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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. We're making spicy tuna melt wraps tonight for dinner - I've never had a tuna melt but this thread had me salivatin' lol.
  2. Tons of emulators on PC with all those older consoles games for free, I might have to reinstall one.
  3. where's keith courage in all that turbografx deliciousness >=(
  4. lol I thought that's what you meant but wasn't 100% sure. My money is on Paul Ryan in either of those fights - he's over 20yrs junior to either of them! ?
  5. its a rlly good cheesesteak though....
  6. We already have a Spanishguy, Span/TSG...
  7. Maybe you need a more aggressive blade on your safety razor : )
  8. lol outschlitzing schlitze in the burger thread. hats off Jules
  9. lol didn't even think of that, but you're right.
  10. Safety razor it up! Honestly man, I had my second full shave this weekend and it was so easy, super close shave... This is the one I got... https://www.amazon.ca/VIKINGS-Double-Swedish-Platinum-Manliness/dp/B011L8WJIA Ignore the sad "raw manliness" tag on it as that's... sad. But it's a great razor and the beginner blades that come with it are nice so far.
  11. y i k e s edit: IMO Drumpf should be made to explain that statement, if he hasn't already?
  12. "In 2002, Trump told New York magazine that he'd known the now-jailed billionaire for 15 years and considered him "a terrific guy" who enjoyed women "on the younger side."" yikes
  13. mmm Lagunitas. I have never had a bad beer by them.
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