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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. they should do a spin off called "Borats of Canada" he's a 4000 year old demon. so, doesn't count.
  2. every time i read his name i hear it in cameron's voice. .the character from ferris beuller. but we all know it's kermit the frog that jp sounds like. .maybe someone can ai them together for me
  3. without the internet these kinds of things would be in a quiet little town no one knows about or cares about. but having a platform makes it everyone's problem i guess.
  4. obviously the utility pole was placed there by Satan to test the believers.
  5. the completely out of nowhere suicides are unknowable but i'm sure to people close to people who do that that they in hindsight perhaps see signs.. but we never really know wtf is going on in someone's head w/all their private perceptions and processing of life's events and moods. it has always been really easy for some people step from one state to another in terms of thinking about life. one foot (on a banana peel) in the happy creative love filled life and the other foot in the abyss. the temptation for an end is all too tempting for some people. now take that idea and add it to someone who is clinically depressed or in some kind of trauma situation and .. idk. just existing can be difficult for some people. not making assumptions about anyone's mental health or life experiences.. just speaking generally here. saying anything else is just incomplete rambles better suited for a journal. philosophers and smart writers of literature of covered a lot of this ground... ok.. time to go dig in the dirt long time ago but divorced.. sean mentioned it when talking about untilted.. "the kind of thing you do when your marriage ends and your dad dies"... paraphrasing but he mentioned it in the twitch AMAs which are compiled on youtube. sounds like a rough year.
  6. was thinking about her today and looked at her wikipedia page. they have her cause of death as by suicide at her home. ugh. i suspected but didn't really want to know but now i do. fucking hell. super sad again now. a reminder to check on your people. i'm going to put headphones on and do some yard work now.
  7. nabbed from nnirror on mastodon
  8. are you implying they were born? i thought they somehow phased into this plane of existence from places unknown?
  9. https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_sdw04eHuo21s1ddrj.mp4
  10. could throw jesus christ super star in there also, the jeepers kreepers... mr. show had some great musical numbers with jack black. the jeepers creepers sketch won them an emmy or something. Moulin Rouge was fun and ridiculous on a big screen. pretty loud and bright and in your face close ups. also, Hair the movie is kinda weird in that 60s way. some funny scenes.
  11. would probably mix well into Wendorlan album version. and/or urmur bile hip007* which is one of my fav all time jams.
  12. "Once More With Feeling" is pretty great if you roll w/it a bit. some lolz.. awesome finale. also, anya and bunnies... skip the willow/tara song.. it gets a little.. idk. if you didn't watch the show then you kinda miss a lot of what the musical is about and the big reveal. but also, the youtube playlist skips all the dialogue so.. the first 30 or 40 minutes of Moulin Rouge is kinda psychedlic.
  13. all the reissue labels didn't help w/price. fancy art, quality vinyl, rare pressings etc.. Ae NTS sessions Vinyl seems like a bargain now
  14. that's kinda pretty funny. feedback of garbage from memes and jokes. it eats its own tail. Ai generated articles..
  15. that was Cliff Burton zooming in to make shit real.
  16. it is bizarre. he's not that interesting but a bunch dipshits think he's edgelord science guy saving the planet and owning the libs or whatever the fuck. i find it all pretty scammy in a silicon pump and dump hype cycle kind of way. i enjoy the shitting on elon type videos and "why is this tesla thing so stupid" stuff... thumbnails are tolerable to get to the goods sometimes.. but i try not to occupy my time w/it unless it's really funny.
  17. so many dank. meat penny. i'm dead.
  18. wish someone could make him fat and put trumps face on the mask
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