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Everything posted by mcbpete

  1. Pop ballon in room Record pop
  2. In a similar-ish vein it reminds me of some of the wonkier bits from the T1 soundtrack e.g. the second half of this -
  3. It's a lovely track. Sounds like what I'd imagine current day Orbital would sound like (but unfortunately doesn't !)
  4. Looks like what you'd get if you typed "Wire magazine cover featuring Plaid" into Dall-E
  5. Have been waaaaaay too overwhelmed by the release rate ever since the Colundi was just single digits, but randomly decided to check out Cycles 9 and oh my gosh it's just beautiful - The Track 3/Track 4 23 minute uber-track nearly had me in tears with the playful clonking between instruments dancing around the multiple reverb layers. Simply fantastic compositions & production !
  6. Apparently it's going tonight so grab quick..... Stephan Mathieu's entire Bandcamp discography (27 releases) as a digital download for €26 https://schwebung.bandcamp.com/music (just click on any of the releases and there should be an option half way down the page to 'buy all')
  7. Was trying to think what this recent era of his output reminded me of and this morning it finally came to me: (just this track, not the whole album)
  8. Definitely my favourite Biosphere album (and the first thing I heard by him with Sphere of No Form being on a Future Music CD back in the day) so very much intrigued as to exactly *what* this release entails given the same track names as the original Would love to get a re-release of that too - My CD rip was done at 160kbps over 15 years ago, and the super-sub-bass frequencies really are not an mp3 codec's friend !
  9. Interesting choice of fart noise whilst the CGI person trumps on the other one at 1:02
  10. "Aphex Twin as a character from a Pixar Film": (not sure Disney would allow the penis fingers that are holding him in the first one)
  11. Makes a mental note never to see Orbital live again in case that falls in my ears.
  12. Also this definitely 100% genuine Acid Memories era BOC:
  13. One hell of a find - Thank you ?
  14. Wait, what - it's just a few posts up .... Or are you doing the memes and the internetlols ?
  15. Agreed, needs to at least have the download link pointing to a USENET binary newsgroup in something like a .lha.arj compressed format (preferably to just the pascal source code)
  16. Was gonna make a joke about sending bang messages with Metro and Uzi ..... but it was a shitter... Just imagine it was something witty.
  17. Yikes, you're totally right - I'm a stoopid, ignore me in that case. I'd always assumed it was made when the release hit the charts with the 3 single release(s) (1996)
  18. Yeah never been a fan either - Seemed like Orbital trying to ape Prodigy (and the other punky-electronica combos that seemed to be a big thing in the mid 90s)
  19. Finished hour 2 of this last night - Has anyone asked him about the process behind their two super-long tracks (All End and Perlence subrange 6-36)?
  20. Nice - Re-heard that track recently after a huge gap and totally assumed it used vocals as some sort of trigger. As they'd done a remix for the track I thought it was an even more filtered version of this:
  21. The bubbling noises of the track remind me of:
  22. I thought the BOC alias was stuff the Ae bros put out whenever the visit each other and get stoned. Stan moving to Norway probably put a spanner in the works.
  23. Aye just in case one of the drives fails, my two external drives are pretty much clones of one another and when the older one starts so act a little dodgy (external drive 1 is about 3 years older and half the capacity of external drive 2) I'll buy a new external drive and retire the older smaller one ... And the cycle will continue every 3 or 4 years
  24. Looks like that guide is how to optimise performance if you want to use that many external drives for Ableton and how to utilise each of them if so. My setup is: the main application, max4live devices & 3rd party samples on the main drive; and then the external drive for all the official packs / libraries from the Ableton store (backups of projects on the 2nd and a third external drive)
  25. mcbpete


    My minds eye conjures up something like this: I get similar (albeit old school WW2-era splosions) vibes with
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