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EXTRASUPER81 last won the day on October 8 2022

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  1. Cheers so much, this album is the best thing I've heard in ages. Been listening on repeat. For me the tune "Tighter" was the one that - ahem - really got a hold on me.
  2. Yep that's it. So good I thought it deserved it's own thread. If it already has one I missed apologies!
  3. Daaaaammn, this is so good, in content and recording quality. Almost soundboard quality, very minimal crowd noise. Incredible. In case anyone else is as late to this party as I am it's on The Internet Archive but I can't post a link here.
  4. You know, I think it might have been the first track I heard by them that really blew me away - to understand that there is something really special and unique here.
  5. I have not been on WATMM for a while so missed this til now - I am generally not especially active as more of a lurker. But I have been lurking since ~2005 and MIXL2 has been a staple. His owl will be sorely missed. RIP man.
  6. I'm fairly sure Sean confirmed this in twitch stream, he made a machine to do scratching and that's what he used for AMKS. Not sure tho, brain doesn't always brain so well these days. OK good to know it's not Mandela effect/early onset dementia
  7. Won't always keep me from buying (like in this case). But even though I have streaming elsewhere I usually prefer to stream on BC. Then if I do it too much I get a reminder that I am a cheapskate and should pay for the music I'm listening to.

    elseq 1-5

    I'm sure I read (somewhere) that the ratings are added after by editorial staff and are independent of the actual review. I admit I still check out pitchfork cos often the reviews will throw up good/interesting stuff that I wouldn't hear about otherwise, for example this: https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/noemi-buchi-matter/
  9. Going to have to check out Alex Smoke now, cheers.
  10. It's almost absurdly good, it makes me laugh at how good it is. Honestly feel like Blawan is in a field of one right now. I felt like Woke Up Right Handed was next level but this seems like a further progression.
  11. Can confirm. First set sounded terrible for me, sat somewhere sort of mid-front-left - as described by others, everything swallowed up by bass/kicks. Second set, sat right at the back near the centre sounded in-cred-i-ble. I know where I'm sitting next time I see music at the Barbican.
  12. I bet they'll be back. Hopefully something is afoot...
  13. ...into Holiday As Brutality. Great 1 - 2 punch.
  14. I reckon (pure conjecture here) that they will release some European tour sets similar to Helsinki before any more touring, and use the 2nd London set material as the basis for a future (North America/Japan/elsewhere?) tour. Although I think some sections from near the start of that set popped up on some bootlegs, the bulk did not, and I get the impression that most of the European tour was based around the same material as Helsinki. Which leads me to believe they are saving the material from the 2nd London set for something else. If I'm right I won't get to relive the 2nd London set anytime soon ?. I really hope I do get to hear that soundboard someday though, it was a real treat.
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