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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by T3551ER

  1. snagged it this AM. Will give it a thorough digestion and write more, but already loving this. Tasty!
  2. hahaha that's awesome. love you Tom
  3. Lucifer - just finished up 2nd part of Season 5. A bit jarring because of the long break between halves, but part II delivers, and delivers, and delivers. I'm not sure I've seen anyone here mention this show - I would call it a guilty pleasure but it's really turned into one of my favorite shows of all time. Funny and entertaining at the outset, it's now doing great things with characters that I actually care about, mainly because the show delves deep into the human condition. It's a show that started strong and then just got better as time went on - the switch to Netflix clearly opened doors for the showrunners to run with it, to the best effect. The Harley Quinn Show (HBO Max)- Holy fucking lol. I'm not a huge Harley stan but this show has been bonkers good. It's the perfect binge watch (like 20-25 minutes per episode, so you can also just watch bite sized pieces). Not only is it hilarious but holy shit I'm on board with all the fucked up characters - you legit start to care about these miscreants, and the humor here is fantastic. Kind of reminds me of old Adult Swim stuff like Aqua Teen or Sealab 2021... but with more heart. Even a passing familiarity with the DC comics archetypes will also pay dividends as everyone is like what you know, but taken to extremes (Jim Gordon is an alcoholic whose marriage is failing and just wants Batman to acknowledge him as more than just a work colleague). Watch the first 5 minutes and you'll know where this thing is going. DO NOT WATCH THIS WITH CHILDREN IN THE ROOM
  4. Just finished up Raised by Wolves. Nutty AF innit? Thoroughly enjoyed it though - sort of a combo of Lost + the 100 with higher production values + 1000% more Prometheus/Ridley Scott. The actress and actor who play Mother + Father are so friggin' good. I really, really hope all the stuff they are throwing out there actually have an explanation, and it's not a Lost writer's room "oh that's cool and mysterious, put it in, we'll figure it out later..." sort of thing. 9.5 flying snakes / 10 android sex scenes
  5. That, is an awesome quote. Love it!
  6. Well, in my experience, people who do that are themselves highly insecure, and have doubts about their self worth. It's like... you ever meet someone who constantly and consistently says things like "I'm such a good person, just such a good person, I don't know why X person is treating me this way?!" Those people aren't really trying to convince you of this truth, they're trying to convince themselves. Feel like most stuff like this comes down to that - people that feel like they have limited worth and so need to go around convincing the world that they are "important" and "worth it" and have "done something" when some small, scared part of them is in the corner of their mind going "right? I am... right? please tell me I'm worth something." My 2 cents/armchair psychoanalyzing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I know it's annoying as shit but if she's your girl and you can see it from that perspective maybe it'll both help you feel less annoyed and maybe help you figure out a way to help her deal with what may be some deep underlying issues with self worth.
  7. Don't think this is stupid at all and, in fact, a smashing idea! I looked through the list of charities and think they all look great - though if we choose something like the preserve jazz and blues one it might be a bit out of genre for the music most folks make here. Anyway, love the idea, personally would be glad to contribute content. Seems like it'd be both fun + for a good cause...
  8. Yo! Really digging this - I went back and dug through the @dingformungtracks on Soundcloud. Love the liquidity of your grooves man - it's got that nice, slithery sort of Elektron sound, underpinned by tight percussive stabs. I'm curious how much of your stuff is based on found sound things like this and how much of it is done digitally? Also: can you shed a little bit of light on your processing process (hahah) for found sounds? I've only very recently gotten in to it (god it's such an eye opener) but I feel like they often lack the "punch" of the stuff here (and in your other music - if it is, indeed, found sounds). Gooooood shit - oh, also, for some reason the vid only shows me a gray box (double checked on another browser/device, same thing). Can you re-up?
  9. Just catching up on this thread. These are great! I particularly like this one - the sound design stuff here is pretty bonkers. Curious about what you are doing with Operator to achieve these. Nothing too much to add critique wise here, partly just wanted to come and show some love and also say how awesome it is you decided to pick music back up later in life. It's such a joy/pleasure to see proof that music making/art isn't bound by age (so often it seems people equate it with youth, at least in the west). Enjoying your tunes!
  10. lol. Also, if anyone has ever worked for the government in any capacity, then you know that things like, uh, efficiency and coordination are not ... hallmarks. Anything you want to do requires, like, 7 committees to review it, 4 planning meetings, 10 "implementation" meetings (that are really planning meetings but you talk about what you think you should be doing instead of actually doing it) and maybe 6 months later you've got everyone to agree to print an information card which, by this point, is woefully out of date. Imagining one government being able to coordinate even one of these conspiracy theories is laughable. The idea of multiple governments coordinating it is ludicrous. Back OT: A point of interest - my wife got her 2nd dose of Moderna about a month ago. She's still breast feeding our infant, and I happen to be part of a study where I have monthly serology tests to monitor levels of antibodies in my bloodstream against COVID. We decided to test our infant last week - no dice, no appreciable levels of antibodies according to the test (which I don't think necessarily means anything - I'm not sure of the sensitivity of the test -it's an at-home yes/no type one). Just a bit of anecdotal info about conferring antibodies/immunity to children... will probably end up testing her again in a few weeks just to see if any change.
  11. hahahaha I came here to post that I'm having this weird urge to hit the "Ignore this Topic" button everytime I see it... it's just so... ENTICING.
  12. Ha, you are ripping through it! Only, like 14 more seasons to go (kidding kidding, but, man they made a lot of seasons). lol, yeah, Jared's go to move is the furrowed brow + the shrugging his shoulders up and down whenever some serious action happens. I think he gets a bit better by the end though - actually feel like on rewatch I appreciated him a bit more (though, let's face it, a lot of this show is pretty hammy). Actually, looked it up - actually think some of the stuff he does in S9 is actually pretty deece acting w/ the whole Ezekial stuff (though, the guy who plays Zeke - wtf is up with how he talks? part of me wonders if Jared Padelecki's range is so limited that his "affected angel voice" is all he can muster, so the guy who plays Zeke has to try and mimic that). Moving into S10-> forward you're in for a treat - S11 in particular does some great stuff w/ upping the stakes that feels both logical and earned...
  13. @auxien bang up job man, hats (and other haberdashery) off! I find the whole process fascinating - glad you two were able to meld minds on this one, it sounds so unique, but as if it's all coming from the same source. Lovely stuff. Also, enjoy nicking them techniques (one of the true joys in life)!
  14. 2021, the year where kickass music is being released. I feel like this is an emerging theme, and, god damn, how nice it is to feel like maybe, just maybe, there is light at the end of a long tunnel. This release is no exception, melding the sensibilities of two fine artists into an unmissable cavalcade of digital goodness, liquid, Elektron squiggles and deep bass hits. There is a real danger with music like this that it can become overstuffed, but this album somehow manages to throw sounds at your face at lightspeed while remaining cogent throughout, always tiptoing up to the edge of chaos, but never falling in wholeheartedly. Pop? A very odd thing to ascribe to this sound, but I get it: there is something immediately graspable here that causes instant head nod, while a maelstrom of other things careen around your head, ready for further examination. In truth, my favorite music has this feature - something I can hear (and, more importantly feel) immediately and resonate with, along with numerous other layers that invite further study, and reveal their treasures upon repeat listens. That this was done by two people working remotely is amazing, as it feels singular and whole, without the stain of obvious hands in the mix. What is more amazing is just how. fucking. good. it sounds. FFS stop reading this and go buy it. It's time to celebrate!!!
  15. Neoclassical meets atmospheric ambient musings with some unsettling mutations thrown in for good measure. Although he chose #5 as the promo track (and it's a great overall representation of the album) #4 is what gets me every time: https://thebrokencradle.bandcamp.com/track/are-you-there Good for fans of Nils Frahm, Phillip Glass, and things of that ilk. Great way to start the weekend!
  16. Just biked in to say that "dopamine oscillators" is such a spot on (and unique) term for this phenomena. Never heard it before, props (and apologies for inevitably stealing it for future conversations)
  17. Ok, FINALLY got around to watching Synchronic (since it dropped on Netflix was willing to give it a go). Annnnnd... Actually really liked it. I went in to it with extremely lowered expectations so I think that probably helped, and I also spaced it out over a few days, which may have helped with some of the potential pacing issues. I actually spent a couple of days thinking about why I liked it, particularly given that a lot of people seemed to really hate it (not just you TJ, lots of negative reviews out there), and have come to the conclusion that: These guys write/make films that rely on the audience identifying with the main character(s) and, if you do, it makes a lot of the stuff that might otherwise seem cheesy and just plain stupid AF not so bothersome, and perhaps even endearing. I also think I have to be in the right headspace, otherwise my opinion might vary wildly. Spring is my favorite of theirs, but as someone who lost a parent around the same age as the protagonist, I totally resonated with some of the shit he was going through. It wasn't hard for me to see myself saying/doing some of the things he did, even though someone else might find it all laughable. I also happened to come across that one at just. the. right. time for its messages to land. 5 years later or earlier and I probably would have just hated it. For this one (I'll spoiler it in case people might want to watch unfettered by advance knowledge): Ultimately, it's not a film that I'd probably recommend to someone - unless I knew them really well and knew where they were in their life and I thought that it might resonate them. And even then I'd have to give the caveat that, depending on their mood, they might find it to be total crap. Solid B+ from me though - actually though the direction was a step up from their earlier efforts.
  18. I might "accidentally" have to come across that video myself ? EdIt: interesting article just came across the feed about the topic of 70$ game particularly in light of difficulty, etc. https://www.denofgeek.com/games/returnal-price-ps5-difficulty-save-feature-controversy/
  19. @onecasemanmmm, fair point. Biohazard was such a good game - somehow keep forgetting Village is around the corner. @Joyrexikr! Pretty nuts that games are inching closer to 100$ than $50 these days (at least on next gen)...
  20. ^yeah, ouch. Also, it's actually the "fun" part that I'm most on the fence about. W/ limited time and whatnot a bullet hell roguelike seems like it could be just another job, ya know? Reviews are through the roof tho... probably pick it up on inevitable sale at some point....
  21. Any PS5 heads pick up Returnal yet? Thinking about grabbing it but the (at least current) lack of autosave makes me nervy....
  22. really enjoyed this - actually kind of got a little teary eyed, it's quite a beautiful track. Please post more.
  23. Came here to post about Shock-G, what a loss. I think that people so often think about the "joke" aspect of the group but Shock-G was also legit musician who probably was my first introduction to the P-Funk sound (great article here about him https://www.stereogum.com/2145671/shock-g-tribute/columns/status-aint-hood/). He was also doing "persona" rap way before the Slim Shady's of the world and, guess what, also introduced the world to 2-Pac. But, he was also fun! I'm with everyone here who has posted about this brining back serious nostalgia. I could probably still recite the entire Humpty Dance from memory, have loads of fond memories watching their vids on MTV back in the day. On the topic of safe sex aspect of the group, here's a fun story: Growing up as a biracial half asian/half polish kid (you read that right) I was often drawn to rap as a reflection of my inner angst/minority identity. I got deep into N.W.A., and then Gheto Boys, 2liveCrew etc. etc. Yes, skinny little asian looking kid w/ huge glasses thinking I was "hard" is as ridiculous as it sounds. Somehow I managed to sneak in tapes from all the aforementioned groups without my parents knowing (and anyone with even a passing knowledge of those groups knows how filthy the language, not to mention the content). However, the tape that got rap banned in my house? Friggin' "Sex Packets" ... an album loosely based around a fictional drug that gives you a sexual experience without having to actually have intercourse, making it ironically a safe sex alternative. Not to mention it was the antithesis of most of the rest of my rap collection, insofar as it was lighthearted, playful, and just plain fun. Here's a tip to parents: Maybe.. actually listen to the content your kids are consuming before tossing it/banning it? (Though, I suppose lines like "in the 69 my Humpty nose will tickle your rear" might be legit cause for concern ) R.I.P
  24. i legit just spit out my beverage reading this lol
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