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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Wow, second track is dope. edit: soz - its linked in this PR. https://djmag.com/music/premiere-datachi-‘akemies’
  2. Ah, and Epstein was a friend of Trumps, other right wingers etc - pizzagate karma. Got it.
  3. I'm out of touch with the whole pizzagate thing. Can you summarize for me what this means?
  4. I'm surprised to read this - of course I have no idea how things were but iirc you two were travelling together, seemed to be having a really good time. Sorry to hear it didn't work out man... that blows.
  5. I'm not American (Canadian I am...), but from what I've seen, this is exactly what is going to happen. The demo debate seemed very fragmented, the party seems to be WAY at odds with each other... Not enough cohesiveness within the dems atm...
  6. Good ole' AI already interfering with the election lol. More than a little frightening actually... innit?
  7. I had my first shave using the safety razor yesterday - was just very careful, and used "beginner" blades. Honestly will never go back to cartridge razors. Oh, if you do get a safety razor. Never for the balls man. Too risky. lol
  8. it worked for me I just posted that in the FWS thread yesterday actually. Amazingly close shave. or were you makin' fun o steveo? lol Safety razor = $60 for a decent one (handle and some blades). $15 for 100 blades. Each blade lasts 5-6 shaves.
  9. I decided to switch from a cartridge razor to a safety razor. First shave - 1 tiny nick, no razor burn. Success ?
  10. Most definitely! Loved it - my favorite set from Warp30 I've heard so far.
  11. The fact that it has full on amenry almost throughout should be a good sign it's archive material. He has said in a few interviews that he wouldn't be returning to that sound, no? Unless he had a sudden change of heart.
  12. Do you mean new as in... new? Or unreleased? They all sound old to me, 1998 -2006ish?
  13. Def. Moonshine really scratched an amen itch for me too. Maybe if we're lucky he will have another installment of that. ;0
  14. I think those are the best/my favorite of the bunch. Nice balance of beatwork and melodies/ambience. Too much of either without the other gets a bit boring for me.
  15. Intermittent fasting (taking on a set pattern of eating say, between 12PM - 8PM, 10PM-6PM etc) is successful for many - works for me when I actually stick to it. But you're right, eating late (and close to dinner) is bad for most.
  16. https://autechre.wetransfer.com/downloads/3ced4067d9a7754dbdee72ff25191a9820190624140839/05ebe9
  17. lol the Capital (Catpital?) One commercials are getting crazy these days.
  18. actually? lol whew. ok carry on then!
  19. crap... I was at work when I first saw this thread. Yeah 2gb link is gone.... what'd I miss? ?
  20. don't worry we're all sperging out over it in the main warp30 thread lol
  21. It was incredible, met a ton of watmmers too - they were super nice considering I was the Canadian 24 year old version of a valley girl lol. Had a great time going around Vancouver and ending the night with my mind blown. :reminisces:
  22. I was at the Vancouver show... first time seeing AE (or any of my fav artists tbh) live. It was so so so good.
  23. tourtiere, glazed carrots, beets ? those pizzas both look good btw guys
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