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Everything posted by milkface

  1. vodka + hash = being frassed live on radio
  2. Insanely close to maxing town hall 11 on clash of clans
  3. I knew a guy who had to have a catheter fitted because he'd fucked his bladder with ket.
  4. Girlfriend got me into What We Do in the Shadows which I'm enjoying at the moment. Also enjoying Better Call Saul and also rewatching Trailer Park Boy for the 4th time. Watched the first season of The Walking Dead 2 years ago and might start that after Better Call Saul is done.
  5. Decent game against Burnley last week, 1-1 draw against an ex-Premier league team is decent! PNE at home tomorrow who we beat 4-0 home and 3-0 away last season so hopefully a 3 points tucked away there. Hoping Watford lose their game against Burnley that's going on right now.
  6. Been meaning to post this here for ages now (1980s Libyan-Egyptian Funk).
  7. I'm only 21 so bit early to say, but so far, yes.
  8. This was my iphone lockscreen years back
  9. There's still 2 episodes to go to be fair - that ep 11 phone call will definitely be elaborated upon. Also a Gus Fring spinoff would be unreal I would eat that shit up. Same here haha
  10. Thought I wasn't gonna like this this but I really like it!
  11. Good opening (home) game against Birmingham City the other day. A 0-0 draw at full time which is a significant improvement on last season when they beat us 5-0 at home. We signed two new players today (Aribim Pebble and John McAtee) - Pebble seems so sweet, humble and motivated. Recruitment did a good job getting him in from Canada.
  12. Ask it what happened on Avril 14th
  13. EFL Championship started yesterday but starts properly today, as does League One and Two. The Premier League is going to start in just under a week. Thoughts? Opinions? Predictions?
  14. Gene/Jimmy/Saul just shitting himself whilst Jeff's on the CCTV screen like
  15. I could be misinterpreting you here but you're making it out that only people who dont agree with the status quo in their country have an ideology - like people that use the word propaganda to label ideas that go against their own ideas. (If two people are accusing each other of being propagandists then who is and who isn't?) The political ideology of each and every country is forced upon children in schools and by society in general, (as most states with a homogenous language and religion tend to be united), until the point that child disagrees or carries on agreeing with until the age of usually 15/16, just because you're not aware of it because it's simply normal in your country doesn't mean it's not there. Whether you're told something or you read it yourself you end up at the same conclusion. For example, let's say a 22 year old guy in East Germany in 1977 just went with the flow and liked what was going on around him for the most part, I would argue that would make them a Marxist-Leninist, which is an ideology that requires time to be invested from someone who does not live in a Marxist-Leninist state, unlike the East German guy who will align with ML ideas through apathy and being content. Similarly, a person content with the UK's system is probably a neo-conservative, they will have become like this through the school and society, but someone in an ML country would have had to manually learn neo-conservatism. Additionally I feel that ideologies themselves are a spectrum and aren't as rigid as people think, the most minor changes doesn't mean you're a different ideology, many are umbrellas for certain types of thought. People who align with the same ideology are allowed to disagree with each other on things.
  16. It's like when the bugs under my skin started talking!!!! ? funny world. My uncle is works for a big vehicle company (working on sustainable engines and fuel don't worry) and he told me about this and it had never occured to me.
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