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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. we missed you @Alcofribas
  2. Thx for this. I didn’t think of asymptomatic spread and the implications for herd immunity, not concepts I was familiar with. ?
  3. Yeah but r a t i n g s To be fair, because I have limited knowledge of these things, I do understand a certain degree of trepidation when it's a novel virus; I'm not sure how many similar viruses are discovered annually? When it's something new and not understood I do understand why people would get their guard up to this extent. If doing a risk analysis the consequence and occurrence factors are unknown right? meh
  4. @bcm it's that time on a Friday night for you, isn't it? Need pics of you with a beer & about to plow into a beast burger lol. I'm picturing it right now
  5. also I wouldn't expect detection or reporting quality to be very high. There are probably cases there that are dismissed as the flu or pneumonia or witchcraft or whatever.
  6. I agree with the last two ? ok yeah mastering is def not as important as mixing. Normalizing volume etc across tracks, as an album... not so important.
  7. Throw on something like BT's "This Binary Universe" which is p amazing at any volume. And then Nobukazu Takemura's "10th" which is a fantastic album at low volumes but the entire thing sounds like an amp shortage at high volume, constant ear destroying buzz for 67 minutes.... Certainly suffers played loud. =/ I don't ascribe to this concept I've seen in this thread that mixing/mastering is meaningless lol....
  8. Huh? I don't agree with that at all. =/ Tons of albums that start to sound shit at mid to high volume for me, bass all sloppy and distorted, highs grating and ear splitting. Around -60db start to make your ears feel like they're bleeding type of thing.
  9. Some albums imo are just meant for big systems and high volume. His last three be up included, fall in that category. ?
  10. Found it! @dr lopez yeh agreed, I'm curious to see what he'd be doing with a modular though. We'll just have to wait and see. ?
  11. I think this will be new new music, he posted something on FB or twitter (I forgets which) a bit ago about "new things coming" and working with modular synths
  12. @sisforawesome I actually quite enjoy many of his tunes, a lot of what you posted there are my favs. I understand the criticisms some people have though.
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