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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. it's not actual codes. it's a book of plans. like 'wing plan r' from the kubrick film. president just has to authorize then the generals give codes orders down the chain of command but no i doon't think his mental capacity is up to it and i'm amazed he can even use twitter
  2. fuckin Cherell. well.. i hope you got to pee eventually. that sucks. no fun. wrong kind of drama ay?
  3. Weeeeell, hopefully that's out of his pocket and not any of the employees, right? oh it's only out his pocket. he owns the business. already dealt with though. he called someone to come sandblast the wall. what a pain in the ass though.
  4. bark dust mulch smolders in the summer here in portland when it gets hot as fuck for that week or two..
  5. my boss decided to get an artist to paint a mural on the wall outside. he didn't check w/neighbor businesses (we all share one side the building) or the landlord first so i show up to work this morning and everyone is super pissed.. the mural was only just started but the base layer is BLACK so the whole section of wall.. which is brick.. is black. the paint will have to be removed. lol. it's like 10 ft by 12ft of black as night fucking paint on brick. gonna be a pain in the ass and expensive to get someone to remove it. my boss hasn't shown up yet but he knows everyone is pissed at him.. us.. etc.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq8BllR13p0
  7. https://news.vice.com/story/trump-folder-positive-news-white-house every week he seems more and more fragile. also.. .
  8. can't believe he's in charge of anything. i met a dude today who lives in SK and is a percussionist in the orchestra in seoul. he said the neighbors to the north are the only draw back to living there.. and trump.
  9. indifferent really. i wish him the best. he's got plenty of fans so i wouldn't worry. I've never been rude about him unlike many watmmrs, i'm just not interested in his music. And this one is particularly pointless, especially in light of the nonsense that's in the blurb about it you'd think benn had walked on water through the great flood to bring us these ones and zeros on marble tablets. This hubris deserves countermanding. it's not unexpected. the blurb. i mean. he does blurbs at various ends of the blurb spectrum. his blog is easy pickings for blurb material. after the "no more vinyl" blog entry i remembered the one he did several years ago about piracy or not getting paid by labels or something like that.. i can't recall.. but that was the last time i paid attention until this vinyl blog was bounced around on twitter. writing promotional material is a pretty mundane tedious task though. he shares his thoughts for better or worse. internet is always there ready to receive thoughts. just want to go on record for the millionth time that having music autoplay on a website is a bad idea and annoying as fuck. it's 2017.. turn off that shit.
  10. indifferent really. i wish him the best. he's got plenty of fans so i wouldn't worry.
  11. Yeah, very North Korean like it's fucking creepy. is it even legal?
  12. lol "do as i say not as i do".. get's in mid sized SUV.. speeds away. i get it.. people try to reduce their footprint by doing a thing... but we're in climate controlled rooms surrounded by plastics and electronics that are made w/components full of heavy metals. people w/home studios more so than the average person...
  13. can i get it on vinyl ;) http://www.bennjordan.com/blog/?p=697 i think it's probably tough for some producers to step out of that style once they get into it.. just from a purely production standpoint of how things are mixed and processed. trendy fx usage
  14. I just watched an interview a few minutes ago between Abby and this professor dude who claims that capitalism is on its way to inevitable collapse. Whether the same trend applies to democracy is debatable. Regardless, I just want a government I don't have to feel ashamed of. it's a bit too much to tolerate isn't it? i mean.. sure fine.. democracy and capitalism are in their final throws of blah blah.. late stage capitalism etc etc.. but i was expecting a long slow decline not an expedient implosion we force upon ourselves... "we're hoisting ourselves on our own petards" lulz.. that's some funny words. anyway.. democracy and capitalism in the USA are intertwined obviously.. one rules the other.. guiding it into the ditch. it will become cruel for ordinary people who will notice it the most.. the rich and the very poor will have little change because shit has been the same for them for ages.... but the ranks of the poor will grow right? isn't that the trajectory?? idiocracy etc... many many many more poor people.. some more rich people.. nothing in between. big penis.
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