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Everything posted by ambermonk

  1. It was created specifically as a septic compartment for pseudo-intellectualism so it won't spill over into other threads.
  2. Carpal tunnel in my left wrist, most likely after going full DDR with the WASD keys almost every day. Decided to use a pair of winter socks as a makeshift pad/cushion to straighten it out. Seems to help a little, but still feels slightly awkward.
  3. | http://pm1.narvii.com/6876/26d59d8d72ca5dc03faaa504d2ce3cce056ef619r1-868-680v2_uhq.jpg
  4. My life feels like a dead end rn. Maybe it's time to move to Switzerland or something. Or return to Japan next year if I apply for that English teaching position this fall. But even then, it's not like it'll be paradise. Fuggit. I'm falling way behind on my dank memes contribution around here lately. That's probably the most pressing issue.
  5. I have an Instagram but haven't touched it since last August. And Facebook I probably check only once a week anymore, and every time I do I feel like I haven't really missed anything. I guess I could try to delete my social media accounts but can't be bothered. Out of sight, out of mind basically.
  6. Weighed myself right after my gym workout after work today and I gained 14 lbs (roughly 6 kilos) in the past month...according to the locker room scale. I had a hard time getting it to steady the last time too. It's one of those old-fashioned stand scales with the sliding weights they use at hospitals and clinics - no electronics. But it's also the only scale I've seen there for the past year or two. Pretty sure it's gotten worn and janky. So I'm tempted to just buy my own bathroom scale. Also I finally have focused inspiration for a new music track, for the first time in probably five or six years. Problem is that I lack the time and energy to work on it with software on weeknights. At least I have my Korg Minilogue XD to jam out on when I'm tired. I'll try to get back into DAWs by the end of the week.
  7. I like the fact that there's also a mod that replaces Mr. X with Shrek. But mods or no, nothing beats Claire's booty physics.
  8. Metroid Fusion is awesome. Haven't played it in ages though. The dev team nailed the creepy atmosphere. Now I wish I had my old GBA just so I can play it and Zero Mission again.
  9. YouTube ads, meme-parroting comments, and TikTok could be symptoms
  10. More Alaska shenanigans - state legislator banned from flying because she refused to wear a mask: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/4/26/2027681/-Alaska-legislator-banned-from-flights-to-capital?detail=emaildkbow I don't see how a 14-hour drive is worth it. JUST WEAR THE DAMN MASK.
  11. Better looking than Palin anyway. She even got a curiously mischievous expression. Hmmm. Oops, this is the COVID thread innit. Happy to report that I'm now fully vaxxed. If anyone from the US hasn't already, I recommend the Moderna option. The only noticeable side effect I've had was minor soreness in the arm where I got the needle. But your immune system may vary.
  12. Received a call from Unknown during dinner. Of course I let it ring. But then they (it?) left a voice message. Not really a message, but silence. Blank message. Weird. Who or what could it be?
  13. Alaska in general is traditionally slow to embrace new concepts. But nothing gives Alaskans incentive like a free ATV. Or weed, for that matter.
  14. TBH I feel "American" only by citizenship. Never could grasp the "loud and proud" extroverted machismo that pervades the American mainstream. In fact I've always preferred the opposite. Pretty sure I'm not alone. I wonder if many 'Muricans here (on W.A.T.M.M.) feel like spiritual expats in a sense.
  15. It's not just anti-Chinese, but anti-Asian scapegoating in general that's been a huge problem lately. Can't say for sure if it's all because of Trump or if it's a more loose but widespread phenomenon of 21st Century ignorance. It's as if racists lose the ability to retain knowledge and education after their mid-teens.
  16. I dunno, I think Super Metroid kind of set the benchmark for all future 2D installments in the series. Zero Mission as a remake of the original NES Metroid is still pretty solid though.
  17. Arguably the best indie throwback shooter to come out in the last three years. Andrew Hulshult is one hell of a talented composer too, even though I don't really listen to metal.
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