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Everything posted by milkface

  1. There's still 2 episodes to go to be fair - that ep 11 phone call will definitely be elaborated upon. Also a Gus Fring spinoff would be unreal I would eat that shit up. Same here haha
  2. Thought I wasn't gonna like this this but I really like it!
  3. Good opening (home) game against Birmingham City the other day. A 0-0 draw at full time which is a significant improvement on last season when they beat us 5-0 at home. We signed two new players today (Aribim Pebble and John McAtee) - Pebble seems so sweet, humble and motivated. Recruitment did a good job getting him in from Canada.
  4. Ask it what happened on Avril 14th
  5. EFL Championship started yesterday but starts properly today, as does League One and Two. The Premier League is going to start in just under a week. Thoughts? Opinions? Predictions?
  6. Gene/Jimmy/Saul just shitting himself whilst Jeff's on the CCTV screen like
  7. I could be misinterpreting you here but you're making it out that only people who dont agree with the status quo in their country have an ideology - like people that use the word propaganda to label ideas that go against their own ideas. (If two people are accusing each other of being propagandists then who is and who isn't?) The political ideology of each and every country is forced upon children in schools and by society in general, (as most states with a homogenous language and religion tend to be united), until the point that child disagrees or carries on agreeing with until the age of usually 15/16, just because you're not aware of it because it's simply normal in your country doesn't mean it's not there. Whether you're told something or you read it yourself you end up at the same conclusion. For example, let's say a 22 year old guy in East Germany in 1977 just went with the flow and liked what was going on around him for the most part, I would argue that would make them a Marxist-Leninist, which is an ideology that requires time to be invested from someone who does not live in a Marxist-Leninist state, unlike the East German guy who will align with ML ideas through apathy and being content. Similarly, a person content with the UK's system is probably a neo-conservative, they will have become like this through the school and society, but someone in an ML country would have had to manually learn neo-conservatism. Additionally I feel that ideologies themselves are a spectrum and aren't as rigid as people think, the most minor changes doesn't mean you're a different ideology, many are umbrellas for certain types of thought. People who align with the same ideology are allowed to disagree with each other on things.
  8. It's like when the bugs under my skin started talking!!!! ? funny world. My uncle is works for a big vehicle company (working on sustainable engines and fuel don't worry) and he told me about this and it had never occured to me.
  9. Social democracy (capitalism funded "progressive" social program based society) but not socialism lol. The state is a tool for one class to opress the other. Saying that socialism can exist under capitalism even though socialism requires the class antagonism to be flipped on it's head is simply wrong. Socialism isn't just social, it's economic too.
  10. I feel that people align to ideologies without even knowing about it though, of course things aren't all black and white but political views tend to come in rigid varieties, like how conspiracy theorists always call people sheep, despite the fact they are all a community that believe the same thing. Your average joe in a western country will be a neoliberal, sometimes by accident if they don't care for politics, the general consensus is that (watered down): right wing economics with left wing social views is just normal. Even in left wing spaces in real life and online that I have seen, people can so easily be categorised into like 7 different groups. I see your point in the bit I have quoted but in the same way I feel like atheism or apatheism is still a religion/ world view as athiests I know almost all treat their atheism or lack of care for religion as a community in itself. Ideologies remain rigid because they're like recipies, although you may not like the meal at the end they all kind of make sense because you will tend to align with a set of political views that you feel will benefit you and mixing and matching different views that aren't in an already existing ideology will probably end up in some kind of mess of contradictions. I'm not good at explaining shit but what I mean is that saying you don't have an ideology is such an individualist thing to say. Anyone who believes anything believes the same thing as millions of others. Political views are a spectrum but the vast majority of people congregate together on points of this spectrum. Democracy wouldn't work if every single person disagreed. I feel a lack of something is still something.
  11. Okay but nobody is above ideology. Any one who believes in something adheres to an ideology. People (especially centrists) like to think they're special or "neither left nor right" or "above politics" but everybody falls inside a category somewhere.
  12. It's extremely condescending but it's true. And it doesn't have to include you either, PDFs are free and as long are literate in any language then you can read. I'm literally a westerner myself and I have benefitted from the greed of both the United Kingdom and France which have given me a life of luxury as a working class person. Can the working class in the "third world" say the same? That's the problem with sharing socialist ideas though - they require critical thinking and a lot of reading. Whereas right wing "theory" is either some weird esoteric shit like "the aryan race are extraterrestrial beings from a mythical land" or some ayn rand level toilet paper where a rich person pretends to be working class and lectures the working class as to why the rich must be our overlords. As for the "internet capitalist" I'm talking about most people I come across on reddit and on this forum who champion pro-equality ideas until it requires changing the status quo (which is not pro-equality at all) who resort to insults (on this forum particularly) if anyone dares tell people that the first world countries in which we live keep the developping world in debt and oppression.
  13. Yeah that's called having an ideology and morals. Why would you change your mind because some internet capitalist told you everything was supposedly fine and that the solution is to just trust society's greedy to not be greedy by themselves? And I might add, as I said in my previous message it's not about getting western liberals "on board" - they will be the last to get on board. Westerners are ignorant and self indulgent. The "first world" will be the last nations to adapt to socialism and this will inevitably lead to socialism or barbarism when our nations are no longer able to use legal slavery to pillage developping nations and enslave their people and keep them in debt and reliant on us.
  14. In the case that this post isn't satirical, the mere implication that the Democrat party are anywhere close to left wing, let alone the centre is hilarious.
  15. Not really got a choice. Revolutions won't come from the imperial core, rather they'll happen in developping nations in which the first world requires their exploitation in order for capitalism to "function". Once there's nobody left to exploit there will be no other option. Why do you think the CIA has worked overtime to stop socialism in the third world? You complain of violence but what have capitalist countries been doing since WW2?
  16. This one slipped my radar. Insane stuff as usual from him.
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