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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. How do you redeem codes aux? Not that it matters I'll pay for it anyway =P Only option I'm seeing is redeem gift card, but those are 10 digit numbers and your codes are 8. Sorry am bandcamp noob.
  2. Not sure if I'm in the minority, but my favorite "sims" game is still the original Sim City. =/
  3. Sorry I know! I just meant the "life is worth living" observation seemed kinda (ironically lol) pointless to me, as in it shouldn't need stating! Nothing yet - thankfully CT scan and blood tests showed no cancer or signs of abnormality in my brain. Need to see a neurologist to run some tests.
  4. Uhm... well I had a massive tonic clonic (grand mal) seizure at work... convulsions lasting 4-5 minutes. Apparently had very little oxygen as I was blue/purple, blood vessels in my face, neck, and chest all popped (I look like a walking bruise). Chewed off huge chunks of my tongue too. Waifu will have to go without for a couple weeks lol. Outpouring of support and concern from all angles made me realize people care about me and I'm valuable in their lives... I don't know. I don't (or didn't) have any pre-existing seizure condition so this was p-much out of the blue (like my face). I'm motivated now more than ever to stay healthy and get my shit in a pile.
  5. I've always had more than a bit of depression, but after having a (very) near death experience this week, I can see how much life is worth living. Life is worth living.
  6. oh lol I didn't even notice it had TWO patched eyes. I noticed two peg legs and hook arms but not the eyes.
  7. Imagine you had that as a lawn ornament? Just position it staring into your neighbours yard/windows if they piss you off? lol
  8. Looks real. What's it supposed to be? cap'n crunch? captain morgan? shit page break... ugh
  9. I instabought as soon as I saw the email this morning. System was great. First track sounds a bit like Monarchs no? Wasn't that the first track we heard off System as well? Not complaining btw.
  10. p much. Just for this reason, can the pinning be limited to city/town the member is in? IE can't be zooming in like google maps and pin our house lol.
  11. Riggggghhhhttt. Like you're suddenly going to have all the mens and womens in London or wherever you live stalking you based on a watmm member map. I think it's a neat idea tbh.
  12. I woke up and checked the leftover pizza and there was only one slice left in the box. I was furious. When I actually woke up there was plenty of leftovers. Redemption.
  13. And they should be! Well deserved. Congratulations
  14. Seems like the investigation, his finances etc may be linked somehow I guess? They must be getting closer to something damning. I'm probably just being hopeful.
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