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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. yeah, man. still getting good enjoyment. the live show was incredible, too.
  2. big endorsement today. tim heidecker for bernie. https://medium.com/@thetimheidecker/wow-im-endorsing-bernie-sanders-8ffc8ff07b87 it makes me really happy to see creatives putting their voice in the fray. tim must do a ton of shit in red states. a huge slice of his revenue must be republicans. these guys generally have a real reluctance to put themselves out there politically. especially people like tim, who i think i've seen be serious 3 times, this being one of them.
  3. responding to this: in other news, Mark Zuckerberg Got $27.3 Billion Richer In 2019
  4. it had just taken off from tehran airport. it was on fire when it was going down. here's the first tweet mentioning "ukrainian airlines," time-stamped 3:22am UTC time. first reports of iranian missiles fired were around 11pm UTC time. between 11:30 and 12am UTC, reports of their impacts started coming out, impacts at Erbil air force base and the Ain Al Asad base. there were reports of a second round of missiles fired from iran, around 12am UTC time. i was watching tweetdeck.twitter.com during this. i was watching for reports of impacts from this second round. i did not notice any from reputable sources, but i may have missed it. flight ps752 took off from tehran at 2:42 am UTC time and lost contact a couple minutes later. if iran had launched anti-air missiles at 12am, i don't think they would still be flying around at 2:42am. there were reports of iran fighter jets taking off at 1:08am UTC. iranian FM announced they were done at 2:32am UTC trump announces "all is well" at 2:45am UTC i'm also seeing people saying that photos of wreckage seem to indicate shrapnel damage. there's the results of some research into @StephenG's question. TLDR: unclear, but not unlikely it was inadvertently taken down by iranian air defense.
  5. i have a square and i need to get it out of here. is there anyone who can help?
  6. croatia, germany, and canada are, at least temporarily, moving troops out of iraq, following trump's strike on soleimani, which totally didn't decrease security in the region. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/07/world/middleeast/nato-troops-iraq.html
  7. facebook employees write open letter to zuckerberg, agreeing with what everyone else says about making money by amplifying liars. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/28/technology/facebook-mark-zuckerberg-letter.html?action=click&module=RelatedLinks&pgtype=Article
  8. Iran Abandons Nuclear Deal Limitations In Wake Of Soleimani Killing
  9. susan rice, nat sec advisor from '13 - '17 put an op-ed out in the times, this morning.
  10. yeah, it will be interesting to see if these are like bonus tracks or not.
  11. @auxien, i just like to do playlists on shuffle. and it does seem like we have some unique squarepusher tracks in lossless, which already have names. just gotta cut up the thing.
  12. world war 1, which started with an assassination, simply ballooned out of hand. france and germany almost ran out of people. they didn't want that war. a serbian group associated with the serbian government assassinated the austro-hungarian arch duke. austria-hungary gave serbia an extreme list of demands that serbia considered absurd, but serbia was small and austria-hungary was pissed and they knew they could wipe serbia out, particularly because austria-hungary was allied with germany, who had a powerful military. but serbia was allied russia. and russia was aligned with france. so germany knew they would have to fight, and russia knew they would have to fight, so the russians started marching. because the russians started marching, germany decided to take france out before the russians arrived. so they went through belgium, bringing in britain on france's side. they thought they could put down france and britain in a few weeks, but the front didn't move for years, because they didn't know how the new warfare systems would play out. hundreds of thousands at a clip were ground up in poison artillery rushes. after millions had died on the hellscapes, france and germany began to design traps to simply lure the enemy into a meat grinder, because they knew the other side was probably running out of military-aged males. no side, if they knew what the war would have been like, would have allowed it to begin, in retrospect. germany had a war appetite, going in, but they suffered worst of all, with their entire population starving, and the survivors having endured an unimaginable, prolonged, hellish nightmare. what happens is people cross lines and then they can't go back, and there are steps of escalation, and there are surprising developments, and there are miscalculations and miscommunications. at the end of the day, a gun is a poor problem-solving tool. it is possible to hash things out. people need to use their words. this was a major escalation by trump. soleimani was the number 2 guy in iran. a major general who was an iconic figure. maybe he had it coming, based on a history of contributing to attacks on the US in iraq. i'm sure trump went to his DOD people and they pulled this option from their list. i'm also sure that this was an extreme option and a provocative option. far from seeking to avoid escalation, this is what you would do if you were trying to escalate. with this action, trump is stating that he does not care if war begins with iran. he's good either way. we all have to hope that iran absorbs this and accepts that soleimani was a dick who had it coming.
  13. yeah, this looks bad. this looks like trump wants war with iran. we're now in the time when we don't yet know what the iranian retaliation will be. and what trump's retaliation to that will be. do you think iran will do nothing? i sure hope they do nothing.
  14. for whatever reason, trump really panders to putin. numerous actions benefit putin and are starkly against US interest. for example, trump extorted ukraine to cover up putin's 2016 hack and dump operation on the DNC. that's what the crowdstrike conspiracy theory is, it's putin intelligence propaganda that shifts the blame for the hack from them to ukraine. oddly, trump started talking about the DNC server and suspicion around it immediately after his helsinki summit with putin. the conspiracy theory could not be found on the internet at that time. AND one of the things leveraged was a white house meeting, which was maybe more valuable than the aid because zelensky needed the show of support from the US while he is trying to negotiate an end to war with russia on terms that are favorable to ukraine.. countless very suspicious links exist. i never said they're friends. i think putin is kgb, and what they do is develop marks, and trump is a mark and an opportunist who probably knows he is compromised and is trying to weasel some cash out of this.
  15. kim jong un said he's resuming the ballistic nuke program and it looks like trump just killed an iranian general
  16. *aphex releases greatest concert video in history for free, including 20 minutes+ of unrealeed/live stuff stuff in soundboard quality* *2 page thread mostly about clothing dispatches*
  17. home alone 2049 involves a cyborg mccauley culkin defeating a race of android trumps on a mars covered in plaza hotels
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