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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. https://boomkat.com/products/rakka Deserves it’s own thread. Sasu is back.
  2. Bump to remind you all of this phenomenal album. I feel like it got overlooked with the end-of-year blitz.
  3. Why do I have the feeling that none of this will make a difference?
  4. Damn this album sounds like an ode to everything WATMM loves. Way more emotional diversity than I expected here. I’ll save the rest of my thoughts until after the release. But...wow. I love this.
  5. Naw the giant shit is my “American Tail”. It’s halfway out, as I sit here and type. Get it??
  6. https://dialecticsines.bandcamp.com/album/electric-valley Super funky electro from a dude I just discovered on Bandcamp. Like shades of early-Gescom mixed with more modern CPU style electro jams. Dig it.
  7. That is truly terrifying. I would love to think that the Trump team have thought rationally about this attack...but they clearly have not. Imagine the ways the world can change for the worse due to the actions of this sociopathic president.
  8. Great tune. As I said earlier in the thread, I could use an entire album in this vein.
  9. He’s reminding everyone that no one does braindance better here.
  10. Thanks, Tom. We’ve been begging for the NTS mix in higher quality...and you delivered. Happy New Year, all.
  11. https://specialrequest187.bandcamp.com/album/zero-fucks Cause it needs it’s own thread. Paul done well this year. Thanks for the heads up, Species.
  12. Just chiming in to say that Soundlab is incredibly lush.
  13. This album is absatively lush. I think we’ve been taking Cygnus’ stellar 2019 for granted guys. Dude killed it this year.
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