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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. great post and very true. also it's nice to enjoy the good news. but it prompts me to post this counterpoint, which you allude to. zeynep has been one of the most astute and prescient journalists covering covid and here's her latest message. click the tweet to view the full thread.
  2. wow 41m into dublin its like a longer version of the last minute of icari mixed with column thirteen
  3. sorry, i misread. but my link also indicates that breakthrough cases that do not involve hospitalization are also counted:
  4. source? that's is contrary to what i have seen and i just searched it and found this cdc.gov page, recently updated, which shows the US counting breakthrough infections if people are hospitalized. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7021e3.htm
  5. i will admit that israel appears to be in the center of the map. maybe even slightly east. kind of middle-east.
  6. fox/gop/putin are getting good at manipulating the most poorly educated segment of americans and facebook makes it easy to get them to turn out at events
  7. mainly wanted to post this live set: because this is a general purpose thread i should post some info. discogs bandcamp some watmm threads: Nightvision EP [2020] City of Thieves EP [2019] Karen Lust - Bergensbanen [2015] some notable projects: Sleep Concert - "on april 1st 2016 danish sound artist karsten pflum and the library of herlev invited a limited audience into nine hours of otherwordly ambient soundscapes in a darkened environment" Max Maxell - Normal Bias - "All sound was recorded directly onto cassette tape, with no additional editing. 31 tracks (184 minutes of music) and a 55 page PDF file" he is a great dane (they're all great)
  8. if you believe this then surely you can identify the absurdity in assigning a "probation" to "the West" while people from "other cultures" are free to do so. lol i was hoping it would be obvious that i was not serious
  9. no harm comes from generalizing human groups negatively. there's no reason not to.
  10. it's the simulation's source code. read it on dmt
  11. i am genuinely unconvinced that we should not expect alien ai to be bopping around. i'm honestly befuddled that it's not the leading theory for ufos. of course it's incredibly more likely that we would encounter self replicating ai than organic creatures. like it must be thousands or millions of times more likely. and what reason would i have for believing that life did not release self replicating ai into the galaxy in the last couple billion years? that's all it would take. and the way the ufos act kind of seems like ai.
  12. not sure if this is what you meant by "the ufos are octopi," but if you are inferring that underwater sea life could in fact be aliens, then I'm totally on board with that. maybe aliens are supremely interested in what goes on at the bottom of the ocean, much more so than what we all are doing up here on land. or maybe they're actually down there in the depths trying to hide from us, knowing that we'd do something stupid to them...like lock them up in a facility, or try and eat them lol. lol i meant non-alien, native species, that evolved advanced abilities. kind of a stretch and i'm half trolling but honestly i don't discount the possibility that something else evolved to an advanced state long before us. we have arguments for why we think this is not the case but perhaps they are flawed. i think we project what we imagine non-human technology would be like. what if crustaceans refined their shells to exploit some material science we don't know about at all? they could have tapped into godhead consciousness and distributed an enlightened, transcendant perspective to the individual organism nodes so they are not guided primarily by "self" motives, and thus we would not see the kind of individualist intelligence that we look for.
  13. i'd go further and say what if the ufos are octopi? it's not a solid assumption to discount that other species attained forms of advancement. they may politely ignore the rude chimp situation, and disable a nuke here or there, when not donking the multiverse to visit the fomalhaut system or whatever.
  14. my holy book says to eat christians it recommends bbq and cheese wisconsin cheddar
  15. just want to let you know that i absolutely don't agree. i see absolutely nothing wrong with these vaccines. if anything, there is more scrutiny and scientific rigorousness on these than on others. i could mention that these days there is a massive disinfo situation, and disinfo networks are known to be targetting the covid/vaccine topic. and they are trying to convince people of the opinion you are voicing.
  16. yep. the modern illuminati theory was literally spread as a troll. they chose the old bavarian illuminati thinking it was too ridiculous to catch on.
  17. i deleted it. hard to defend israel while they toast civilians. i despise many acts by israel and israelis but also try to dispense with falsehoods that misrepresent the history and nature of the conflict. no one helps by playing loose with accuracy. there is a lot of lore that is heavily skewed, on both sides.
  18. got my second chip feeling a strange effect of relief
  19. i find it very noteworthy that greenberg wrote those letters. we don't know if stone instructed him to do so but i would suspect that stone or someone in that circle instructed greenberg to submit his pardon request in this form. this is very noteworthy because this amounts to trump camp seeking compromising material (kompromat) on elected officials, the obvious use of which is for leverage (blackmail). the letter drafts incriminated gaetz............. as greenberg was asking trump a favor......... he was providing evidence against a congress member.......... i'm sorry but this stinks, as a totally separate issue from the main story. trump/stone seeking compromising material like this on a congress member is more than a big deal. unbelievable what deeply rotten specimens we are dealing with.
  20. watmm receives an alien message decoding
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