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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. Really harnessing those SAW 85-92/Polygon vibes. Also very nicely varied collection. Very nice!
  2. Sounds like he’ll fit right in. And the conservatives can feel good they have a “minority” speaker.
  3. Spinner - one of my favorites by him (and Eno). Also recently got the reissue treatment. https://brianenoallsaints.bandcamp.com/album/spinner-expanded-edition
  4. Yeah I stopped about three releases ago. Can't keep up.
  5. https://opaltapes.bandcamp.com/album/eyes-pressed-against-the-glass Very impressed with this.
  6. Thanks peeps. Finding out about his work this past couple weeks has been pretty eye opening.
  7. Haven’t heard from him in awhile. Definitely will check this.
  8. So acording to this boomkat review it's gonna be a romantic version of frozen dudes in a tank being bombarded to shreds Count me in.
  9. Fascinating documentary - thanks for the rec. Just finished part 3. Really makes a lot of very complex topics about our societies shine clearly. Especially liked seeing the contrast between the historical figures he highlights (Shakur, Ching, Michael X) and the revolution movements they helped lead. What Curtis docs should I watch next?
  10. !!! Loved Das Jar Babylon. Love Fehlmann. Pumped.
  11. Wow. Nice to see this classic getting the reissue treatment. @Touched Musicreally doing a service to fans these past few years.
  12. Very surprised at how much I like this. I’ve been pretty lukewarm about most of their recent output.
  13. This one really rewards multiple listens. Not as immediate for me as Western Arrogance, but the depth here really brings new things to light each time I put it on.
  14. Definitely get your point on Sheen. But...I’d say that this movie did a great job highlighting a movement that many people (especially dominant culture whites) in it’s massive audience are only vaguely aware of.
  15. I enjoyed this, but have read mixed reviews. Where is the bad acting coming from, in your opinion?
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