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Everything posted by mcbpete

  1. Preview of the first minute: bleep bloop clank ..... waaaaaaaaaaaaaauuugghghhhhhh .... bsshhh bhhhh bkzzzz griou boo bo clank bo clank (x4) ...... briauuugggghhhouuuwwwwwwww .. squijjjjj blonk squijjjj blkzzz
  2. Is the name of the tour how many years they've each been de-aged in that above poster ?!
  3. Have you tried the 'virtual' modular route with something like VCV Rack (https://vcvrack.com/) or Voltage Modular ( https://cherryaudio.com/products/voltage-modular ). Might be worth giving that a go to see if modular is right for you before going the full-on hardware modular route....
  4. Agreed (imo) e.g. Orbital attempts brostep Orbital attempts UK Grime Orbital attempts ... erm David Grey (......though to be fair time has softened my hatred to them over the years!)
  5. Look at this lovely modular m4l mo fo - Just €15 for all those modulating modules - https://darkinteger.gumroad.com/l/modpack
  6. Whilst we're Scooby Doo mystery solving who was Defunkt Dialekt again ?
  7. An 'envelope follower' is the general term for the 'thing' you want to be using for this kind of technique. There are probably lots out there (I use some Max 4 Live devices in Ableton as find it easier to map what I wanna listen out for and what I want to modulate) but the first (free) one that comes to mind is MCCGenerator: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MCCGenerator
  8. Sorry, I meant compared to the RSD 12'' release. Though who knows, Baz does like to add bonussessssess to the digital vesions !
  9. Yep in about a week's time from fsoldigital with a few bonus tracks ?
  10. Favourite thing is that mad 8 minute rap battle between the two BoCBros in the middle of Visual Drone 12 - who knew you could rhyme so many things to 'Orange' !
  11. Cor, not heard AND IV for ages - must relisten soon. But yeah agreed, certainly could imagine it being something from their live sets around that era !
  12. If that was the case the whole internet would've been long deleted and fired over a rainbow ?
  13. More likely: the cost of living increase therefore customers are culling non-essentials, returning to office working so less home-streamy-time, and (certainly in the UK) putting the price up
  14. mcbpete

    The KLF

    Still cheaper than a NobbyFukkyTwat though ? (plus at least you get the thing as a real thing!)
  15. mcbpete

    The KLF

    Since watching this doc it always seemed like 'The KLF' killed 'The KLF'. This scene onwards seems to be the sad realisation that they may well have fucked it:
  16. Is this about the drugs ? It sounds like it might be about the drugs
  17. They're also using a bit of Ableton now (presumably for Max hosting and for sequencing) as well - https://forum.watmm.com/topic/50162-autechre-interviews/page/7/#comment-2854119 What did you program? SB: Actually, we mainly transferred our existing patches to Ableton. The reason for this was that we were asked to do a remix for SOPHIE. At that time, we couldn't process our stems in the live setup. RB: It was designed too much for real time. SB: For the remix, I transferred a few of the patches to Ableton and started to dig into them. Finding myself in context. I hadn't worked with a DAW in years before. I actually didn't want to. RB: We actually use DAWs more to master our tracks. So that was a more compositional approach to our real-time setup. SB: We practically did live jams for NTS, the elseq parts and Exai. For an hour or so, then boiled it down into tracks, then put some layers on top, for example from other live jams, and then coded the track. That worked well. And how did it go this time? SB: We built it up layer by layer, very gradually, in Ableton. I don't like Ableton that much, but it supports Max / MSP patches. And then we haven't done the SOPHIE remix in ages. That only happened a few months ago, and completely different than originally planned. We didn't use a lot of the material that we had produced to get used to this new setup. And this is mainly where SIGN emerged. We met after six months of training and heard a common thread in Rob's stuff, to which a couple of my pieces fit. The album came out unintentionally. “My attention span is a little shorter than Robs. I get bored faster than him. "
  18. Love Fredd-e posting in there every so often like a parent telling a bunch of kids high on sugar to calm the hell down. He's doing God's work there !
  19. Free new device for those that want to make new afex twins out of tune tunes https://www.ableton.com/en/packs/microtuner/
  20. My mind can't work out if this would be the most amazing or most terrible acoustic setup for Robbunshawn
  21. I think he says 'later' rather than 'lighter', said with a nice southern drawl
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