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Friendly Stranger

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Everything posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. Lots of good picks here but one I’m not seeing that I’ve gotta give it up for - Freescha
  2. Tough to follow you Alien Sugar but yea this one isn’t doing a lot for me. Is it all new material, or a compilation of old stuff?
  3. I like the track! Can't add much else that hasn't been already said but when talking about Pre-emptive Strike/Endtroducing/Private Press one can't neglect to mention Unkle - Psyence Fiction which for all intents and purposes, is a DJ Shadow album. Stone cold classic, that.
  4. Amazing vid, a great accompaniment to the track! So sorry to hear about his mother :(
  5. Aphex Twin released a new EP today, July 28th in the year 2023. Let it soak in and remind yourself how grateful we all should be. Seriously.
  6. Not a true Aphex Twin thread until Ivan Ooze weighs in!
  7. Absolutely wild that Syro will be 10. I just gave the wax a spin the other day, it's aging very well and cotinues to get better with every listen.
  8. Great EP, a bit short but I try not to complain about RDJs output after the SC dump. I'm ok paying for a short EP if in my head it helps subsidize SC dump material, past and future. Love the vibe on this one, I'll listen to this quite a bit and maybe be a bit frustrated I have to flip the record so quickly.
  9. Good album! Scratches that BoC/Ochre itch in some ways, but also stands out on its own merits.
  10. I think it'll be available to order thru Bandcamp starting tomorrow, from how I understand it
  11. Listening to Anti Dawn rn, it’s amazing. Good memories of walking along the Hawaii shore at night the week this was released. The last 3 min. of new love have more emotional resonance for me than entire albums from other artists. have to remember dude is like 45, he’s probably not changing stripes at this point and you’re ok w it or you’re not. I think of it like Wes Anderson movies - if you know your lane and are really, really good at it, why change lanes? Havent heard the new track in full and am really looking forward to it.
  12. This is really nice! Thanks for the awareness.
  13. Fuck me the track at ~20 min. has me gasping for air I can’t stand how much I dig it. Vibing to this mix so damn hard. Godammit I love these two guys so much.
  14. I've literally heard of zero artists in this mix, can't wait to dig in! Thanks for sharing, this flew under my radar completely.
  15. this is lovely but my god that AQXDM track at 1:33 is insane. Heard it in a few different sets he's done.
  16. Damn what a tune! Had not yet heard this one.
  17. This person/these people need to fuck right off, the penalty for doing something like this should be getting shot out of a cannon into outer space.
  18. So sorry but where is the ambient version ppl are talking about?
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