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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. Just finished the livestream and bought the 2CD. What a journey. Speechless. Nice to see some fellow WATMMers there, too ?
  2. Listening now. I like this. Very much. Also dig your influences list. Well done @auxien, this is some of the best material I’ve heard from you.
  3. Bump to remind you all that livestream is tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing some of you guys there.
  4. Couldn't have said it better myself. From RA today: If there is one tediously retro aspect of this record, it's the fact that it's vinyl-only. Buying this one, I couldn't help but think of the New Yorker cartoon in which a man tells his friend, "The two things that really drew me to vinyl were the expense and the inconvenience." At €22 plus shipping, Public Static V. runs about twice the usual rate for a 12-inch—pretty punchy in a pandemic that's got many of us strapped for cash. Given the music is best heard as a single piece, you have to wonder about the argument against a digital format, which, beyond not needing to be flipped, would be cheaper, more globally accessible and more environmentally friendly. Even the sales notes drearily mention "delays in the production of the disc." Why not just make things easier for everyone? Sure, the artwork is cool (if you ignore what appears to be an ad for a €45 T-shirt) but the whiff of vinyl purism is this excellent record's only off-note. https://ra.co/reviews/33456
  5. Space Sweepers New Korean Sci-fi movie on Netflix. Nothing mind blowing, but really fun and visually stunning. https://www.google.com/amp/s/slate.com/culture/2021/02/space-sweepers-netflix-review-korea-movie-trans-robot.amp
  6. Finally listened to the preview tracks - couldn't wait. Sounds very promising to me. I've actually been binging on MoM lately - so many great releases. I forgot how much I liked the tunes on that EP collection, Rost Pocks too.
  7. Haha that’s what I thought of originally.
  8. @Sean Ae That must be beyond irritating to read something so embellished about you and your art. Nice to hear from you, though. Can you name my new headphones??
  9. I’m listening to Autoditacker again. It still stands tall with the greatest recorded albums of any genre in the 90s.
  10. Yep it’s on my list. Gonna be hard to top Darren Nye’s new one though.
  11. ...which I snagged. Loved Summer’s Parting Ways, btw.
  12. Rich talked to him about vaccines ?
  13. I only just now listened to Children of the Night for the first time - really great stuff. Somehow I am a fan of Freescha but never heard this before. Shame on me.
  14. Wow. You got to meet a living legend. Did you get to speak with him?
  15. Love Lou’s stuff - especially the latest Reptant album. High hopes for this. Die Orakel is a GREAT label, btw. Would definitely recommend exploring the other releases, too.
  16. Not the best season, but there is one episode near the end which is one of the best they’ve ever made - think it’s episode 9. Rabbi and Loy’s youngest on the run. Aside from that, I hate to say I was pretty let down by S4.
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