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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. Some heavy hitting tracks right here. One to snag on Bandcamp day tomorrow, people.
  2. Xoop has produced some of my favorite tracks in recent years, and his ambient album "The Cemetery of Unknown Songs" is excellent. Useless Idea has recently released the Acid Hologram album on WeMe, as well as his own ambient collection (also excellent), titled Xa Pah. This release collects remixes they have done of each other's work...and is unsurprisingly, very nice.
  3. I forgot how good that NSRB-11 album is. Need to dig it out.
  4. Yeah my only real qualm with the article is that it really doesn’t speak too much about the music, which is timeless and exceptional.
  5. More greatness from Schematic -- this time another release from our fine WATMM associate, @Braintree Really enjoying these preview tracks!
  6. As much as I hate the ALL CAPS artist/album title, I am really enjoying this album I found on the "February's Best Electronic" feature on Bandcamp. From the description: The Desert of the Real. Three years of travel through the outer limits culminates in a journey through sound and texture, traversing ghost towns and lost canyons, arid landscapes that hum and pulse. Sky oddities and…did you just hear that? Also shout to @dcom for the PSA that got me up off my lazy ass and taught me how to embed Bandcamp links ?
  7. Great album right here. I somehow always forget to keep up with Vogel's stuff and I'm always impressed whenever I listen.
  8. Just listened - what a wild ride. Highly recommended.
  9. https://detund.bandcamp.com/album/hope-fear She probably released what was one of my top albums of 2016 with "Hertz". Really high hopes for this one. Juno Review:It’s easy for mastery of synthesis to become about subtlety and refinement – using a wall of modular to elicit the perfect tone. But what about pushing to the other extreme? Sometimes you want to see someone with towers of equipment wrenching unimaginable cascades of sonics out of ungainly patches, with all the grit and dirt left in for good measure. Formerly a duo, now solely the work of Lena Saito, Galcid is one such venture where you can have some faith that all that lush studio gear isn’t going to waste. Saito has returned to Detroit Underground, a label with its own embrace of futurism and technology as a wild and unknowable frontier. The result is an album that snarls out its identity in a flash. The dazzling array zapping through the opening stretch of ‘Awareness’ is hard to fathom – it’s an acrobatic display of what can be achieved across the stereo field. The sound palette is a noisy mix of analogue and digital blips, shrieks and thumps, pushed into the red and placed right up front so the sculptural imagery of the sound occupies your cerebral cortex. It’s an exercise in engineering as much as an expression – a celebration of what machine music can do when you let the machines set the tone. There are more conventional moments – the acidic throb coursing through ‘Undulation’ feels like a familiar foothold even if the overall construct of the track is brilliantly non-standard. There is also some space for melodic levity, such as on ‘Electronic Flash’ which pivots around a beautiful, skittering chord tone. But by and large, this is a place to enter when you want to be shocked by the startling newness of everything. The cyberpunk styling is hard to refute when it’s executed this well. With this album, Saito has laid out a formidable case for her position amongst the upper echelons of contemporary machine manglers.
  10. Finally got around to listening to this - really, really good stuff. A bit of a departure from his more dancy, upbeat work though. Some really clever rhythms and also really multilayered but not overcrowded (if that makes sense).
  11. https://awalkingcontradiction.bandcamp.com/album/mangrove-management Varuna bringing on the lush, again.
  12. Yeah I saw this article today. Weird how this mythology is starting to go mainstream after we’ve been following it for so long.
  13. That was a great read. Well done, and thanks.
  14. Yeah. It’s pretty so so... ...and again disappointing after creating some of the classics you listed.
  15. Been meaning to listen to this - thx for the reminder!
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