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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. and there's something new as well. i know 2 people who've lost kids to accidental OD of fentanyl. 1 thought it was a xanax and another thought it was an oxy. both were under 19yrs old. not addicts.. just the once in a while experimentation at a party w/friends or whatever and poof. dead. so sad. heart breaking. one was the child of a friend i've had since like 1990. just devastating edit: i was in the hospital for a week after major abdominal surgery when they removed the big egg plant shaped tumor. i had an epidural for the whole time except the last 2 days when they transitioned my pain meds to oxy. i went home with about a week's supply of pain meds (oxy) which were magic and i felt pretty clear headed and wasn't nodding off or anything. i made sure to taper off the pain meds so i wasn't abruptly stopping. i was breaking pills in half the last 2 days and took my last pill in the afternoon. that night when i went to sleep i was restless for about 2 hours. legs restless, slight teeth gnashing etc.. squirming basically. then that was that. i was fine and no more withdrawal. I can't imagine how bad it is when someone is on high dose for a long time has to stop taking it or is an addict trying to quit etc. i was only on that stuff for a week and a half and i tapered and still had some withdrawal symptoms that were more than noticeable. fentanyl is supposed to be even worse to withdrawal from.
  2. ^^not Facebook metaverse but a whole other sandbox facebook is busy like this though
  3. One of the Largest Louisiana Glass Recyclers Was Founded by College Students Who Are Rebuilding a Vanishing Coastline https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2022/10/glass-half-full-recycling/
  4. i watched that "some kind of heaven" doc a while back. it's so weird. really is. and that dude who lives in his van and tries to be a succubus is just fuckn awful
  5. this was coordinated w/the museum/staff or whatever because he only did a short visit and is planning to do a longer more in depth visit in the future. but yeah.. i wish he'd let that line go already.
  6. finally listened in the studio to the flac of the helsinki recording. fucking ay. some amazing stuff. i'm digging it. there's a lot of subtle things happening. layered.
  7. i've heard young people who really don't know much about anything talk about him and the first thing that comes out their mouths is "he's a genius"... and not teenagers but 25yr old dudes who work in tech or drive for grubhub or whatever. the job isn't so relevant as it seems american culture is really prone to this kind of hero worship for a while now where it's like mixed wa sort of savior complex or they're desperately looking for something meaningful to latch on to because their lives lack a lot of real meaning or life experiences. so, this guy out there rags to riches who everyone talks about and is now worth a billion dollars or whatever and is so "misunderstood" and in the eyes of normies and mainstream people he is out on the edge of what they get exposed to. the same people would be confused or react violently to.. say.. a couple experimental musicians who like to play w/the lights out when they're on tour... and this isn't a "the only music i listen to is harsh noises made in the 60s and recorded directly to wax cylinder" it's just that the squares and normies don't get out enough or they're just young and close minded and they're sheep.. waiting for the masses to say it's OK to like something and tell them where the next trend is... fuck if i know anything about anything but seems.. a lot of the time that gossip thrives on empty lives... chewing gum for the brain or whatever.
  8. this is out now and it's really gorgeous and wonderful and dark. The vocals and the compositions are really so well paired.. just perfect. gonna be addicted to this release i think.
  9. first shot in the civil war is a beer thrown at a comedian. the club is pressing charges. i think the dude got arrested. he was apparently the husband of the female heckler. this is pretty funny exchange. she picks up the beer and chugs what's left like a boss.
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