insurrection. 57 of 100 is not two thirds but that is still a remarkably bipartisan majority. i brought this up in the context of the 14th amendment.
  19. not a record because the other guy got 7 million more also the 14th amendment prevents insurrectionists from running for office. and the most bipartisan senate vote in the last 3 years was that trump incited insurrection.
  20. https://sirfrogsworth.tumblr.com/post/180094050736/a-degree-in-nonsense?hcb=1
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