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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Hopefully the rest of the album is mastered similarly. I don't care too much about compression but there are parts of ufab and especially damogen that caused uber ear fatigue really quick, I'm not hearing that with Vortrak and the remix. And was there any imaging really in ufababoon and damogen? Or was that all lost in how loud it was? I'm hearing all kinds of things flitting all over in Vortrak by comparison.
  2. ^ yes the bonus tracks, that's a hooj selling point on getting them from sp.net If we even get a few outtakes or alternate tracks for free, totally worth it (for me at least!)
  3. prob a number of savage beautiful BCM burgers too I reckon?
  4. I picked a good time to return lol this sounds exciting
  5. lol that's a good first world problem indeed ? (I never unjoined btw poor choice of words. Just took a break!)
  6. lol somewhat ironically Housewife is one of my wifey's fav songs by him.
  7. I'd add Somerset Avenue Trax for sure....
  8. and it's only gotten better with time no? Like the first 9 or so seasons were meh, a bit of potty humour. But once their style turned to a commentary on current events etc I think it got really good. I hope they don't stop.
  9. Lol I don’t even... in canadialand people at the buffet like intentionally save lots for others ? Just seems like a weird rudeness/entitlement/obesity mega America crossroads that one...
  10. No kidding! 50 cents, I'd probably have burgers all day for that price. Breakfast/lunch/dinner.
  11. You’re on a bit of a burger binge lately eh Nebraska? ?
  12. I think this thread is a great example of where to moderate (compared to deleting an entire thread for a comment about GWC). This is pages of off-topic shitstorming. Can someone nuke pages 2-6 inclusive or move it to its own thread or wut?
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