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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. so, 'travel oregon' bought a 1 page ad in the NYT that says this: and someone made a parody of it. NSFW - public shitting.
  2. it's available on kindle and also apple books i think. i bought it from Pakt as a pdf i think. haven't dived in yet though.
  3. welcome to portland! it's not like this everywhere but it's like this everywhere. https://www.instagram.com/portlandlookslikeshit/ it's not though.. but every part of town has its camps and craziness. it really blew up once the pandemic started but prior to that was growing for years due to housing crisis and people coming to oregon to live on the streets because it's 'chill' for them and there's lot's of services. also, many drugs available.
  4. called my dad to say happy father's day. good. he tells me about how my 23 yr old nephew has gone full Qanon. he's totally ill equipped to deal w/any kind of conspiracy shit or politics in general. he's the kid who didn't finish highschool, has terrible relationships w/his parents, no goals, very insecure etc.. nothing to belong to so of course he's totally ripe for all that bullshit.
  5. perhaps. i find his structures and drum sounds to not be ae-like. there's a few synth sounds that for a minute trigger an ae vibe in my brain but overall i think he does a different thing. also, his mixing and mix processing to me sounds very different to what ae does. there could be some max/msp crosstalk. he's a heavy max user.. wrote a book about it even. his previous ep might jell w/you better or might trigger those LP5/EP7 vibes. idk. regardless.. i'm enjoying his tunes. https://www.amazon.com/Multimedia-Programming-using-Max-TouchDesigner/dp/1849699712/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=patrik+lechner&qid=1624207487&sr=8-1
  6. finally on bandcamp. was previously only available on streaming services and apple music which is where i downloaded it. stoked to have access to high quality DL. it's a nice release and if you have his previous EP (also on apple music but not on bandcamp) they make a nice long playlist of good shit. his previous ep is called AlsGegenstand - EP and i think i might like it as much or more than the new one https://music.apple.com/us/artist/patrik-lechner/527977537 stoked to have his stuff in the ipod.
  7. finally on bandcamp. i guess i should make a thread for it. https://patriklechner.bandcamp.com/album/apophenia
  8. i'm impressed how little recoil that thing has. i was expecting a bit more chaos and vibration. it's quite well engineered. fuckn mini gun. god damn. this is what is used to hunt bruce willis or predators from space... or rescue morpheus...
  9. Album Artwork: Sarah Sitkin if you aren't familiar w/her stuff she's amazing. check her instagram. she doesn't post much anymore but her history of posts is full of awesome stuff. you've probably seen some of it before somewhere and didn't realize. https://www.instagram.com/sarahsitkin/ ^^^ album is mental. i like all the changes and heaviness. it's twisted guitar music.
  10. the baby at the []pusher show gif is pretty good.
  11. PBS (OPB) has a show called Oregon Splendor produced by the oregon field guide people where they have drones i guess and maybe some helicopters that have flown all over taking awesome nature shots of landscapes and mtns and lakes.. set to some mystical epic music.
  12. oh damn. had no idea.. though they were still being made. there's also that little one.. ugh.. let me search for it.. .. the Oxi One https://oxiinstruments.com/
  13. social entropy engine elektron digitakt (8 midi tracks 2 lfos per track can do CCs and program changes), similar vibe to octatrack which has 8 midi tracks, more lfos w/custom shapes squarp polyend Seq (i don't think it does LFOs though) that new korg sq-64 is polyphonic and inexpensive there's others but my brain is fogged
  14. poor mouth hygiene can lead to a particular type of bacteria that can lead to heart disease. i guess it gets inhaled and aspirated in the lungs. fwp - 2 social things tomorrow one after the other. it's good but will be draining of the social gas tank and i'm sleep deprived as fuck. also, yesterday at my first radiation appointment they did a quick "name/DOB/and what part of you are we treating today?" to confirm we're all on the same page.. i gave the correct answer instead of saying "my personality" for a laugh and now i'm just waiting for another opportunity.
  15. they were so outnumbered that day i think they were all worried about escalating violence/retaliations. in hindsight they should've given the berkeley student treatment.. but they needed like a thousand more officers and national guard troops to control the situation in any real way.
  16. that whole thread is fuckt. america is fukt up. i wish i was Dr. Manhattan so i could vaporize/explode all these people. or just get a good night's sleep a few times a week so i'm less bitchy.
  17. yeah. i agree. i wish more people working in whatever genre would realize that and be more adventurous or just follow their own path.
  18. was gonna say.. they look way nicer than the ikea conversion hacks. i have a couple of the ikea hacked racks which are not in use now and they don't kook nearly as nice as those racks you have.
  19. it's kind of interesting when considering that handful of times (or maybe just one time?) many years ago he complained about label stuff and not getting paid or something.. i don't remember details but there was a blog post or something he made about it.. trying to account for the $$$$ of sales and royalties and stuff.. also digressing into comparing himself and his music to other more popular or successful artists. i've watched a few of his videos about various things and they're generally well done, thoughtful, entertaining with appropriate level of snark and stuff. i only have a small amount of his music. a few random tracks from different albums. saw him live once long ago when he toured w/richard devine and someone else when that one label i can't remember now existed and released like 50 releases in physical format in a short period of time and then stopped releasing. anyway, he seems to have had a myriad of experiences making his living from music and has a healthy amount of humble ego checking and perspective at time when the music industry was transitioning to whatever it is now.
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