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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. I agree with that! I think he has received awards in the past RE his innovation and impact on electronic music, hasn't he? I'll google that. lol
  2. I don't find it his weakest album by a long shot. Subjective, it is.
  3. Yeah that's what I was thinking. I loved that track. Theres a difference between sampling, and taking someone elses track and putting some drums and a bassline on it.... I still love the vibert track but I'm just really surprised lol.
  4. lol that's.... well... he just put a beat and a baseline over the original theme pretty much.. =/
  5. how the heck do I get to the downloads section? I can't find it. I'm slow I know.

  6. They are meat after all. mm amino acids... carnosine
  7. that same kitty is eating bacon on my windows desktop at the moment
  8. RE inflammation... It will be interesting to see what comes out of studies over the next several years. Seems to be lots of studies on either side of the fence.
  9. I'm going to Vietnam for a month in May! =) Conquering one country per year!
  10. Lets just be friends hokus pls
  11. herp de derp you'll notice I said I was reading some scholarly articles. Some. More than one. You seem to be really hung up on the fact that I posted that article in a thread about depression. I was simply sharing with my friend fiz here that keto diets have been linked to mental health, depression or otherwise. Partially because your vegan propaganda site had a link on the right stating that consumption of meat caused brain inflammation and brain diseases. Hence a response and link contributing evidence to the contrary. And I am healthier than ever on a keto diet, thank you. Doctor says I'm fine. And I've been eating this way for months. But here's a link that might help you. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ketogenic+diet+to+treat+depression I'm not sure where our disconnect is.
  12. Jesus, fiznuthian… How can I even try to ignore what you're saying regarding nutrition when you don't say anything except for that vegans are stupid? All you say: NANANANA, PROPAGANDA, NANANA. In your own best interest: try to broaden your mind, it's never wrong. I was sincerely trying to help you. If that's how you react to all advice that sounds stupid to your ears, your recovery may just take way longer than it needs to. Well, we're in a thread about depression and you're saying a ketogenic diet is actually a great thing because it can be used to treat… epilepsy? Hm. “ […] to mimic the biochemical changes associated with periods of limited food availability”. Do you want to keep your body in a state of starving until the end of your days? “In the absence of glucose, the preferred source of energy (particularly of the brain) […]”. Your body is built to use A, so let's give it B. Forever. I don't find it that surprising that such a massive intervention will produce SOME positive effects, but (a) high fat intake is associated with a HUGE number of other diseases and (b) it's got nothing to do with this thread's topic. Let's get back on topic. People who want to see what positive effects a vegan diet might have have something to look at in this thread, and people who are not convinced (and want to treat epilepsy) have also something to look at in this thread. Here I will give you a hand, hopefully this helps. Emphasis on how wonderful my non-inflamed brain feels. "I just ate some meat now (about 10oz of beef) and i feel wonderful." Also "high meat protein and high fat diets have neuroprotective and disease reducing effects " Bring your vegan propaganda elsewhere. You're depressing me with it. Vegan might be a viable option for some people. There is no broad solution to absolutely everyone's problem. But at least bring credible sources (as those links you have posted are not...). And read people's posts before responding to them. Maybe you're having a hard time reading though because you're lacking in carnosine which is only found in animal proteins. Lacking this leads to premature degradation of eyesight. Or maybe it's the b12 you're lacking. I have found my anxiety to markedly decrease to the point where I need no medication and even drink less alcohol (which I use when I get anxious) when I'm on a keto diet. So yes this is on topic even though you might not fully understand. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of studies on diet and interactions with mood disorders including depression. I'm ketoing right now and I've never felt better. I'm happy, handle stressful situations more easily, and it finally feels possible to get into the kind of shape I want to be in. It could be so much easier for people to look good...Check out the reddit page. Glad it's working for you too! Once I cut out carbs (especially complex simple (whoops) carbs), I found I was far less anxious too. There are lots of studies on the interaction of carbs and mood disorders, on both sides of the fence tbh. But I find my mood is much better and anxiety way down on keto diets.
  13. If you can force yourself to (as when I'm depressed I seriously lack any motivation), try and exercise. This will kickstart a ton of healthy hormones and hopefully make you feel a bit better. Then try and keep the momentum going. feel better!
  14. wrong thread man. $0.85 kebab is a first world success lol
  15. Which insects do you like? I've eaten a few and wasn't really a fan. I ate a big moth once and it tasted quite a bit like watermelon which was nice, but the texture was gross. Kind of like aloe vera (slimy and squishy).
  16. depression maybe? I get super tired when depressed.
  17. I just ate some meat now (about 10oz of beef) and i feel wonderful. I'm reading some scholarly articles now that seem to say high meat protein and high fat diets have neuroprotective and disease reducing effects (ketogenic diets have been used for decades to treat epilepsy btw). Found this one interesting: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2367001/
  18. I am so, so sorry to hear that.... It's really really tough losing a brother. I lost my step brother in 2012 and it was really hard on my whole family so I can imagine what you're going through... If there's anything (seriously anything) I can do let me know, via PM.
  19. I hope he pulls through, that is some heavy shit.... Sending some good vibes your way.
  20. The monks brew is absolutely stunning (sometimes called Monk's elixir too, I've had several bottles of each and they're identical). Let me know how the George stout is!
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