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Everything posted by zero

  1. facebook getting wiped out is great and all. but if facebook dies, something else will just pop up in its place. you can't kill the social media beast that was shitted out on the world. they'll just flock to something else and it will keep going on and on. in an alternate universe perfect world, social media only advances as far as online forums. things were p much fine online back in like 2001. forums. that's all the social media human brains can successfully handle. posting online anonymously and not dragging too much of your real self online.
  2. ^ would be awesome if they could train the butterflies to attack all those conspiracy wackos. a swarm of butterflies eating the Q dudes faces off is a fitting retaliatory move, if you ask me.
  3. take a screenshot then nonfungible it. sit back and wait. watch as they will come to you. the bids will come in.
  4. Nightmare Alley. I liked it. how tf was del Toro able to get this cast? so many great actors in here all giving killer performances. powerful final scene from Cooper. if you like anything old school carnival or Hollywood noir, then check it out. some of the art deco sets were total eye candy. and I'm really starting to think that Cate Blanchett might be the GOAT. I know she's got Meryl Streep slightly in front of her, but she's not far behind. only issue with this film is it seemed a little long. should of probably been 2hrs instead of 2.5.
  5. Trump is like one of those cartoon villains that never dies. as long as he's not dead, in jail, or in serious legal doo doo, then that motherfucker is going to be constantly hovering over our political system for many years to come. I have no doubt he will be back in 2024. I'm reporting from the ground here in trump land, and can tell you that without a doubt people will still vote for that guy, despite the 2016-2020 nonsense. it is all 200% illogical. future generations will all be facepalming massively when they read about this era of America land. shit just keeps getting dumber here. bunkers and cabins in the woods. that's all that's left to escape all this.
  6. fuck politics. so sick of it. we need to do away with all this R vs D bullshit. it's not going to get any better for any of us with the 2 of them always doing this. not sure what would work better here tho (communism!)
  7. Jan. 6th = all good in R land. nothing to see here, move along....just more proof that the republican party are all a bunch of bat shit insane maga-ists: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/rnc-votes-censure-cheney-kinzinger-investigating-capitol-riot-rcna14943 it's just all so f'n crazy man. we should just do everything the king grifter wants. can't wait until 2024. who knows. maybe they'll all tear each other apart by then. or maybe the CIA will grow a pair and enact Operation Nada Mas Orange
  8. do you remember the last guy the US had as president? like we had much of a fucking choice here. the 2020 election was either a vote for continued la-la land insanity, or a vote to try and bring things in this country back to some level of "normal." I'm not a huge Biden fan either, but at least he's not stupid ass trump. and sadly, and I can't believe this is reality, but there is decent shot that that fucking guy could come back to Make America Great Again Again!
  9. lol come to Texas bruv. we got them hanging out all day long 'round here. waiting for a JFK / Elvis concert to happen, I think
  10. and what is the usual emotional precursor to stress levels being amplified or being on edge? fear. fear of the unknown. that's something humans have traditionally not handled well. it leads to fantastical ideas trying to understand some unknown thing, e.g. conspiracy theories. how did covid happen? not entirely clear, so let's come up with something that fits our narrative in order to make sense of it. again, nothing new here. but this time around it seems much different because of internet being everywhere, as opposed to back in the day when this stuff couldn't spread as widely and fast as it does now. social media gives anyone with a device a voice to spew out who-knows-what information, which others of the same social demographics see, and therefore are sadly more inclined to believe it is the truth.
  11. this line reminded me of the infamous Stanford prison experiment. and not trying to make light of the pandemic at all, but looking at what's gone on in the world in the past 6-7 years from a psychological/sociological perspective is fascinating, but also depressing. as we know, a lot of folks in western world countries seem to be exhibiting much higher levels of narcissism, aggression, and pro-authoritarian traits than what was status quo in the past. and then loop in a global pandemic with these changing attitudes, and yeah, here we are. really makes me wonder if trump and the whole changing of things politically hadn't of happened 7 years ago, would we be as bad off as we are today in regards to vaccination rates, and bringing this thing under control. I'm sure there would still be anti-vaxxers, as those have existed since the dawn of modern medicine, but possibly at lower numbers than what we see today. equating masks/vaccines with your political stance really got a boost in the negative direction from orange guy and all the maga talking heads in this country. and of course, social media sucks.
  12. ha, no, I'm right handed. but good to know I'm not alone with the phantom vibrate thing.
  13. yes. and I have 2 phones, 1 for work and 1 personal, so it's like double the heart attack. speaking of phones - since first owning a cell phone back in 2005, I've always kept my phone on vibrate, and always keep it in my left front pocket. I think that has caused some sort of "phantom ring syndrome" to happen on my left leg. like sometimes I think my phone is vibrating in my left pocket, and I don't even have my phone with me. I instantly reach down to grab my phone when I feel what I think is my phone vibrating, and there's nothing there. I check my leg and there's no muscle twitch or anything like that going on. so the only reasonable explanation is my mind is playing tricks on me.
  14. for sure. I was thinking along the lines of the Q folks, not the flip side of that. I read the overconfidence in their abilities part of that definition, and was laughingly trying to equate that with the arrogance of these Q guys.
  15. lol the "metacognitively impaired" tag sounds like scientist speak for what is colloquially known as "giant asshole"
  16. pleasant blast from the past seeing the mushroom man's name pop up on here. this has a similar vibe as Fast Asleep, which is his masterpiece. cover art also reminds me a bit of that one as well. there's something so nostalgic about those mid to late '90s ninja comps and mixes. I still pull them out of their CD cases from time to time and give them a whirl. a lot hasn't aged well, but they're classics nonetheless. and I know the barber beats/vapor stuff is there to scratch that itch. not exactly the same, but some of it works.
  17. I read an interview with DJ Shadow some years ago where he talked about how he can no longer get away with the level of sampling he once did after he got famous. when he did try and reach out to the unknown artists from the '70s he was going to sample for a new track, they either refused, or tried to get him to pay them way too much $$$. it really clicked for me when I read that as to why he went so downhill after Private Press. he started trying to come up with his own stuff instead of sampling, and that's not his forte.
  18. it's so fucking depressing when you catch up with an old friend you haven't talked to in ages, and during the course of conversation find out they've fallen down the anti-vax nonsensical right wing rabbit hole. it's like you thought you knew this person. like we used to hang out all the time, shooting the shit, drinking beer, what not. they seemed to share common values with you and had many an intelligent conversation with. how are you not able to see all that crap is a bunch of bullshit you now believe in? FFS. all this divisiveness that really reared its ugly head since oh about 2015 when orange shithead came onto the political scene is just so fucking frustrating. like I really thought things were going in the right direction in regards to society having more accepting attitudes toward multiculturalism, getting along, following common sense principles, etc. then all this other crap comes along and now we're trending back to the racist, backward ass closed-mindedness of like 100 years ago. fuck it. bring on the AI overlords. some humans need serious brain re-programming, can't deal with all this technology. some of them need a lot of help trying to navigate this brave new world. idk what to do anymore. just manage my own bubble I guess.
  19. what are they all going to do tomorrow in Ottawa...fly flags and storm an empty parliament building? can't recall hearing about much rioting in that town.
  20. ^ I'll let him reply, but I read that sentence and interpreted it as meaning that the landscapers planted it and then mulched around the base before he could add compost into the hole. would think it's p obvious that mulch goes on top, and not below.
  21. good to know. yeah probably me being a little paranoid thinking that trimming a young plant/tree will do something bad to it. I also second the advice about adding compost into the hole and mixing that in with the native soil when planting something new. also some general planting advice is to make sure the spot where you're planting is not in too much of a water ponding area. I had a shrub go through crazy transplant shock as the spot was too wet when & where I planted. I was dumb and thought that hey extra water = good, since it gets crazy hot here and didn't want to lose it due to drought. but nope, that spot stayed wet for far too long, and the shrub of course acted accordingly and dropped all it's leaves, then eventually branches died. I left it alone and after about a year new shoots started growing from the base, as the roots had adapted by that point to the terrain and soldiered through.
  22. I normally try and avoid trimming anything that hasn't grown a lot or matured yet. I had a similar thing with low branches on a persimmon tree I planted a few years back. I left it alone after planting, as I'm worried chopping stuff off of it after recently planting will cause it more stress/shock. 2 years later it was much bigger, and then I pruned the lower branches off it.
  23. IMO sampling too many lines of TV/movie dialogue in a track is annoying and distracting. I want to hear the music, and not some random conversation from a movie. sampling a few words to include in a track here or there is ok, if they can be blended in and manipulated creatively so they match the vibe of the music. an example of this bad movie dialogue sampling that I can think of off the top of my head would be DJ Shadow cops and robbers mix of Stem, where he added a whole bunch of dialogue from the movie Heat. totally unnecessary. vaporwave has been criticized as a genre of lazy sampling. find a random chill out CD with unknown artists from 2015, take a track from it, pitch it down, maybe loop a few bars, add some effects, and rename it as your own. IMO they should be crediting the original artist and calling their track a remix, but it doesn't seem to work like that. I like the end result of what they've done, but if I was the original artist, yeah, I'd probably be slightly pissed. haircuts for men definitely broke the sampling rule when he pitched down IZ-US and called it his own.
  24. yeah I wouldn't think it would make it up there. I'm sure there are some cold hardy varieties of fig that could take super low temps from time to time, but not the consistent low temps that happen roughly Nov - Mar where you are. I mentioned above about one of our neighbors figs getting wrecked last year when it got briefly as low as 0f / -17c here. it was already fairly mature, meaning root system was hardened, and those temps killed all its branches.
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