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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. ok i watched tenet again to try to understand it and... i kind of wish nolan sat on it for a year at least and did some rewrites. it's kind of a mess. it was a cool attempt but i don't think he gets away with making it so dense and difficult to follow, because there are so many logical issues.
  2. or maybe we should play the long game...
  3. i'm still on initial impression, and can tell there is a lot to digest. it's different from planetx and also different from all the soundcloud tracks that were put up this year (like 17 weird and cool ones). seems like this album is more like spanish guy was going for consistent album vibe and kind of a lot of drums and bass. at the end of the day, people deserve to have pseudonyms, and there are things we will never know, and the ambiguous entities deserve respect. the trolling serves to raise awareness of this interesting subject that is only just emerging, in these early years of networked computing. correlation of accounts is bad hygeine. whatever rtr is, it draws pleasure by galvanizing the watmm response of projecting society and identity onto music. it challenges us to allow varying air pressure, and its effects on consciousness, to simply be.
  4. if you are someone who would call strangers to help them register, in georgia, so mitch mcconnell won't be majority leader for the next 2 years, then here are your links. https://votesaveamerica.com/state/georgia/ https://www.mobilize.us/crooked/event/363574/ both pages run through crooked media, aka podsaveamerica - former obama admin staffers gone organizers. they're coordinating with the local georgia organizations. georgia voter registration ends dec 7. early voting starts dec 14. election day is jan 5. 2 of the 100 senate seats are up, and they will decide control. both republican incumbants have insider trading scandals, including trading on the pandemic while enabling republican deception on the topic, and helped to cover up trump's high crimes. these guys are a great resource for those who participate @Brisbot are you in ga? trying to remember. if so, would be curious on your take, on the ground
  5. manchester '19 facebook audio was 2020. i think printworks '19 youtube also had the audio track upgraded in 2020. manchester opens with a 22 minute live composition that's nuts. printworks '19 has an 11 minute version of it. i also like the 4 minute track at 1:01:10, in manchester, a lot. not sure if the 2 minutes that precede it are part of it or not. and the printworks version of umil 25 is pretty dank, though shorter. and the printworks version of prememory100n is better, though spliced with another track. here's the download steps to get the manchester fb audio, which is a different mix and imo better than the yt audio track and here's printworks, which iirc had the audio upgraded significantly at some point this year imo these are live releases that are flying under the radar because they are free and youtube. they also include the squarepusher unreleased mash with stone in focus, steinvord backyard chopped up leading into outro noise, and both performances' outro noise pieces are awesome, and other stuff
  6. ^ that's USA nyt, looking at excess mortality, is calling the true impact around 350,000 lives lost, so far (US). three fifths of the deaths are over age 75, that means two fifths of the deaths are under age 75. in either case, these are deaths that would not have happened but for covid-19. yes, really. excess mortality confirms it. that's what excess mortality is. i may never buy a tesla.
  7. one thing we're learning is that "the media" can't do everything. there are only so many good journalists, and their publishers are hamstrung by fear of lawsuit. the big voices are not calling things what they are. we are learning, the hard way, that the public forum must lift some of the weight.
  8. i liked tenet but i have no idea what happened the dark divide is good
  9. actress - karma & desire aphex twin - manchester '19 fb audio autechre - sign & plus autechre - ae_live 06-08 cylob - 54 minute mirage cylob - live 060708 cylob - one less pitch dgohn - undesignated proximate ignatius - bundle drift ep jodey kendrick - ftp & wtflol rtr - planetx squarepusher - be up a hello heh, true. boiled it down a bit \/
  10. i'm hype af. isn't the '08 tour basically fabled around here? what's the deal with that tour? sean and rob decided to do some of their best work live and not record it, or something? like it was a totally new composition? am i making that up?
  11. seems like an amazing send-off from the dying era, where you couldn't just look things up, and people lived smelly lives of not knowing what the fuck. the millenials emerged on this planet like "what is happening?" us elder millenials bridge the divide, and witnessed the transition. trump stands as a perfect, towering statue, exemplifying, to an astounding extent, exactly how wrong and fucked a human can grow to become. it honestly seems like he just set the controls for the heart of the sun and committed to perfecting the example, knowing something is wrong, but also that he is old, and just prefers to double down. a brilliant beacon of how not to be, for the ages of the future to look back on with horror, disgust, and shame.
  12. my poetry interpretation: commentary on climate change and the state of democracy.
  13. eh, multiple reasons. still think it's cringey, but don't need to weigh in on the world stage of watm
  14. i see what you mean by distraction, like it's unfortunate that the biden admnistration may need to bear some political cost for simply adhering to principles of justice, and spend energy and resources. i think we are seeing exploitations of of a systemic vulnerablities, so it's appropriate to address them there are a handful of rats, but there are multitudes of good folks. would be cool if we can increment the sanity of the congress, so we can maybe scale down the consequence of the presidency, and its role, and do a real system upgrade. we all need to work on the sanity of the populace, which is targetted and challenged.
  15. tracks 3-5 on one less pitch don't fuck around
  16. russia conspiracy geeks or those with interest may find this thread useful. high-level summary on flynn situaton, as trump prepares pardon.
  17. it's a grower. i'm now really enjoying it. looking like it will be my favorite puscifer album. spacious sound, easy to listen through. and yeah definitely divergent from the josh eustis era and early stuff, which was more technoey, but watmm appreciates bowie, i think. this kind of reminds me of him. maynard singing in a higher register and less growly, maybe. i think it serves him well, if i'm not imagining it.
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