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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. I wonder if there's a way to mark the best short clips on YouTube as ads so we can watch those as interruptions instead of actual bullshit ads.
  2. I know RHCPs made a cover of this song back in 1996, but I wanna make my own now.
  3. http://pm1.narvii.com/6754/7ed2640a3cbb707f712c5e6cdd4bdb4e508da971v2_00.jpg http://pm1.narvii.com/6876/26d59d8d72ca5dc03faaa504d2ce3cce056ef619r1-868-680v2_uhq.jpg http://i.imgur.com/a82ItCA.gif
  4. Yeah but I'm itching for a portable gaming device that I can use for the next three weeks. I've got the laptop, but it's too cumbersome to carry around and takes ages to boot/load compared to my desktop. And I'd rather be able to sit in a comfy position whilst doing so. Plus a Pro is likely gonna be hard to acquire at first anyway, especially with scalpers n' shit. (Stupid FWPs) EDIT: Changed my mind. I'll stick with the laptop.
  5. Not yet I'm afraid. I have about two minutes worth written so far, but it feels like I've barely scratched the surface. Also I feel dumb for making some kind of announcement over a single track, but I already have the melodies and overall structure pretty well planned out. It's nice to have a polyphonic analogue synth on the side to practice on.
  6. I started working on a new track this month - first one in two years. Have the next four days off to work on it, but not sure if I can finish it by June. Should be a banger tho once it's finished. If it gets finished. It's just good to finally have inspiration again.
  7. It's that Samurai Edge Beretta 92F I think. It was tempting, but I opted not to in the end because it would probably mean a significantly reduced challenge. Not quite RE4 Chicago Typewriter-level cheesing, but still.
  8. http://images3.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED140/5c613b6b65ada.jpeg http://images3.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED202/5bc1cdb3cf624.jpeg http://pm1.narvii.com/7248/08e5a40376c8fba630008a656784f90c720ccac1r1-800-481v2_uhq.jpg http://photos.hamariweb.com/photos/Funny-Mr-Bean-s-Daughter-13162.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4rocyT1XD1rn95k2o1_500.gif http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mOvxzBPz6J8/Vj1RNPd3wFI/AAAAAAAAARQ/CoXabLlvWd4/s1600/TDRR.JPG
  9. I can't boast about a relationship because I've never been in one. There are advantages to this, but at the same time I often feel worthless.
  10. http://s4.thingpic.com/images/rb/PwNFuggV6E6JPY2KZxiugGkQ.jpeg http://pm1.narvii.com/7244/d0b8c831e0aa46444766950af53f9da166751f39r1-1024-963v2_uhq.jpg http://images7.memedroid.com/images/UPLOADED959/6054cd59a33ea.jpeg
  11. Sumpin tells me ETs are woke af and have been observing us for decades (maybe even centuries) and keeping their distance so as not to both cause global alarm and put themselves in danger. I think they are watching to make sure we don't destroy ourselves, and perhaps intervening in the subtlest possible way when the need arises. I probably sound like a scientologist or something. But I truly think they have peaceful intentions, especially in light of how dangerous we've already proven ourselves to be. If they had a mind to launch an invasion like they did in old cheesy sci-fi films, they would have already done so.
  12. As a long time DoD employee, can confirm that the military has always had its head up its own ass when it comes to spending and decision making.
  13. I bought a new iRobot Roomba vacuum robot this morning and it's on its first trial run as I type this. I named it DOOMBA because there's a rare enemy in the game Synthetik with that name which is a larger kamikaze version that detonates in a nuclear explosion. I also have a Le Monke bumper sticker that I might put on it later.
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