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Everything posted by mcbpete

  1. Was thinking exactly this - The whole track sounded like an intro to a big 20 min d&b epic, was just waiting for the 'boom - chikkkk,bom-chick' to kick in... (or it was Roni Size the 'tick-tick-tick-tick')
  2. The most I've been able to decipher from that track is: Not 100% sure of the accuracy mind - Like to imagine it's Rob or Sean's nans having a chat with one another
  3. Last 5 minutes of elyc6 0nset
  4. Nowadays I think it's mostly hardware sequencers, but back then it was PlayerPro
  5. Aye definitely gonna buy it all the same (a digital copy anyway) - Substrata my favourite of his releases and one of my favourite albums in general
  6. mcbpete

    afx nft

    Unless I'm reading it wrong it looks like it's plummeted even further in just 3 days: Last Sale (Contract) 0.025 ETH ($33.00)
  7. Now available - https://biosphere.bandcamp.com/album/substrata-alternative-versions Admittedly only skimmed through the previews, they very much seem to be [very] slight variations of the original - Like someone pressed a '5% random' button on the original project settings ? Kinda reminds me of the mod Doom But Something's Not Right:
  8. The artwork reminds me of the Commodore 64
  9. I only saw the first one (apparently the two differed on the night) - Very nice though very slight. Their backing visuals (a still image of what looked like vertical strips of a photo of the middle of the forest (edit: See @commercial's photo 6 posts up ? ) ) were actually a perfect representation of what it sounded like: Like the sound of wind blowing through trees ran through nicely tuned resonant filter playing soft ambient notes. They managed to fit in what sounded like two distinct pieces (the first with percussive water-dripping sounds leading the aforementioned tree-wind/resonant sounds and the second with faint tribal beats over tree-wind/resonant sounds) Was definitely a stark contrast to the chaos the Ae boys brought but really nice all the same. Not sure if they were pushed for time but the finish seemed a little abrupt - like they were told to wrap the thing up in 30 seconds when they actually had a 10 minute wrap-up planned !
  10. Damn, thought there would've had to have been some sort of pre-show meet. Shame I didn't catch you man ? One thing that I completely underestimated was the effect of the performance being in complete darkness (aside from a few pin point lighting from the ceiling rig electronics and a couple of dots on stage). It completely threw me time wise - I honestly had no conception of whether they'd being playing for 5 minutes or an hour, and that happened for the entire performance (however long that was!). I knew this was going to happen, but the reality and my expectation of how I would experience that was far removed. Like you look at a high building thinking: 'yeah bet that's a bit mad at the top' vs you actually standing on the ledge of said building and you mind is screaming 'FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUu....' Without trying to make it sound like I hated it (which I didn't - the whole experience was overwhelmingly good) the disparity between the complete darkness and the extreme sonics felt exactly like the sensation I have when I have an overnight fever: Rational parts of my mind occasionally pop in reminding me this is only a temporary thing, but the majority of the time I'm thinking 'Well this is me, here, forever then - stuck in some sort of infinite space where nothing really makes any sort of physical or logical sense. I am really not going to survive this'. God knows what it felt like for anyone that was on any kind of psychedelic - Hell I felt like I was on psychedelics ! As with my aforementioned feverish episodes, I didn't know whether to close my eyes or not, the sensation was the same but it seemed a bit less intense when closed ! Wild stuff. Would highly recommend: was exactly as intimidating as I thought seeing Ae live would be. (ps. Have the boys ever mentioned how they can actually perform in such darkness, like how on earth can they see what they're doing on any of their devices with not even a screen to cast some semblance of light onto anything !)
  11. It was like a train approaching on the underground and for some reason you decide to jump in front of it at the last minute, but instead of being hit by a train you accidentally download every internet page at once Had a look around for any WATMM-ers I knew the face of before and after but didn't see anyone. Saw Lara-Rix Martin with Mike Paradinas though ...
  12. Remember it very well - Also remember thinking what percentage of the poor sods that attended just saw 'Aphex live' and blindly bought tickets not reading the description of the evening's events thinking it'd just be a live set of his idemmings.
  13. Ah that's great. gen~ is definitely one side of Max I've never managed to wrap my head around
  14. Yeah, those who bought tickets to the Helsinki gig (as it had technical issues)
  15. Though not one of my favourite albums (it's definitely not bad, just doesn't wow me) - this one instantly summons 'Autumn' to me whenever I hear it. Even the cover looks exactly how it sounds to me:
  16. Chaise Longue reminds me of Captain Beefheart's Mirror Man but with 117% less mouth organ
  17. It rubs the plyPhon on its skin Or else it gets the Vose In again
  18. That's gonna freak the hell out of those that have dropped something-or-other before the show !
  19. Ooops, 'interval' not 'interview' - sorry !!!
  20. ^^ Resisting the click before Friday ..... .... talking of which: are folks here generally going to the first or second performance of the evening (or both). Hopefully see some of you there at the first one in either of the 2 main bar areas either before the performance, during the interview or after the show ?
  21. Most summeriest sounding glitch ambient album since Fennesz's Endless Summer. Feel like I need to put on sun cream just thinking about the thing.
  22. Who'd be able to tell if it got sabotaged - It's all just weird bloops and blarps and crinkle cut noises with those two anyway ....
  23. Had you said Eleh though, I would've definitely been on board ?
  24. *Prints Topic* *Burns Topic* *Flings Topic over a rainbow*
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