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Everything posted by milkface

  1. Seven Forty Seven from the Warp20 compilation is also extremely high up on my list.
  2. Watched S1 when it first came out and never touched the show again - is it worth it?
  3. Currently on Sopranos S3E2 - this show, whilst its great, it's extremely painful to watch. The writers really did a good job of making 95% of the characters beyond vile.
  4. French national team not doing too well in the nations league right now. World cup + nations league curse
  5. Enjoying S3 of Love Death + Robots - every season has its mediocre shorts but there are some really strong ones in this one (visually and story-wise).
  6. Is there still no WATMM discord that people use?
  7. Just rewatched Miles David: Birth of the Cool, such a brilliant documentary.
  8. milkface

    Now Reading

    I always appreciate reflections on the real.
  9. Love how he mentions Morbius and auteur cinema within 30 seconds.
  10. Thanks for sharing - the thread title makes it seem like Peel had a meltdown on air or something lol
  11. Saw that. Autechre CDs in the bin. Son's crying. Thanks Autechre.
  12. I'm eternally grateful that I have always lived in European towns and cities that are extremely walkable (to the point where owning a car is completely useless) with amazing public transport connections. Cities designed around cars are beyond ugly and depressing.
  13. Kenobi is decent, script writing is pretty poor but that's standard for Star Wars but it was worth checking out.
  14. https://hotelradioparis.com/ Been listening for years and I love it.
  15. Am I the only person disgusted by the way society reacts to current events displayed in the modern era? The comments on news videos of graphic videos of Ukranian/Russian troops being killed in the invasion and the way in which the Johnny Depp/ Amber Heard trial was portrayed just remind me of some modern day gladiator fight. It's dystopian.
  16. I disagree with the arrogant (this is WATMM I know) comments on page 1 about how it isn't a wave or anything but of course it was, this kind of music was only made especially between 2009-2012 and influenced the aesthetic and fashion of the 2010s no doubt. This music looks and sounds like 2013 Instagram and GTA V.
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