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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. are you also CEO of the other universes in the multiverse?
  2. "concert goer brings ear plugs in case Morrisey speaks to the crowd" goth cougar night.. probably be pretty amazing scene really. nostalgia overload. 1986/87 fake ID days at the kitchen club in south beach.
  3. public schools in USA are a mess in some places but work well in others. not evenly distributed funding.. and the republicans have been trying to wreck it for 50 years. fundamentally, education in USA is a bit backwards and lacking. testing became such a big deal for everywhere and it's diminished the experience of learning for kids. homeschooling is also a patch work of things.. evangelicals, hippies, libertarians etc.. some of it is well done in places and other places is a joke but it's up to the parents really.. there's a lot of support for organized homeschooling these days. lot's of groups that get their kids together for extracurriculars and small private school type places where they have a handful of classrooms in a strip mall and a few days a week have school there and teach the classics and stuff.. my step brother and his wife did this for there kids (evangelicals) and the kids are all pretty smart and have gone on to college or already done and have tech jobs. very much followed the idea of letting kids find their interests and supporting them to go that route while making sure they know all they're supposed to. the ones who took SATs did really well. still, it's a religious bent and closed off in some ways but i think the kids are smart enough to find their way. that's only one example and i'm sure there's plenty of good and bad ones out there. my mom is a retired highschool history teacher. when she got burned out in the classroom she became a guidance counselor for her last few years in the system. anyway.. i heard all the good bad ugly stories about the people and places she worked. often the parents were the worst.. and the administrators of schools.. why a public school needs 4 vice principals i have no idea. public schools are often top heavy with administrators. more parents getting active w/their kids education might not be a bad thing.. even if it means they homeschool them for a few years. this will force public schools to adapt perhaps.. and make some changes.. we'll see i guess.
  4. oh i hear ya.. wasn't trying to talk you down or spoil the day dream. for some reason i can't help but confess what i know sometimes. i saw some investigative report a few years back.. maybe 5 or 10 years actually.. about the dubious situation of americans leaving usa and going down to mexico and buying a beach house or whatever and the legal grey areas for property ownership. i too like mexico and mexican people/culture. when i lived in san diego i liked going to tijuana away from the tourist areas because they'd have great art and events for locals. MUTEK did some events in mexico that were awesome and so much better than san diego. i have a friend who goes down to a backwater beach town down there for months every year and hangs out w/mexican techno people and sets up sound systems and has beach parties. sounds like a special kind of heaven. anyway.. it's not so impossible to change your life and find something new. it's a risk and a challenge but people do it... no reason you can't when the time is right.
  5. china is not above internal politics and personal agendas that result in massive amounts of violence. leaders purge their enemies and do all the tyrannical shit that other shit headed politicians do in other parts of the world.. and often those people are jailed or executed. that's the way it's been for a long time. regardless of what system of gov't they have they're doing some shitty shit. if anyone think they know what will come of china and what the goals of leadership are there.. well.. i doubt it. there's some well informed educated people who know the country very well and can make informed statements about what ping's goals are our what china's larger goals are but even they admit it's speculation and can only surmise these things based on what's happening.. and none of these people can tell the future and admit the future is full of unseen consequences. blah blah blah-bity bloop blop. it's worth mentioning that there was a struggle within the government.. it wasn't united on its actions but the hardliners won out and crushed the movement. it's what they wanted from the start. none of this is simple. i mean.. events leading up to all this are complex and full of rivalries. i recommend watching the adam curtis doc. "can't get you out of my mind" the stuff on china is particularly amazing.
  6. She’s featured in the latest 6 part Adam Curtis doc series. There’s a scene of her damn near apoplectic in tears over what was going to be a bloodbath. She told people not to go because she knew a lot of people would die. I forget the words she uses about why she won’t go but basically says it’s pointless I think. I’ll have to watch it again. It’s a moving scene. And totally fubar. It’s a good doc series with a long winding narrative. The parts on China I found fascinating. The power struggles and popular movements etc. big time manipulation of people for personal agendas. the big picture aspect of his docs are always interesting to me and he takes on things in the documentary format that others don’t. Regardless, I hope the CEO of the universe finds his way into an Adam Curtis documentary Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. china wants to put chinese facebook on your phone and make sure you never say a bad fart against the chinese system or they'll reduce your social credits to the point of you only being able to date the undesirables or sex up anime pillows while you make enough plastic products for americans and the world so it'll all end up in the ocean and fill in all the holes and cracks in the ocean so it'll be flat and smooth down there and we can drive chinese made underwater cars down there like it's a big road and there won't be any traffic.
  8. i have friends who did this.. drove around USA pulling an airstream for like a year then bought and old farm for a tiny sum. you don't have to go to mexico to find cheap land w/good farming. foreigners owning land in mexico is sometimes a weird thing to do... legally.. they have some property laws specifically to prevent it in some cases. at least they did for a long time.
  9. i listened to the statements about the hong kong protestor/organizer arrested for mentioning the tiananmen memorial gathering on social media.... very 1984.. statement given in english... referencing the security law that was passed recently.
  10. gotta say.. you did well for drunk posting. if that's you w/altered judgment we'll all be fine.
  11. ignatius

    Brexit :(

    i've seen a few stories on newshour /pbs and some twitter threads from touring musicians (though not touring now because covid) freaking out a bit at all the paperwork for each country etc. i guess there's a shit ton of hoops to jump through now for a band to tour.. forms for each country for each piece of gear etc.. work permits.. all that shit. also some story about fishing industry being in chaos. other than that the news here is focused on other stuff.
  12. yeah.. had seen some of those.. NSFL for sure. it was a massacre. destruction of a movement. the state showing its will and power. weren't there estimates of 10,000 dead? at times there was a million people or something crazy.. going through there. uncropped tank man pic
  13. a truly amazing thing. Criminal Minds - total bullshit procedural fbi drama about catching serial killers.. which is what jason alexander plays in that episode.. a serial killer. mastermind. it's hysterical.
  14. went down a flatland freestyle rabbit hole a minute.. chase gouin was ahead of his time for sure. . after the little interview bit he goes through some crazy combinations then goes through them in slow motion narrating what he's doing. nuts for someone who was a bike dork until my early 20s
  15. garloid. so many dank lols here. ?
  16. cheers. wasn't expecting mastering back so quickly. so it's out for bandcamp friday shmiday business. i put a couple on youtube to cross the streams
  17. White History: came to america, killed native peoples, brought slaves, killed more native peoples, more slaves, made chinese people build rail roads, lynched black people, continued killing native peoples, also, white people
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