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Everything posted by TubularCorporation

  1. I'm pretty sure relevance and IDM are opposing forces, it's just basic physics.
  2. Yes. Casio SK-1/Impulse Tracker style
  3. I was born before IDM was a thing and yet you're still correct.
  4. I only listen to music that was already irrelevant by the time I was born.
  5. To be honest I prefer shitty in general,.
  6. I don't really multisample anything, if I'm sampling something it's because I want it to get all pitch shifted and weird so I'll do at most one note per octave but more often it's just a bunch of different chord voicings in C3 or C4 and even that's pretty rare because 99% of the time it's 90s MPC style sampling and chopping up a complete mix, whether it's my own or off of a record or VHS or something. For the last couple years, partly out of convenience and partly for the sound, I do most of my sampling on a semi-broken SP-303 username Limpyloo mailed to me years ago (THANK YOU!!!!) in my living room where my turntable is and then I take it into the spare room I use as a studio and sample it from the 303 outputs on the sampler I actually want to use it in. As far as I'm concerned, it's easy enough to make a high quality multisampled instrument now that it's more compelling to do your sampling shitty.
  7. Sounds like there are some new bugs, but nothing that's reported so far comes close to outweighing the improvements. Finally being able to edit, copy and paste multiple trigs makes me so happy. I'm also probably going to have to update my main footswitch preset to add single-button randomize/revert for the selected track once they get the bug that makes reverting randomized parameters reset your effects to the new project defaults under some circumstances.
  8. I wasn't expecting another Octatrack update ever.
  9. Gordon Reid's "Synth Secrets" series for Sound On Sound is at least as good as any synthesis course I took in college. https://www.soundonsound.com/series/synth-secrets
  10. Seconding this, there's stuff in there that I still haven't found any information about online. I haven't read it in a long time but I remember this being really good: https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/digital-mantras
  11. Finally got over my instinct to stay away from high voltage capacitors and got the old Ampeg back in business. Sounds better than ever, the old caps were really starting to make it sound off. The modern caps sure don't have the style of the huge yellow Sprague. I'm kind of considering drilling out the ends, cleaning it out, mounting another 30uf/600v inside it and swapping it back in but that's kind of ridiculous. The black paper covered multi-cap always looked bad to me and I'm glad to have a big aluminum can on there now. Did the two bias caps after this, too, even though they probably had some life left in them.
  12. So I was just watching this Modern Talking video and I saw the most forward-thinking monitor placement I've ever seen:
  13. I don't have a ton of details, beyond it being in working condition with no known issues, mostly kept in the case for the past 5 years, and includes everything seen in the photo. Price is negotiable. If you're interested, PM me and I'll put you in touch with the seller. EDIT: this is USA, so shipping anywhere outside North America would probably be too expensive to be worth it but could be an option.
  14. I didn't know he did the soundtrack to Mad Max Fury Road, that was the only thing about the movie I didn't like. In fact it was so relentless and bland that it almost spoiled the movie for me in a few places, because I'd keep thinking "this movie is so much better than it has any right to be as a big budget action franchise in the 2010s, why is it saddled with such a shit Hollywood soundtrack?" I mean, it was bad enough that when I recommended the movie to people I'd say that it was fantastic other than the trailer house style pre-credit sequence and the terrible score, because I was worried those things would turn people off so much that they would shut it off and miss out on a really good movie.
  15. MG-1 still has just about my favorite oscillator sync of any synth I've ever used. I'm ultimately glad I traded mine for a string synth but I definitely miss it.
  16. I've got one on the shelf under my desk for whenever the wireless one starts acting up.
  17. If I had the money and the PCB layouts were available (there are schematics and BOMs but no layouts that I've ever found) I'd love to build an NGF Vocoder, which is about as space-inefficient as you can get and really appeals to my sense of maximalism.
  18. MY mom made a bunch of Jesse Killion pattern masks (with ties instead of elastics) and having a good, fitted design makes such a huge difference.
  19. Ended up picking up Wavesfactory Track Spacer for half off ($30) and so far it's been a really good move. I already like to use sidechained dynamic EQ for a lot of things (I like to have pads with a lot of low and low-mid and use sidechain EQ to punch holes for kick and short bass notes, for example) and this is a much more controllable, detailed way to do it. Different sound but I really like it. Only thing I wish it had was band reject on the sidechain instead of just low and high cut, so you could easily apply it to both extremes of the frequency spectrum only, without having to use a separate filter on the sidechain signal.
  20. Just make sure you accurately find the center, and use a drill press or drill guide to make sure the hole is exactly perpedicular to the face of the puck. 7mm is perfect, because it grips the spindle just enough that you can sort of twist it on gently and it stays in place, you don't need a lot of weight so it should be OK on most turntables. It's kind of a hybrid weight/clamp. If you countersink the hole a little it makes it a lot easier to place it on the spindle, and a logo or sticker on top makes it a lot easier to tell which side is the top if you've got the lights low.
  21. I think it belongs more in here than the free software thread, but Slate have a a new enhancer plugin that's free right now, so you can make everything sound bright and painful: https://app.slatedigital.com/checkout?catalogItemReferenceId=fresh-air
  22. I remember hearing lots of good stuff about the knob one and lots of bad stuff about the fader one, apparently you can't cut corners on motorized faders as successfully as you can on encoders. The only reason I never got a knob one myself is the size.
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