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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. For sure - not to mention the battle and levelling mechanics etc, once that's all sorted (which it should be now?) it should go much quicker. My hope is that there is legit enough content and depth to carry it across that many hours and it's not just a big grind for the sake of stretching it across extra volumes you know? They have a real opportunity here, but a real risk of pissing tons of people off! lol
  2. Aye - user status updates, used to be the bottom right corner/half of the UI, completely gone now!
  3. I'm starting to become interested in the remake... supposedly the first game (which takes up 2 Blu Ray discs) is only Midgard, which in the original was around 5-10% of the game. They've supposedly fleshed out the story and characters for that part of the game and so far from the initial hands on at E3, it's been worth the wait. Yeah I noticed that - I don't really understand this tbh. My understanding is the whole remake was being broken into 2 games, 3 games MAX. So how did the first 3hrs of the original ff7 turn into an entire game? And does that mean the rest of the game proportionally is going to be short or... Midgar shouldn't take up 1/2 of the remake. edit: according to some articles 1st "episode" will be "dozens" (2? lol) of hours, and they're anticipating much more than 2 games now I guess. Not sure if I'm super happy about that, or annoyed. =/
  4. Is there a way to get the status updates back on the right hand side of my screen (rather than the discord window)? Wasn't sure if that was an option/theme thing, or if that was permanently removed.
  5. It really does. Yeah pre-orders are up already saying first part is out March 2020. "First Class" Preorder = $300.... too rich for my blood
  6. Oh, ok good - I wasn't sure if people were serious that he had disappeared. =p
  7. I wouldn't doubt it - you're probably right. I'm still pretty hyped though, looks like it's going to be great. This is going to be a great year IMO - DOOM Eternal... Borderlands 3 on my radar too.
  8. I've never (knock on wood, shit!) had an issue with hard drives - I have one right now that is on its 18th year (my brother is using it in a computer I gifted him). =/
  9. Does anyone on the forums know him IRL? (IE can reach out to him in person to confirm he's at least alright?) Hope he's alive and well and just taking a break from the watmmz....
  10. After almost a year of being without a turntable, we had ours repaired. Sounding great on our secondary stereo. So happy to have it back - now have to work through a backlog of prob around 100 albums or so....
  11. sounds a bit like merzblows fans ?
  12. We have Pikas here, we run into them occasionally when we're hiking. They're super cute.
  13. I have a feeling this is going to be a good one. Reachy Prints and The Digging Remedy IMO were both amazing, the former a contender for my fav album of theirs ever. For whatever reason though I'm very excited for Polymer. Maybe my recent seizure flol. Can't wait to hear it in full tmrw.
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