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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. which russian state media outlet are you getting that from?
  2. should we play spot the dead ukrainian civilians? or count the refugees heading to poland? it's already been repeated that it's about 2500 nazis in that one unit and something like 2% of the forces in total. what percent of russia's army is nazi or far right or white supremacist? do we really need to do this dance? no one wins and it's pointless and stupid in the face of what's happening.
  3. now close all the ones in america too
  4. they talked about in the AAA but wouldn't give direct answers. I made a very similar sound once using the Analogue Systems Comb Filter in the modular. it does that exact thing if you fiddle w/it and get proper modulation/input source. i don't know if they had the AS system at that time but they did get a full system at some point. they've talked about it some in interviews "We have a British modular" https://www.bigcitymusic.com/collections/analogue-systems/products/rs120-comb-filter?variant=4870653251
  5. Even mild Covid is linked to brain damage, scans show The new British research is the first to reveal striking differences in areas of the brain based on scans taken before and after a coronavirus infection. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/long-covid-even-mild-covid-linked-damage-brain-months-infection-rcna18959
  6. made spaghetti squash saturday. it was good. the leftovers were good on sunday. but there's 2 more days worth of meals left using it and i don't know if i can eat it 4 days in row. had longer post but deleted because overshare. ugh. gimme some opium to smoke so i can retreat into a cave in my brain and sleep for 12 hours and have wicked dreams.
  7. The White House said Monday that a US delegation held weekend talks in Venezuela with the government of President Nicolas Maduro that included a discussion of energy supplies -- as Washington looks for ways to reduce its imports of Russian oil. https://news.yahoo.com/us-envoys-held-energy-talks-215159290.html
  8. https://twitter.com/borzou/status/1500716991673421828?s=20&t=Ri_V-SsHl_tZKITO9HNnrQ tweet embeds is being fucky
  9. i meant.. desantis is gonna run for president probably. . perhaps rick scott will as well also, https://twitter.com/dangillmor/status/1500622203728982016?s=20&t=ClS-YtUnAwEeK5uaAcZ30A
  10. doesn't everyone here already know though? if someone makes it passed their 19th or so birthday w/o knowing some dirt on the world.. idk.. i have nothing to say. everyone should get a few noam chomsky, howard zinn (or whatever is relevant in their home country), etc books early in life.. history of colonialism should be taught to 8 year olds... and at 12 should have to read the book Sapiens (or similar)
  11. there is no 'ideal' situation here. i mean.. it's a war. choices are made. hands are tied. hard to get the house in order when someone is trying to burn it down. https://www.npr.org/2022/03/01/1083677765/putin-denazify-ukraine-russia-history https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/09/04/night-wolves-russian-motorcycle-club-or-kremlin-militia.html https://www.businessinsider.com/vladimir-putin-far-right-motorcycle-rally-in-crimea-2019-8 general overview of things... https://carnegieendowment.org/2020/02/27/with-friends-like-these-kremlin-s-far-right-and-populist-connections-in-italy-and-austria-pub-81100 The Russian-Ukraine conflict could strengthen neo-fascist groups in both countries https://www.npr.org/2022/03/05/1084729572/the-russian-ukraine-conflict-could-strengthen-neo-fascist-groups-in-both-countri
  12. go tell it on a mountain. srsly though.. there's plenty of pro russian nazi groups in ukraine.. this was established years ago. if you dig around about the previous russian aggression towards ukraine.. 2014.. you'll find some stuff.
  13. probably what would happen is saudi would trade oil in euros instead of dollars or wahtever.. i think part of the deal w/saudi.. made when USA went in and sent the contractors to build up infrastructure and make the deal of the century was that they had to use US dollars as currency for the oil exchange. there's lot's of talk back around gulf war 2 about iraq and some others switching to euros for trading oil which would've made the dolar plummet or something.. though that was a lifetime ago and i forget the details so could be messing this all up.
  14. it's already established there are nazi groups operating in ukraine.. some in support of ukraine and some in support of russia. this isn't a surprise but is a bummer. "enemy of my enemy is my friend??" i don't know.. choices were made.. doesn't mean all of ukraine is a nazi.
  15. nah.. just assumptions since they've released so much and surprised us w/things like NTS and elseq.. also, the AAA has some tidbits in it about this kind of stuff but i forget specifics..
  16. can't recall the article but they said they used to write 300 minutes of music and pull the album from that... however long it took to write that 300 minutes then that's how long it took.. could be a year.. or 3 years.. whatever. once they hit the 300 minute mark they'd release an album from that material. so, i don't think they have that "constraint" anymore... seems they just write music constantly and release stuff when they feel like it. also, i'm pulling this from memory of a thing read i don't know when.. 10... 15 years ago? at this point in their career it seems like there aren't any rules about when and what they release.
  17. (all music by grischa lichtenberger, except all vocals by artists as stated) some amazing stuff in this.
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