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Everything posted by goDel

  1. you mean national security threats are statistically more prevalent amongst veterans? or just that veterans can be a national threat as well. just like people in general?
  2. That's basically doing the same, but in an opposite direction. Cherry picking the other way. I'm no breitbart fan (have not read a single piece of them, to be honest), but the reporting on huffpo is pisspoor currently. So I can completely understand why the administration would make this choice. But this is not the issue. The issue is who decides which choice is good or bad. Because, as the quote from the Guardian shows, it is not unusual to have smaller sessions with only a selection of the press. So why is this actually different? Didnt Obama show Fox the exit in the past? Was that different?
  3. I feel there's a bit of hypocrisy in the press. Read this quote from that piece in the Guardian, for instance: Apparently it is OK to have background meetings with smaller groups of reporters. Not sure who decides who's attended those acceptable meetings, but this one is not OK? Should reporters from the NYT have more rights than reporters from other outlets? There's cherry picking either way, i'd argue.
  4. I'm actually hoping for some fresh new college going member to post here he got to do some IT work configuring some server. And then go "wtf, you here mate!? can't be!"
  5. 10 years? So noomi and fassbender managed to fly to the ' creator' planet using a ship of theirs and fly back to humanity in 10 years time? Why do they have cryo sleep again?
  6. Looks good! More like a tongue in cheek revamp of the first Alien. Don't think this will be in the actual movie. I wonder how they will connect this to the first Prometheus, though. Still hoping for a connection. Besides whats his name... that actor
  7. Just an idea: merge this thread with the twin peaks thread. The black lodge needs a wookie. And agent cooper needs han solo as an antagonist. Nobody will ever notice. ;)
  8. just posting here to say I'm enjoying this album A LOT
  9. well, feel free to place a bet. whats keeping you?
  10. Ok, so we can just ignore trump. And focus on pence, ryan, mcconnell. Trump is just given room in the garden of the white house to create a swamp and try to drain it. Good to know. Would make the newsfeed a lot saner.
  11. I'm certainly no expert, but I actually like the idea of creating room for different solutions. There comes a point where you need to open the discussion to different solutions if the current one goes nowhere. Which I'd argue about the two state solution. But again, I'm certainly no specialist on the subject. Of all the inane stuff coming from the white house, I'm least worried about this one. And the silver lining is Trump didnt mention dismantling the nuclear agreement with Iran. So that signals some level of sanity, if you ask me.
  12. thx. also, thing is, gop is pretty powerful now. and they really don't have an interest in an actual impeachment, imo. that would also be bad for their position as they currently still support him (on the surface!). unless the russian link becomes an actual watergate kind of situation. but with flynn gone, the odds are lower for that to happen, as i'm sure there's no proof of trump being aware of what happened. remember that trump spend virtually half his life in courts, so he's pretty conscious about not creating any traces which could lead to his involvement in anything whatsoever. saw a clip on youtube about some court hearing with the trumps where they didnt remember anything about some event and no mails or memo's existed to prove anything. if there's no recording or document of some kind, there's basically nothing. the only traces he allows to exist are his name on buildings. even his tax returns will be kept under the rug. that's innocent until proven guilty for you. pretty important part is that the gop is perfectly fine with him not releasing his tax returns, imo. that kind of shows they'd be pretty happy with him in the white house. if trump screws up in the white house, they can always blame him as the "all powerful incompetent leader". even if he becomes the powerless ceremonial president. if they really did want to get him out, i'd expect them to actively chase his tax returns. which, as far as i can tell isnt happening atm.
  13. my guess is there'll be more of a behind the scenes kind of impeachment where trump basically becomes a ceremonial president signing documents and the actual behind the scenes power is returned to the gop establishment (pence and friends). this will not happen overnight, but it currently looks like it is heading in that direction. whenever you see bannon dropping out, you basically know everything you need to know. but before bannon there's still a couple of people on the "need to go away" list. Expecting conway to drop out any week now. She's not sustainable. And miller...
  14. stop wondering. here's the footage
  15. btw, don't forget mr. orange was the undercover cop of the bunch
  16. good to see support for our regular bread as well. both the trumpers and the clinonuts love bread. what surprises me most is the love for music festivals by the trumpets. really took me off guard. they might actually be decent people supporting a fruitcake.
  17. would also kind of prove slow walkers don't know they're the slow walkers. at least, i don't think zombies know they're zombies, right? this is so confusing...
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