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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. it's possible that both these things are true. also possible that the past experiences of DPRK and the tyrants who have ruled over the people of DPRK have warped all perspective and meaning to suit their own ends which typically is to stay in power and be told "yes" by the people around said dictator. i can take lot's of time and words to chart a path forward where DPRK could enter the world in good standing with benefits for their people and the rest of the world but alas.. it's pointless as none of you have the ability to make the wide boy dictator listen to such nonsense from a non expert at anything human like me. russian guy put a $1 million bounty on Putin.
  2. thank god. ancient aliens is need of some new material to make fodder for their bullshit. cna't wait to see this on some episode this season.
  3. Lukashenko plans Moldova invasion as Belarus President releases secret military plans https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1573902/Lukashenko-belarus-attack-map-russia-ukraine-war-latest-vn/amp it's actually SMOLPP
  4. there's some people from ireland as well. ukrainian expats too.. but groups of people are heading there. also, if you want some idea of understanding putin... it's a usa link so might not work w/o vpn in some places.
  5. sooner or later he's just going to be a floating bobble head.
  6. @usagi i don't think there's going to be any kind of disney ending to anything. russia will get its shit together and keep forging ahead regardless of losses and how much time it takes. it sucks. it's a huge force. some are saying the ukranian forces will turn into an insurgency once russia gets where it's going and that will be a long protracted thing that will exist for years. this is only the beginning. even if russia topples the gov't in ukrane and puts in a puppet.. russia doesn't want to stay and be an occupying force because it's too expensive etc. even though no one is sending troops.. ukrane is calling for foreign fighters to come help and there's stories about americans and canadians answering the call and figuring out how to get there to fight.
  7. wow. don't know what to say. sounds beyond stressful. you do have lot's of support over here. many cities have had some gatherings/protests etc in support of ukraine. they had to arrest someone at the russian embassy in usa for vandalism or throwing something. ukraine is the lead story on the news every day. it's all the politicians and news people are talking about. of course part of that is trying to score points on the other party and point blame etc. that part of things is a shit show.. but there's a lot of support. russians are protesting too in moscow and other cities even though they're getting arrested. as for directly from USA. they're sending aid and arms and working with other countries to get those things into ukraine. it's a logistical problem of course but they're figuring it out. i saw where Elon musk sent starlink equipment so the internet can be accessed if the current internet goes down. somehow they got that in on a truck. so i assume that will continue and be developed. i think USA approved $350million more in aid. probably not the last. regardless, much, if not all, of the world is watching and doing what it can w/o triggering putin to go nuclear. it's early days but we'll see how it goes in the coming days and weeks. some military analysts/former intelligence people saying this is only the beginning. anyway.. my thoughts are with you and it's hard to think about anything else.
  8. "let's just nuke them so they won't exist".... except oh right.. they have nukes too. they'd be dead too because a nuclear strike wouldn't go unanswered.
  9. it's probably when they started insulating themselves from sanctions by hoarding lot's of cash etc. maybe his plan was to do it now all along and he thought trump would be in for his 2nd term? in which case trump wouldn't be doing much.. certainly not leading/helping to organize a group of nations to sanction russia while providing assistance to ukraine. but who knows.. could be putin just wasn't ready yet.
  10. jesus is sure to come back after the nuclear war.
  11. this could be the 'crazy man' idea.. like how during the cold war it was widely spread that nixon was drunk and paranoid and crazy and willing to go nuclear. it was all a tactic to elicit hesitation in the soviets and back them down
  12. kinda hoping for the oligarchs to have someone take out putin if this get too hot and complicated and risky. same way i hoped someone would take trump out.
  13. it wasn't so much usa intelligence as usa outspending in the arms race for some stupid reason.. among other things.. defense budgets ate everything in russia. then usa mismanaging involvement when ussr collapsed. the mafia and corruption got involved really quickly in former soviet union.. literal garage sale of assets big and small to all kinds of people all over. also, instead of building up a solid financial/banking system it basically got turned over to exploitative banking right? i mean.. essentially a cartel.. then the mafia gripped so many things. putin's own history in all this is rather involved. when aid was sent to st peteresburg he was in charge of distribution. instead of doing that he sold it off to mafia people and took the profits.. when it was investigated he stayed loyal to the local figurehead who was also in on it.. so was seen as someone who was loyal above all.. which is why drunken what's his name.. yelsin.. pulled him to follow up as president.. then the false flag of blowing up those apartment buildings happened... and that was blamed on chechnya and off to war russia went.. now a puppet is there.. that weirdo who talks about his cat all the time and hates gay people... i'm sure i skipped some details.. the bit about putin in st peterburg has lot's of depth to it. a lot happened around that where he proved himself. it's a crazy story. there's some good books about it and a few documentaries. "Putin's Way" was a 2 parter on Frontline that was good if you can find it. and the book about how shady he is and the lengths he'll go to "The man without a face: the unlikely rise of vladimir putin" is a good one. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12382651-the-man-without-a-face going over and over about USSR vs USA is full of so many turns and twists and misconceptions etc. you'd have to read so much to really understand it. the cold war was such a sham that wrecked both countries a lot. we're all still suffering for it.
  14. buncha bonkers shit on this kid's youtube channel
  15. no consequences so far... Trump took documents to Mar-a-Lago that are so sensitive they may not be described in public, report says https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-took-docs-highest-levels-classification-mar-a-lago-wapo-2022-2
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