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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. That’s pretty damn high! Just for electricity? Like not your gas/water/garbage/recycling/compostetc too? ?
  2. No thoughts as I haven't played it or heard of it until now, but thank you for posting as it looks awesome. Art style looks great, levelling looks interesting, and it's fairly long (20hrs main campaign, 90hrs for all the secrets/endgame stuff according to a google search). I think I might just pick this up soon.
  3. no load issues here! 3% utilization here (and I'm running a youtube vid at the same time, I don't have a crazy good PC or anything). That's really strange.
  4. I’ll check it out meng! you know me I have my rants ?. Treating this thread like it’s discord.
  5. I don't like it. ? But I always hated regular pop too. So adding a veneer of slightly better production and then ruining it with (equally as) nonsensical lyrics and layering on mainstream EDM tropes doesn't do it for me. What about this actually rubs your johnny the right way? lol edit: tbf this is 10000 times better than that hannah diamond track posted at the start of this thread. holy yikes
  6. This stuff is like the Neil Breen of music.
  7. I’m not sure about the rest but every Sophie song I’ve heard has made me want to gouge out my eardrums. ? I always figured it was meme music, like Rebecca Black. Is it supposed to be taken seriously?
  8. This is sounding real nice - left myself a note to grab on payday ?
  9. DJ Hugh Jaynus Dj Giuliani’s Leaking Face
  10. Lol he looks wrecked here. His jaw is at a higher bpm than that track
  11. Me too - I want to a) wait for my titles and b) see if the first gen has any major issues (like the old x box ring of death or something ?)
  12. Oh yeah I forgot about e mofo beat goes boom boom boom
  13. NONE of these albums appear to be available on bandcamp. ? I’ll have to wait for cds to come in, guess this weekend won’t be a good un’
  14. Me and Anna (you’ve met her lol.,.) uhm... well for some reason Underwear Everywhere is one of our tracks ??
  15. Thank you! There’s a few kid606 tracks in my regular rotation but I’ve never been inclined to look up reviews interviews etc. Sounds like he might have had a few drinkies and was giving unsolicited advice ?
  16. lol I uh, googled handkerchief head and it wasn't what I expected. ? Looking forward to an MbM binge this weekend before I start the new job Monday. Going to be goooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddd
  17. ? MbM is one of those artists I know there’s so much in the back discog that’s going to blow my mind I just haven’t gotten to it yet. Same with The Black Dog and many others. Looking forward to starting with sublim and ruok and then I’ll hit up the other ones. My first exposure to MbM was as a kiddo buying the matrix soundtrack, same with the prodigy iirc. ?
  18. I’m ready to get raked over the coals lol. I must confess - I haven’t listened to any of the older albums I don’t think. I’ve got the 2 newest ones and Test EP. iirc subliminal sammich and ruok are the mecca. Is that right? I’ll hand in my watmm badge
  19. The vet put us on royal canin - I wasn’t too sure because I read mixed things online about it (protein content and fillers etc) but they’ve done really well on it. Wow is that ever pricy for a couple weeks! But I get it - the early stages of development are so important. ?
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