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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. already a brand apparently ! https://www.dutildenim.com/brands/pure-blue-japan/
  2. the cheverolet one is especially special
  3. I think Barbara Barbara is worth a listen? https://www.discogs.com/Underworld-Barbara-Barbara-We-Face-A-Shining-Future-/master/973131 There are a few tracks on there I thought were ace. I mean, it's not Beaucoup Fish or anything but I didn't regret spending my money on it. heh
  4. Err... just because there is a theoretical equivalent negative effect from some other product doesn't mean you should dismiss that potential.
  5. Wasn't a fan really of Barking, but Barbara Barbara got me back into Underworld and I really, really like the Eno/Hyde releases... So this has me piqued.
  6. Yeah pretty intrigued myself, trailer sounds really nice. And the first track of course.
  7. I'm basically in the 1% of people that really liked Iradelphic. Feast/Beast was great though, and there's the odd track on each new release that I enjoy but overall not the same Clarky boy as before. ETBOY through to Turning Dragon at least are my fav.
  8. "pedestrian wearing dark clothes tries to cross street full of traffic at a non-crosswalk and is subsequently hit by 652 vehicles"
  9. I think he's copied the watmm lore Fleppy the Dolphin Daniel's lurkin'
  10. throws punches* lol We'll Take It was a deece EP. I enjoyed it enough to buy it. There may be hope for me yet. ;o
  11. btw i would say that probably 9/10 of my favorite records ever required *at least* 4-5 plays to even think they were good. SAW II and Gaucho whoo lord I did find these masterpieces annoying and off-putting. Only outlier for me is computer world. vivid memories of pressing play on the CD in 7th grade and within the first 5 seconds understanding this to be something I would be obsessed with forever. I usually like to get at least 2 full listens. Edit: before making a base opinion I mean. I can tell if I'm going to enjoy something as an album vs sniping tracks off it. I'm not suggesting a release would reveal all it's subtle goodies within 2 listens or anything. I've listened to TROG a few more times since I made that post but I don't think my opinion has changed much overall. Still enjoy the album to a degree, I think my fav tracks have changed a bit though. Any of his other releases worth checking out?
  12. For the record I actually like this album. Just didn't see it as 10/10 album of the decade like it was hyped up to be.
  13. Please let this hater be ban. Sincerely, the Ambient Bedwetter Society Ban me too then, ='(.
  14. I much preferred this release in the same vein to VHS head's releases. https://phonoghosts.bandcamp.com/ https://forum.watmm.com/topic/95579-phono-ghosts-%E2%80%94-photons-in-fashion/?do=findComment&comment=2656684 Maybe not quite the same vein but similar I guess. Spliced up tape samples and whatnot.
  15. from the front page, just a reminder of how things have always been this disturbing even back in January of 2016 and they keep getting worse. If there is no blue wave and if Trump gets reelected I'm going to commit sudoku Fucking hell, I forgot about that video. Equal parts cringe mega-fake-pride and creepy. Like those kids are of an age to even formulate an opinion on complex politics. Brainwash em' young I guess.
  16. There should be a default/limit on how many stickers you can apply to a vehicle before you're declared insane/stupid/psycho.
  17. I have some degree of social anxiety (not crippling, I still speak to large groups and give presentations, teach classes etc) but I catch myself starting a conversation with "uhh..yeah" sometimes and frequently it's where I didn't have confidence going into the discussion. Self talking through scenarios is something one with anxiety does frequently.
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