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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by cwmbrancity

  1. https://in-other-news.us/2020/01/14/cops-acquire-nasal-ranger-smell-amplifier-crack-down-marijuana-users/ Breathing deeply
  2. Remixes are hit n miss, one or two go awry but when they hit: Super-Individual: Collective Ritual by Slomo
  3. As much as I’d love to see a gentleman like Bernie in office, can’t see it happening precisely because of his socialist credentials. Ironic given how much disposable income is doing the rounds, just google how much Yanks spend on their dogs sorry cats annually. Too much money to be made with puppet alternatives at hand. If he did get in could easily envisage an assassination. Good luck doe. Ultimate fuck you if Trump was a one-term president.
  4. Richard “no outsiders” Harris/10. Anyone else & this would’ve remained mawkish.
  5. That was the last gear I ever got drunk on. Lovely jubbly, even if wheat beers can rub certain folks up the wrong way. Can’t recall a bunk one, but don’t miss any alcoholic beverage with hindsight either. Booze culture is so fucked up here, both sides of the Irish Sea, but somehow we tolerate our cities being turned to wastelands every weekend. The endless fighting, cunts getting glassed, bouncers cheap-shotting ejectees, women pissing openly outside the chippy on Caroline St (classy), so the filth just batter anyone. A good pub is increasingly rare & footy away day pubs are guaranteed carnage. Maybe it’s genetic. The Italians drink as many units, but without the histrionics. Nevertheless, John Keane seemed to be a pretty chilled bloke:
  6. It’s alright, has some sweet flourishes. The Willem D/Neptune scene, eyes beaming, fuck yeah. It captures the elements really well, but Robert P? Watched more interesting chairs. The sound design was the highlight. Alan Splet style winds, booming breakers, the horn thingy, like the storm itself was alive. The ending was unnecessary though.
  7. Message from the Temple Psychic TV Thee Temple strives to end personal laziness and to Engender discipline. To focus thee Will on one's true desires. In thee belief, gathered From experience, that this maximizes And makes happen all those things that one wants in Every area of L-if-E Explore daily your deepest desires, fantasies and Motives, gradually focusing on what you would like To have happen in a "perfect world", a "perfect situation" Taking away all restrictions and "practical" Considerations. What you would really want Then decide totry and do it Thee mere visualization of that true goal, your true Will, begins thee process that makes it happen Clean out thee trappings and debris ov compromise, ov What you've been told is reasonable for a person in Your circumstances. Be clear in admitting your real Desires. Discard all irrelevancies. Ask yourself, who You want as friends, if you need or want to work What you want to eat, what sexuality you really need To pursue. Check and re-check everything deeper and Deeper, more and more precisely to get closer and Closer to, and ultimately, integrate with, your real Self. Your individual. Once you are truly focused upon Your self internally, thee external aspects ov your L-if-E will fall into place They have to Skeptics will say that they simply don't believe this Psychic process works. But it does It is thee key to thee temple! (I was there, their hat didn’t last long, 2 pink calis & a purple ohm)
  8. https://www.discogs.com/artist/414001-Thee-Temple-Ov-Psychick-Youth https://www.discogs.com/label/109253-Thee-Temple-Ov-Psychick-Youth
  9. A vegetarian flat mate once advised replacing the meat with chips n all trimmings, yes, a chip kebab/butty behemoth Said veggie also subsisted on Linda McCartney products range & his Sunday roast was pot-noodle + chips, fkn dick
  10. The first track almost sounds Balearic, cheers ears
  11. on phone, apologies if on page 1 & via Probe in Michigan via Hawtin
  12. Cardiff/Swansea both got tonked by QPfknR recently, walking in a Championship wonder land https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jan/08/facial-recognition-at-south-wales-derby-a-step-too-far-says-police-chief
  13. Old mix (of old n new) with drones leading into one or two percussive tracks to finish with
  14. https://www.discogs.com/Various-In-The-Dark-The-Soul-Of-Detroit/release/481414 favourite tunes from the above & You can hear alt/earlier versions of a bunch of tunes off this comp, lovely gear https://www.discogs.com/Various-Detroit-Beatdown-Volume-One/release/83941
  15. Day before the Tories won. Augury horror all round: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-50849740
  16. Lighthouse's "Doodle" track nudged out a sailing/drinking song memory
  17. dog sounds like a pussy, train the cunt, they love it "did i kill good? i did, didn't i, ripped it all to fuck n back" - "they were my favourite boots maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.........."
  18. Octave One, hallelujah. 430 West put out so much quality too, fuck me, that's a catalogue
  19. Missed due to family commitments, Armagh likes a drink. Lob it up on Mixcloud when youse have 5 mins spare, would be gratefully appreciated
  20. Thing with the 90day tourist visa is you don’t really need to disclose previous drug convictions, spent or otherwise, to slip the radar....the irony of moral turpitude How else could masses of Mancunians, Dubliners & travellers get over for various boxing & MMA events
  21. Have kids = never get to sleep in again, well, at least until they’ve left home a few decades later.
  22. c'mon get into it, but if yer commiserating about our dog yeah the circumstances & timing were the very definition of godly piss-taking
  23. Rat vermin extermination vids, shoot when you see the whites of their eyes...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJwty3bK8zM Would post the Severn Valley Ratters vids, but that'll prob receive a complaint. Nevertheless, if you've ever owned a terrier & know how strong their prey drive is (our own Plummer had to be put down just b4 crimbo, ffs Santa you cunt), all in day's work eh. https://www.youtube.com/user/plummerterrier2012/videos edit - seems frequently u gotta refresh a page to embed vidyos b4 posting, fwp
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