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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. Philip Glass created a five-hour opera with far fewer harmonic/melodic elements than this (and it was quite good)
  2. mfw time begins to dilate backwards as everyone on earth experiences "avril 14th, reversed irl not in audio" followed by nineteen bonus tracks, us fans waiting with baited breath for them to be unreleased one by one.
  3. hi. it looks like you might be quite young and missing a bit of perspective. reading through your post, i can definitely relate to this sentiment - this is exactly how i felt way back in 2009. it seemed reasonable enough - if they don't intend to release new material, they should inform us so that we don't expect anything and so we can feel more secure. at the time this made perfect sense, but now i understand there are some major problems with that reasoning: firstly, what do you tell fans who make a request like this, when you do actually want to release an album you have been working on for years? in the lead up to TH, the brothers clearly knew their project would take a long time. and since there was an album being made, that rules out "we're finished no album tegrity love mike and marcus xx". there are interviews and study pieces out there which show that TH was a very long, elaborate and ambitious project - both technically and aesthetically - and this makes it very hard to judge when a creative work is "ready". from their point of view, it would not have been safe to engage with their fanbase until they knew the album was (or was nearly) complete - the risk is that they give a release date, or album details etc which turn out to be wrong, because of some failing of their very complicated project, and that would be bad for everyone. basically, why would they take such a risk, just to give some exclusive pre-release info of something that is not complete? imagine working under that kind of pressure - imagine trying to reach your ideal aesthetic with a badly stretched-out photo of a mushroom cloud in the back of your mind because WARP decided they needed it on the website to show something was happening. secondly - and this is something that took a long time for me to understand - Boards of Canada did not cultivate an image that they have tonnes of unreleased material. WE did. a big part of the problem comes from the "unreleased tapes" that appeared online at a very early stage in their career, which suggested to many people that there were lots and lots of albums that sounded like the ones in those tapes. their fanbase has always fixated so much on these tapes - they are no different from mixtapes that novice musicians casually pass around to each other, yet we all have this image of the brothers wearing top hats and sitting on a mountain of solid gold tapes that no-one is allowed to hear. it is true that BoC maintained a website in 1999 - at a point where they had only released one album and two singles. whether it was a good idea or not, they decided to pad it out with album titles of their early tapes - it was the 1999 equivalent of putting your early audacity experiments up with your bandcamp albums, except in those days you couldn't put albums of music on a website and it only served to make their discography look bigger to the few thousand or so people who had heard of MHTRTC. what happened after that was outside their control - all of those early album listings have essentially been canonized by fans as albums by Boards of Canada which they are not allowed to hear. so many BoC fans cannot get past this simple misunderstanding and it's infuriating. BoC themselves removed the listings as early as they could, but when four albums' worth of bootlegged material made it onto the web and one of the titles matched an album on the list, there was no turning back. they were all completely real albums and the brothers were stopping us from buying them. even in 2013, TH had to be shipped to retailers like this...
  4. saw Belladonna of Sadness, a beautifully made anime film born of 1960s psychedelic culture. overall it's a slow, sleepy, organic, atmospheric way to enjoy 90 minutes in a dark room - that being said, there are more than a few sexual/violent scenes that really caught me off guard. it goes from "Miffy" to "A Clockwork Orange" in a heartbeat. overall i think despite the curveballs, there is a definite creative vision here which is worth watching. i'd describe it as a mixture of Yellow Submarine and Perfect Blue.
  5. Dragon


    for the record, the full title of this thread is "HELIOSPHAN LIVE " (this is because classic watmm threads had a title and a subtitle underneath, e.g. "BATCOCK (batcock)")
  6. i like the part where the male astronaut drug-rapes the woman into thinking he's there rescuing her when really she's alone and dying. what an asshole, leaving her like that
  7. looking forward to the endless Steamed Hams variations of this that will appear on youtube
  8. in other news, i'm 99% sure this lovely little thing came from Milkman/CTD era:
  9. this is one of the best mixes i've ever heard... you did an amazing job. so many people attempt an Ae mix and they just lay the tracks together without thinking, and the mood is like "this song is good but we're playing the next one now. c'mon i got a playlist to work with!" your mix is professional, sensitive, lush as fuck, and it feels breezy and effortless to listen to. 10/10
  10. does "fruit" mean something different over there....?
  11. +1 for this, Autism Speaks are cancer. basically they dehumanise autistic people and use marketing tactics to portray autism as a hideous disease. you know those people who say, "what, you're an adult with autism? i thought only children had autism". you can thank Autism Speaks for that.
  12. you guys had a mental health thread in 2018? dunno how i missed it. i might come back later to post about my bipolar and autism, but i'm not sure if i want to share much. social media is something that triggers me - in fact, i remember trashing my reddit account around november 2018 so i guess that's kind of where i was at at the time. jules i am very, very sorry to hear about your friend. there's a major mental health crisis going on right now but that just sounds like white noise until you think about it - it means tonnes and tonnes of people are suffering, and in need of therapy, without anyone or even themselves knowing. it's okay to feel bad.
  13. i only wish the sound of my own exploding balls could trash people's security ??
  14. goddamn joyrex that video set off my neighbor's ball alarm
  15. inb4 someone posts the lyrics to the non-vocoded version of the milkman intro. the audio was up here a long time ago but now people are questioning if those lyrics were ever real, or just rumoured. it's 1000x worse than the end of Funny Little Man.
  16. surely it would be pretty easy to just put out a Play Store app that shits out Colundi material. can i buy that instead? i don't know how to use DAWs.
  17. and if you try to pronounce it, you get a nosebleed. obv. the title "equation" is fan-made, not nearly as interesting as the back of the ep.
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