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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. Howard the Dick Tazed and Confused Top Nun Train Sporting O Brother Where Art Thot
  2. What is it with rappers and late career name changes
  3. bqbqbbq is like the more ambient/minimalist Metroid 2 music trax processed thru one of Ae's Max patches
  4. Mr. Speaker, we are for the Big

  5. My chebureki came out all fucked up because I forgot to lube them last night before placing them in the Tupperware container. They got stuck together overnight and I had to surgically separate them with a plastic knife, with haphazard results. (Insert ancient Greece sex joke) But all of them still got eaten at work, which is a relief. Also car troubles are no fun. I remember when my old Ford Ranger was having overheating issues back in March 2015 because of a bad water pump and coolant leak. Long story short it served its purpose but I'm glad I have the Nissan now.
  6. There was an old lady driving behind me on the way home who was moving her lips a lot. I don't know if she was talking on bluetooth or to herself, but she looked like Jim Varney who starred in the Ernest films from the early '90s but with a wig and glasses.
  7. Kavanaugh, Bolton...Dump...all these fuckers are cut from the same Ivy League white frat boy entitlement cloth. Time to lock them in a sauna with a sumo wrestler who's just eaten a 1500-calorie lunch.
  8. Yea I really hope our senator (Murkowski) gives him a thumbs down as well. Supposedly John Bolton is banging the war drums again wanting to fight Iran. Convenient timing with the Kavanaugh drama. What I propose is sending Bolton to Iran by himself to go up directly against the entire Basij, if he wants war that fucking badly. Because why should thousands die on either side all because this putrid Lorax has a hard-on for war, with flimsy reasoning? I hate chickenhawks with a passion.
  9. I cooked the filling for chebureki (Russian dumplings/empanadas) last night, but the smell is still lingering. The fact that it contains onion and garlic might have something to do with it. It's a pleasant, delicious smell. It just won't dissipate. I'll be making the dough and doing the assembly of the chebureki tonight because I'll be bringing them to work tomorrow for a big luncheon. But I wanted to make sure the filling was cooked first, because last year when I tried frying the dumplings without pre-cooking the inside first, the meat was still raw inside afterwards. Trying to play it safe.
  10. If the Roman American Empire is to collapse within the next decade, then I think it's safe to say Trump is the catalyst. How it will collapse, remains to be seen. Best case scenario is the same way the USSR did in 1991. This probably would have sounded far fetched in previous recent presidencies, but considering how deep the political divide is now...
  11. Morphite might be my new favorite mobile game. It's like Metroid meets No Man's Sky. Dead Shell (a dungeon crawler) has been surprisingly addictive as well. CrossCode looks intriguing as well. Dropped on Steam about a week ago and so far as gotten stellar reviews. Appears to be influenced by Secret of Mana by the looks of it. Might grab it later if I can force myself out of my open world FPS comfort zone.
  12. Yeah, throw Cosby in the slammer but old white fuckers like Trump (and potentially Kavanaugh) who are guilty of the same shit get to be in power. Gotta love the double standard.
  13. MAGA minions have somehow permanently diverted functionality in their brains from their frontal lobe to their amygdala.
  14. Didn't expect that reaction...how divorced from reality is his mush heap of a brain?
  15. That meatless chili I made Saturday...slow-cooked it for six hours. The result was perfection. All you need for garnish is cilantro and diced avocado.
  16. I hope you mean the GOP that will be the ones to get served said sandwiches
  17. I've been living alone for the last 2.5 years. Still don't miss having roommates.
  18. Clean and Present Danger Pube Glade Runner The Bug Lebowski The Lawnmower Men
  19. I think I just made the best meatless chili ever. I didn't realize until hours later that I forgot to add garlic, but it didn't seem to matter in the end. Had it simmering for six hours straight and it paid off. Can't think of a better way to usher in the fall equinox.
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