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Everything posted by Blir

  1. Yeah it's basically dark ambient with one section that gets a bit tribal and beat. It's shit hot but the recordings are ruined by the cretins in the crowd going "woop" during this bit with massive sorta orchestral chord bitsidunnohowtodescribe it Anyway can't wait
  2. You're being a bit of a cunt right now to be honest.
  3. Good job lads. Looking forward to hearing Bull Wallet.
  4. Hahaha what an absolute dumpster fire. Man it's going to suck again when he gets re-elected.
  5. Rubin you laugh at pretty much anything. Can you post less junk please.
  6. No they want to shoot each other. A virus isn't going to change that.
  7. Be safe Lopez Rest of you do what you want
  8. Everything will be alright. Trust me, like this guy I just know.
  9. Politics is miserable guys. Cheer yourselves up: https://twitter.com/biden4pres?s=09
  10. Blir

    Rob pls

    Didn't this theory just spring up from someone suggesting ISS:SA = Is Sean: Solo Album, though? Not sure how much truth there is in that.
  11. I'm not going to pretend like I'm not sad the noisier elements are getting buried further.
  12. Pretty good! Might need a few more listens to see if it's among his best. I get tired of the harsher textures but it's thankfully a shorter release so less chance of fatigue. Love the contrast of the sharper sounds against the windy ambiance. Thanks VLAD
  14. Nice. I hope it's closer in line with 1 or 2 than 3, which I thought was a slight drop off in quality.
  15. I'd also like to agree with myself from 13 years ago. I've clearly had good taste for a long time.
  16. I've tried to get through the album three times but falter around track three or so. Just doesn't grab me at all. In answer to an earlier question I love 10,000 Days but I heard the songs from that album live before I heard them on the CD, which I think really added to my enjoyment when I got the album eventually. It's still behind AEnima and Lateralus of course, but it's right up there. Fear Inoculum just sounds like a really bored band. I'll give it another go soon and see if it grabs me.
  17. Biked back in here to say that I've liked Sasu for a long time but it recently occurred to me that he's a genius. The quality level of what he's put out as Delay is so high it's ridiculous. Probably only lesser than Ae, which for me is high praise. He has a totally unique sound, his production chops are fantastic, he's just fucking brilliant. I also love Vocalcity. Massive boner for Rakka.
  18. Weird really. Sasu did an interview where he said he isn't that on board with streaming and still buys physical music.
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