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Everything posted by IDEM

  1. Pascal had a residency in the very first club I went to, spinning every Thursday night back in 1991 or thereabouts for us kids with our police whistles and our welder's goggles. It was where I first heard Sven Väth play as well, but Pascal basically taught me how to walk (i. e. dance). R.I.P. Pascal. Thank you for the music.
  2. Huh, for me the odd one out is top left. Dude looks literally unreal to me, like either a bad painting or a bad photoshop; must be the makeup.
  3. Ya, this is still dope. Perfect mix to take a walk around a lake or something on a sunny day.
  4. Season 2 is even better, it's my favorite out of the whole bunch. I've been clinging on since then, and yeah, it's been a bit hit and miss, but all in all worthwhile, I'd say. Every second season is quite good, but I forget if it's the even numbers or the odd ones, lol. It seems to get a lot of hate, but I like to think it's not as bad as the haters say. Basically, it's a soap opera with Zombies, but it does have some pretty suspenseful moments, and I've never regretted watching it. Also, if you're particularly annoyed by some character, there's always the chance they'll get bitten, which is a major plus.
  5. Has anyone seen the recent leaks for The Last of Us 2? Apparently, the story and certain characters are considered "controversial" and have gotten a lot of flak from gamers ... Dunno why, as I try to avoid major spoilers, but I guess it might have to do with the female lead? I'm still looking forward to it and hope it gets released soon; Naughty Dog games are pretty much the only must-haves for me these days. Sorry if this has been discussed, haven"t been following the thread.
  6. Yeah, packaging is really nice in person, nothing too fancy, but very slick looking. Totally happy with the purchase for the price.
  7. I can't really compare, because even though I was familiar with the originals, I never actually owned them (which is why this bundle was convenient). He obviously knows what he's doing, having worked at Dubplates & Mastering before and now operating his own mastering studio with ~scape mastering, but I guess they already sounded pretty good anyway, so I don't think that much has changed really; this is from a recent interview where he was asked about any major changes in sound for the re-issues: "I don't like the term 're-mastering'. That's only called for if the original pressing didn't actually sound good. Here I just made sure that the vinyl sounded a little more open in parts, because there was a tad too little treble here and there on Pole 1 and 2, and most importantly that cutting flaws like distortion and needle jumping were corrected. Otherwise, the box set was meant to replicate the vibe from back then a 100%. So I deliberately didn't make everything LOUDER, but rather adjusted some inaccuracies without removing their charm." Complete interview in German
  8. Autechre -- Move of Ten Lego Feet -- s/t Pole -- 1 2 3
  9. Yeah, you guys were the vanguard. Here in good old Bavaria, we're still getting used to it.
  10. In Germany, it's now mandatory in shops and public transport.
  11. I'll trade you for an Analord binder. Edit: It is used however, and I love onions.
  12. Also, The Office and Parks and Recreation ... It's on my watchlist, but it shares that characteristic with roughly 80 other shows/movies atm, so ...
  13. IDEM


    Which cans did you buy?
  14. What? Nooo! Mine arrived a week ago, but I haven't even opened it yet, and now I'm afraid to. Gah!
  15. I don't know, I'm somewhere between "boring and forgettable" and "AOTY", I think. As I said, it's nice music for drivin' around, but I think I admire it more for the production than for the composition or originality. It's a fun little excursion and definitely sounds good to me when blasted loud.
  16. Aye. The album didn't really click with me until I played it loud in the car today. (had only listened on headphones before). Great cruisin' music with nice hip-hoppy beatfuckery and huuuge bass/sub-bass on some tracks. Also, "The Invisible Girl' is one of the most BOC tunes BOC never made.
  17. Never really noticed before how a heel can look like a strapped ballsack, but now I can't unsee it.
  18. I watched it for the both of us, and yes, you are most welcome.
  19. Unlike you, I have a good reason to replay it because as much as it hurts me to say it, The way I remember it, the constant onslaught of random fights got on my nerves and I began to bail on most of them to make progress with the story, so that when I reached the end I was too weak from lack of fighting. ? I meant to go back and train myself for the boss fight of boss fights, but then I got high or something and never finished the game. So I've still got a bone to pick with good old Sephi, and I've been sort of waiting for an opprtunity, but now that's finally available, I just saw a video review, and now I'm kind of afraid to play it. It just doesn't look very appealing to me, not like the game I loved so much back then (well, apart from the gazillion random fights). To me, it looks like they disposed of its charm and turned it into just another live action game. I think I expected some retro feel, but the spirit seems to be gone. It just looks too modern to me, if that makes sense. I bet it's still a great game, but to my own surprise, I'm not really interested in it, and apparently it's just the first section of the original too, which wouldn't really help me in my quest for revenge anyway Is there a port of the original somewhere for PS3 or PS4? I might just play that. Or perhaps I'll dust off the PS1, look for the old memory cards, pick up where I left decades ago and start manning and leveling up. I need closure.
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