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Everything posted by Roo

  1. Upgraded my 128 kbps to 320, feels good. Adios Cobra (sent to trash), was nice knowing you!
  2. The opening seconds of this actually reminded me of that kalpol introl live 1994 version.
  3. The second half of this is interstellar excursion bliss. First few minutes are a reeeally complex launch sequence. 5:40-50 is liftoff. This grew on me enormously after 2-3 listens. Nice to get that clarified connection between sinistrailAB air & the familiar AE_LIVE portion, makes complete sense.
  4. Uh, that Wire review reads like a skim of Wikipedia and existing publication reviews. Once again, doubt lingers as to whether they actually listened to it.
  5. Roo


    Thanks Yu! Your sound has definitely evolved in the 12 months since Rhythm Study, which still felt very connected to some of your earlier trademark work. This builds on that melting point momentum demonstrated in Xinri. Whilst it doesn't quite hit those same spectacular heights for me (after a few listens anyway), I certainly agree that this is a more convincingly synthesized blend, as well as being an approach worth exploring further, eager to see where it takes you and what comes up!
  6. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    Thanks a bunch! Currently 45x4 bunching this soothing KXH lot.
  7. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    Yes, that would be super duper appreciated if you could manage it! I don't really care about the visual files (seldom going to use YouTube) but the single frame track art would be handy as well. I promise I'll spend dozens of hours listening. No rush though, happy to wait until next week for KXH to settle into completion. I used darreichungsform's wetransfer link in-thread for XHK.
  8. With pity. Entertaining, earnest, full of itself. I think we all welcomed China as our new, cooler hegemony around 5 years ago, even if we'll probably be forced into live organ donation for stealing a loaf of bread. Governing China domestically is a hellish challenge in comparison to the US, the worst job on the planet, but thanks to the media we get a steady, long-stale stream of America facepalm and welcome our new overlords. Places like China and Indonesia have been more relevant to a lot of Australians, and have been for some time now. Most of the Americans I've met have been fun, but they were the intelligent ones. I've never met the American idiot abroad (led a charmed life).
  9. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    Could someone please do an MP3/AAC/WAV audio rip of KXH once it settles down.
  10. Nu-metal for my age bracket came hand in hand with Pokemon cards, I moved on before I was old enough to adopt such a scenester look, or play in a band. I probably didn't even have any black attire back then!
  11. When I was in Year 9 this girl moved over from Sweden and was really into stuff like Korn. At the end of the year she won a school-wide talent contest by doing an interpretive dance to something from the just-released Take a Look in the Mirror. Sadly, the following year she ended up being the high school cohort tragedy, a seeming double suicide type of thing with an older boyfriend. Did a debate with her not long beforehand, had a very fun character. For a more amusing change of pace, when I was 11 we had a class where groups of students had to choose a song and write out the lyrics for a class singalong (our teacher was this indigenous dude who was never far away from a guitar and worshiped Creedence). His choice was Down on the Corner. One group chose Wait and Bleed (Slipknot). Watching the teacher sing-along a fair way in then trail off in dismay, "ah guys, that's a bit inappropriate". I just lost it!
  12. Roo


    I always assumed the shimripl stuff commenced with the earliest onesix shows in 2016 post-elseq, and AE_NA was a furthering of AE_Live (2014-15). A bit like how the 2018 tour was still doing the onesix stuff. That said, I wasn't on the boards too much during the AE_NA period, haven't listened to any bootlegs from then either.
  13. Roo


    Good news update on their soundboard status and intentions. Hope they take their time with it though, don't want them to feel pressured, or lacking that element of surprise. I'd be fine with the soundboards being selective rather than an expectation; several from the overall onesix phase (which is already an incredible fan service). I'd love for Australia to officially join the AE_Live club at some point, particularly given the sizable fanbase. You don't exist unless you're on the AE_Live map. So hats off to the American fans, a great xmas present for them along with the 2008 reconstructions.
  14. Seefeel for me is one of those acts that generally got more interesting for me post-Quique. Prefer the likes of Succour, Starethrough, S/T, Compass Heart (Scala), etc. Succour might actually be my favourite (and most played) non-ae electronic release.
  15. Yeah, not a fan, have to echo much of the above. 35 is the only one I've returned to, the rest can't help but veer into hyperactive poo.
  16. Korn are more of a singles band for me (ironically), proud owner of their Greatest Hits, Vol. [lol]. Every several years I find myself back in a brief Korn phase, where things like Here to Stay, Alone I Break and Blind are everything. But I can easily go 5 years without hearing them at all. They'll always be that obligatory backwards R on every pencil case in sight to me. And like many pre-teens at the turn of the millennium, I was hooked on Limp once Nookie broke them. The communal listening, like bringing CD players and CDs into school for lunchtime crowd listens, was a rare thing. Unlike Korn though, no staying power, a nostalgia act more rooted in early adolescence (if that).
  17. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    #108 I think that is one of the keepers. The longer tracks seem longer for a reason (the quality #90 is the previous one to go over 4mins), as if there is some sort of manual routing capture going on (we'll let this groovy one play out a bit longer, tread it out casual like). Or at least they offer more immersion.
  18. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    I keep coming back to this one so far, couple listens. #96 takes me back to ye old oz soap. *for those loathe to waste their time decoding images and would much rather listen to these research notes, but hats off to you fellas, keep on geekin' on
  19. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    XHK_3 (tracks 81-120, 1hr 4min) - this one starts off very well, both sound/visuals in 81-90. XHK_4 (tracks 121-160, 1hr 1.5min) Sorry if I'm irritating some other posters, just trying to digest this down into chunks for those happy listening along.
  20. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    XHK_1 (tracks 1-40, 1hr 8min) XHK_2 (tracks 41-80, 1hr 13min) and so forth...
  21. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    Oops, maths/title fail. XHK_1 thru 11 (just did it).
  22. Roo

    XHK - XH HX

    I'm breaking this up into 10 album chunks: XTK_1 through 10 (the latter a few extra).
  23. 8 years is very rough on the fans. Still, Honey might be my favourite album release since Untilted (would have previously been In Rainbows). If anything of that personal significance comes along, then I'll happily cop a 15, 20 year wait lol (ah, the glory of hindsight). Worth the wait in the end. It has only been out for 2 weeks, so time will tell, but she absolutely killed it.
  24. Roo


    Yep, can confirm Dummy Casual pt2 around the 48-50min mark of Utrecht (if not others).
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