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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I suddenly got bored with Fallout 3 yesterday, so I stopped playing and went to bed. I dunno what to play next. Something relatively simple, perhaps. And maybe a non-FPS. Or maybe get back to making choons. Been too long.
  2. Not sure if this would be worth buying or not. I did "preview" the first half of the album on Amazon, but didn't go beyond Everything. John Ehrlichman and Jules are right about Everything tho - from what I've heard so far, what a fuckin' stupid track. The rest of it sounded decent, but again, I've yet to hear any of the second half of the album.
  3. Gerald Simpson is a badass

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ambermonk


      Voodoo Ray from 1988 is one of my all-time favs. He's still active on Facebook.

    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      Yeah honestly I haven't heard anything from him since he was spinning jungle... Didn't know he was such a key player in the emergence of house music. Going to buy some of his albums now. Any recommendations?

    4. Npoess


      Black Secret Technology is a masterpiece

  4. Think I discovered that laughter cures hiccups.
  5. (latest Abk FWP: Hiccups) Shit, didn't mean to double quote. Oh well, Friday night. Not like it matters.
  6. I will admit tho that I need a break from IDM on occasion. Excess of anything is never a good thing.
  7. it looks pretty damn good. hard too. any of the big-name Stalker mods are worth a try at least. Indeed. Apparently Misery adds quite a few new features, at least in CoP. I've never tried it myself, but looks like you can create your own stashes, and you have a reputation system with different factions, kind of like in Fallout: New Vegas. Speaking of Fallout games, I'm back to playing Fallout 3 at the moment, even though it's slightly dated and so is my machine. There are a few upcoming titles that might inspire me enough to invest in a new PC again, such as Routine, XCOM: Enemy Within, and Wolfenstein: A New Order. Ugh, I sound like a gluttonous game junkie.
  8. Still having a ridiculous time with Brutal DOOM v18. BD v19 should become available any day now. Also downloaded MINERVA - Metastasis, an HL2 mod. Played it years ago when it was only the first map. So I reckon it's now complete. I'll give it a go after work tomorrow. I also still wonder when Lunar Software's debut Routine will get released. Looks like it'll be the best survival horror piece in ages.
  9. Mango. Didn't care much for it when I was younger, but now I find that real mango beats the shit out of any mango-flavoured candies.
  10. Woke up with a migraine from hell this morning. I'd rather not go into work today.
  11. Seems like this thread and the First World Successes thread are too easy to confuse with one another. But congratulations anyway. I had challenges just to find a place to live three months ago, so I know the feeling.
  12. After I parked in front of a restaurant earlier today, I lifted my left arm to see how bad I was shaking from all the caffeine in my body. As I did so, some woman who happened to walk past flipped me off, mistakenly thinking I was waving at her. She was rather unattractive anyway. But even if she looked like a supermodel, I wouldn't be waving unless I knew her.
  13. What should we give more of a shit about, Miley Cyrus or Syria?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ambermonk
    3. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      You're absolutely right. But that's not the American way now is it? lol

    4. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      The business in Syria could very well start the next world war.

  14. Found something HILARIOUS at the end of Map 32 (Grosse) whilst playing Doom 2 with Brutal Doom applied. The Commander Keens at the end of the level had a facelift, but I don't want to spoil it any further.
  15. Playing Brutal DOOM now, which is a mod for the GZDoom engine. Basically it's the original DOOM with a significant overhaul in game mechanics, and is obscenely, hilariously gory. Once you try it, you won't want to go back to the original DOOM engine.
  16. Almost at the end of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl on the "True Ending" path again. I never seem to get tired of this game. If I were ever to develop my own, this would definitely be an influence. Especially at the Muties. Makes their heads pop off like champagne corks. I hear there's a new XCOM: Enemy Within DLC or something like that. Kind of makes me regret selling my higher-end machine three months ago, but I desperately needed the scratch. My HP laptop I bought four years ago still works pretty well though. It's just not ideal for running the latest games.
  17. Yeah I just tried it. It certainly doesn't have the punch that Stiegl has, but it's not the worst I've had either.
  18. Nah. Nothing to worry about, as long as you do so in moderation.
  19. Watermelon. That's something I haven't consumed in a while. Light and simple, yet satisfying. I might buy some on my next grocery run.
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